2007: Signed American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment
LEED Silver or higher for new buildings
Energy-efficient appliance purchasing policy
Encourage use of public transportation, including with monetary incentives
Begin purchasing or produce at least 15 percent of electricity consumption from renewable sources
2010: Climate Action Plan
Set carbon neutrality date of 2050
Reduce emissions 20% compared to 2008 by 2020; 50% by 2035
2012+: Master Plan
Eliminated six inefficient chillers, tied into new chiller plant
Eliminated Mid Quad chillers, tied into second new chiller plant that will also serve Roberts Pavilion
Retrofitted interior and exterior fluorescent and halogen lights to LED
Eliminated use of dining trays and began offering reusable, to-go containers
Installed food decomposers
Converted campus irrigation system to central programming tied to weather station
Installed sub-metering monitors in 18 highest energy-use buildings with remote monitoring
Converted more than five acres of turf to drought-tolerant landscaping/xeriscaping
Constructed bioswales,landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water
Converted to low-flow shower heads and toilets
Added hydration stations
Began donating all unwanted items at the end of the year to the Institution Recycling Network