
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

BA/MA in Finance

On April 15, 2011, the CMC faculty approved the BA/MA in Finance program (BA/MA) that enables students to complete the requirements of both a CMC bachelor’s degree and master’s degree simultaneously and within a total of four years. This program is currently only open to CMC students.

Completion of a CMC undergraduate degree requires a minimum of 32 credit hours. Completion of the MA in Finance degree as a separate one-year program requires a minimum of 9 graduate credits. Completion of the BA/MA program requires a minimum of 36 credit hours, including one full summer internship credit. As many as 4 MA classes may also satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. Completion of the 36 credit hours, therefore, requires some combination of transfer credits, summer school credits and/or overloading of courses. Please see the CMC catalog for additional details, including requirements for credits earned at CMC.  Changes to the curriculum include the requirement that BA/MA students complete and defend a thesis in finance.

Leadership Development Activities
Students admitted into the BA/MA program will be required to fully participate in Scholars leadership development activities, to include FIN 300, the two-week, intensive seminar prior to the start of the fall semester their junior year. The timing of these requirements, as well as the internship requirement, will be determined in advising based on your course map.

Career Development/Service Support
BA/MA students will receive dedicated career development support consistent with that of all Robert Day Scholars (undergraduate or graduate).


BA/MA students have their institutional financial aid, to include CMC loans, met by the Robert Day Scholars program.  Additionally, students may be supported with up to $10,000 for approved summer and other experiential learning experiences. 


Upon selection, the CMC Graduate Programs Director, Professor Eric Hughson, becomes an additional academic advisor to all BA/MA students. 

Additional Information
If you have specific questions about the BA/MA in Finance program, please contact Amy Flanagan at aflanagan@cmc.edu.