Roles and Responsibilities: Institutional Approval
Institutional approval is required before any proposal (including continuations) can be submitted or contract signed on behalf of the College. Unless extenuating circumstances make it impossible, the Office of Sponsored Research requires a pre-submission meeting between the OSR staff and PI. In this meeting, the OSR staff and PI will review the program announcement, discuss budgetary items and review both institutional and federal compliance regulations. A CMC Federal Grants Proposal Review Form (PRF) will be given to the PI to complete. This form ensures that all relevant administrative units of the college support the project. A fully completed PRF must be in place for a proposal to be submitted through CMC. The PRF guarantees that requests are coordinated, and ensures that each project gets the full institutional support it deserves.
The Office of Sponsored Research can assist with securing signatures for completion of the PRF. An incomplete form may delay a proposal, even to the point of missing a deadline. All PIs are strongly encouraged to complete the form and obtain all signatures at least two weeks prior to the proposal deadline. Proposals that create new grant-funded positions require additional lead time and should be submitted at least one month before the proposal deadline. Completed forms are retained by the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR).
Principal Investigator (PI)
•Notify the OSR as soon as you are considering a proposal so we can help avoid the snags that often result from last minute submissions! OSR recommends notification of a potential proposal at least one month prior to the submission deadline. While every attempt will always be made to submit a proposal, OSR cannot be held responsible for mistakes resulting from last minute submissions.
•Fully complete the CMC Federal Grants Proposal Review Form (PRF) before a proposal is submitted to, or contract signed with, an external sponsor.
•Secure all required signatures and submit any related forms (such as disclosure of a potential financial conflict of interest). College administrative officials may have questions based on proposal and/or budget content and potential college commitments, including facilities, technology, and equipment. PIs should circulate the form personally or seek assistance from the Office of Sponsored Research so that all questions are answered appropriately.
Office of Sponsored Research (OSR)
• Answer questions and assist with completing the CMC Federal Grants Proposal Review Form (PRF).
• Review and be familiar with the Program Announcement and any submission guidance.
• Coordinate with the PI to assure that all state and federal certifications, assurances and letters of support are in place.
• When a Letter of Intent (LOI) is required prior to submission of a full proposal, PIs should check with the OSR to verify whether the form requires any additional certifications. College officials will determine the need to receive approval prior to LOI submission based on the detail and scope required in the LOI.