Harrison Fellowships Application

Students selected as Harrison Fellows will conduct research under the supervision of and in collaboration with a CMC faculty member. Harrison Fellows are required to spend an average of 40 hours per semester over the course of the academic year on the project. The Fellowship award is $1,200 - $2,500 depending on how many fellowships are awarded. The award will be paid in four installments during the academic year.


Name: ______________________________________________

E-Mail Address: ____________________________________

Campus Address: ____________________________________

Campus Telephone: __________________________________

Home Address:_______________________________________


Graduation Year: ___________

GPA Overall: ___________ GPA in Major: ___________

Briefly outline your proposed project, and state your likely supervisor.


Please attach the following:
1) Up-to-date résumé
2) CMC transcript (working copy permissible)
3) Writing sample (5 to 10 pages)