Marian Miner Cook

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The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in the Age of Global Christianity

Tue, November 14, 2017
Dinner Program
Jonathan Strom

Jonathan Strom, professor of church history and associate dean of faculty and academic affairs at the Chandler School of Theology at Emory University, will examine the legacy of the Reformation from several key perspectives including scripture, freedom, tolerance, and the rise of global Protestantism and seek to contextualize this with the decline of confessional Protestantism in North America and the growth of Protestantism globally.

Jonathan Strom's work focuses on the history of religion in Germany, with particular attention to the interrelation of theology and culture, the emergence of the Protestant clergy, lay revival movements, and conversion. He is author most recently of German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion and was co-editor of the new Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions. His current book project is a cultural history of the priesthood of all believers.

Strom’s research interests include pietism in continental Europe, the history of the Protestant clergy, and the emergence of modern forms of piety and religious practice. He has written widely on the clergy, lay religion, and reform movements in post-Reformation Germany, and is the author/editor of three books, most recently Pietism and Community in Europe and North America, 1650-1850 (Brill, 2010). Strom is currently at work on two projects, one on conversion narratives in German pietism and another on the history of the common priesthood.

View Video: YouTube with Jonathan Strom

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum

Claremont McKenna College
385 E. Eighth Street
Claremont, CA 91711


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