Mariam Salloum is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Claremont McKenna College (CMC). Her area of research is on data integration, specifically of topics related to record linkage, data fusion, and source selection.
Before joining CMC, Salloum was a Visiting Professor at Boston College (2015-2016). She has worked in industry as a Data Scientist at (2015 - 2012) and as a Member of Technical Staff at Northrop Grumman (2012-2011 & 2008-2005). Salloum received her Ph.D. from the Dept. of Computer and Science Engineering at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). While at UCR, she was a member of the Database Lab, working with Prof. Vassilis Tsotras. The title of her thesis is "Query Answering in Integrated Systems." She received her Bachelor’s in Computer Science from Cal Poly Pomona.