Highlights of Women and Leadership

Sarah Smith Orr, by Wendalyn Tran


Highlight on Sarah Smith Orr


by Wendalyn Tran '14

Sarah Smith Orr

The Women and Leadership Alliance would like to recognize Sarah Smith Orr, currently serving as executive director of KLI, a co-coordinator of the Women and Leadership Alliance, and teaching courses as a visiting professor. Her expertise lies in leadership — with an emphasis on leadership theory, women leaders, social entrepreneurship, and leadership in the social sector.

"...Within the first thirty minutes of meeting her, Sarah shared everything she knew about people and organizations involved with health, women, and leadership…That interaction and the ideas that came from it still inspire me today." - Erikan Obotetukudo '13.

To read more about Sarah Smith Orr, click here.



Audrey Bilger, by Shree Pandya and Wendalyn Tran


The Women and Leadership Alliance, by Erikan Obotetukudo and Shree Pandya