Pooreum Seo
Hometown: Los Angeles
Major: Math and Literature
Scholarship: Conte Scholar for First-Generation Students
“I didn’t think I’d be able to go to a great college because I come from a low-income family and since I am the first generation to go to college. I thought I couldn’t get enough support from the government or the state. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to go to college at all. The Conte Scholarship gives me this opportunity and more of a reason to give back to the community. I always liked community service and helping others because so many people have helped me and because I know what it feels like to be a recipient of everyone’s concern, love and support. This scholarship strengthens my belief that I should give back. It gives me more of a reason to become the best that I can be.”

Teagan Knight
Hometown: Santa Cruz, Calif.
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Kravis Scholar
“The Kravis scholarship gives me funds to pursue summer activities. I’m hoping to do something really cool this summer that helps me figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. To discover what I’m really passionate about.”

Alec Lopata
Hometown: Chicago
Major: Government
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“Throughout CMC, you get really great experiences learning about government and public policy. But I hope through the Dreier Roundtable scholar community to get even deeper insights into these realms.”

Anugraha Anand
Hometown: Bangalore, India
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“The Dreier Scholarship provides me the connections that I need to develop what I want to achieve. Because, obviously, part of it is the idea and the other part of it is knowing the people who could help me implement that idea. I have a lot of opportunities because of CMC and this scholarship. This scholarship will help me direct those opportunities and help me really understand what I want to do in the world.”

Daniel Carr
Hometown: Celebration, Fla.
Major: International Relations
Scholarship: Wagener Family Global Scholar
“What really brought me to CMC was the Wagener Family Global Scholars Program because when I was searching for colleges my top priority was to find a school that would allow me to study abroad in Japan for an extended period of time, because I want to live and work in Japan in the future. The scholarship will enable me to study in Japan three times, which is incredible to me.”

Emma Houston
Hometown: Lexington, Mass.
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Wagener Family Global Scholar
“When I got the letter telling me I was a Wagener Family Global Scholar, I was so happy. I called my mom, grandparents and my father and told them: 'Guys, I get to have this amazing experience.' And the great thing with the Wagener scholarship is that I end up going abroad. After I finish my freshman year, I’m immediately going to be exposed to a different culture and gain a new experience. It’s an amazing opportunity to really get involved in the world. I’m very interested in Spanish and health policy in the United States and internationally. I would find it really interesting to be in a place where not only would I be exposed to international health policy but at the same time, be able to use my Spanish.”

Jack Gleiberman
Hometown: Los Angeles
Major: Economics and Government
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“I’ve always been interested in the interaction between government and markets and the fine balance between intervention and where we let the free market take its course. This Dreier Roundtable Scholarship will help give me the connections, the experience and the technical skills to actually land a job in some area of public policy in the future. I mean when you can have dinner with former Congressman David Dreier and talk to him about the Iran nuclear deal, that’s a very special opportunity.”

Jake Kessler
Hometown: Encino, Calif.
Major: Government
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“The other Dreier Roundtable Scholars are very intelligent and motivated, and I’m excited to go through the CMC experience with them. We've already started to get closer. They all seem like really cool people who I feel will end up helping each other in the future. It’s a great opportunity to meet these people who will go on to be super-successful. I’m excited to have these opportunities, these connections.”

Jenny Perez
Hometown: Encino, Calif.
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Kravis Scholar
“It's really amazing because I have funding for an internship over the summer and down the road having an internship helps get jobs. If I want to go to graduate school, it just looks really good. I’m sure I’ll have really awesome experiences and probably learn a lot.”

Madeline Lee
Hometown: Seattle
Major: International Relations
Scholarship: Wagener Family Global Scholar
“I am an international relations major so anything that gives me opportunities to go abroad and see what different cultures are like is just fascinating. So, the idea that I could do that and have it be covered was just incredible. And it just added to the fact that I even got into CMC in the first place, which is just awesome. It’s already been a great experience.”

Rory Fontenot
Hometown: Portland
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Kravis Scholar
“I know that the Kravis Scholars program and the Kravis Leadership Institute put a big emphasis on leadership, so I want to say 'thank you' for giving me this incredible opportunity. I want to take advantage of it. I don't want to just take the basic benefits. I want to take it and run with it, make the most I can out of it.”

Sam Becker
Hometown: Talent, Ore.
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“We've had some really great discussions together and I look forward to the internship opportunity. To discuss political issues in a very civil manner is something I haven't really been exposed to a lot and I find that valuable. I also find it valuable to attend these talks and panels as a group.”

Lili Muskal
Hometown: Carlsbad, Calif.
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Wagener Family Global Scholar
“I taught English in China and math in Cambodia and also worked on water purification efforts. I want to continue doing this work in developing countries. I am really passionate about bringing education to as many people as I can. The Wagener Global Scholar program will give me that opportunity.”

Jenia Petrova
Hometown: Chicago
Major: International Relations
Scholarship: Conte Scholar for First-Generation Students
“I was born in Bulgaria in a small town, and my parents wanted me to have as many opportunities as I can in life, so they thought the best move for me would be to move to America and give me access to a better education. CMC focuses on leadership and that’s really important to me. And I don’t want to learn just to learn, I want to learn to do. I want to make an impact in my community and the world as a whole.”

Lauren Broidy
Hometown: Los Angeles
Major: Undeclared
Scholarship: Dreier Roundtable Scholar
“One of the many reasons why I love CMC is that opportunities basically fall in your lap and you’re a fool not to take them and grab them and go. The fact that the school is putting faith in me and my potential through the Dreier Roundtable scholarship is amazing. It’s not only a great resume builder outside of the College but within the College. To have this community of Dreier Roundtable scholars and advisors and these classmates that you get to know right off the bat, especially in freshman year when you don’t know anyone, is amazing. ”