Better Angels: Documentary Film Screening and Discussion
At a time when the world’s two acknowledged superpowers seem to be moving towards economic and political conflict, a new feature documentary explores how the destiny of both countries became so deeply and inextricably intertwined. By examining the day-to-day lives of ordinary Chinese and American citizens, this feature-length documentary asks: Can the United States survive the rise of China? Is confrontation inevitable? Produced over five years, shot on four continents, and created with the participation of three U.S. Secretaries of State, the documentary captures compelling stories that highlight the global stakes, challenges and opportunities of the world’s most important bilateral relationship. A Q & A and discussion with former Congressman David Dreier ’75 and the film’s producer William Mundell will follow the screening.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Dinner will be served at 5:45 pm and the movie screening will begin at 6:10 pm.
Source and art: Adapted wholly from