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California’s Choices: 2018 Ballot Measures

Tue, October 30, 2018
Dinner Program
Ken Miller and Bob Stern

Exercising the power to determine important policy issues by direct popular vote, this fall Californians will vote on 11 propositions covering a broad range of subjects including various bond measures, repeal on certain limits on rent control, an expansion of Prop 13, repeal of the recently enacted gas tax, potential changes to seasonal daylight savings time, and further regulation of farm animal confinement. Bob Stern, one of the state’s leading political commentators, and Ken Miller, professor of government at CMC, will provide expert analysis of these consequential choices and will also present the Video Voter series of informational videos produced by Rose Institute students.

Bob Stern is the co-founder and former president of the Center for Governmental Studies, a California think tank focused on political reform. Stern has been called “the godfather of modern political reform in California.” He began drafting and analyzing political reform laws as a staff attorney for the California Legislature’s Assembly Elections Committee; he then served as the Elections Counsel to the California Secretary of State’s office. He has drafted numerous state initiatives, and was a principal drafter of the City of Los Angeles’ Ethics and Public Campaign Financing laws in 1990. Stern is a graduate of Pomona College and Stanford Law.

Ken Miller is a member of the Government Department at CMC and is the Associate Director of the Rose Institute. His research focuses on state government institutions, with emphasis on direct democracy (initiative, referendum, and recall) and the interaction between.

View Video: YouTube with Ken Miller and Bob Stern


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