Faculty Research and Teaching Interests

Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy
Professor of Psychology and Director, Claremont Autism Center

Research Interests: Professor Charlop-Christy has devoted her career to helping children with autism and their families. Her research has focused on treatment of speech and language, social skills, and motivation in children with autism.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Seminar in Behavior Modification, Child Psychopathology.


Jay Conger
Henry R. Kravis Research Chair in Leadership Studies


Research Interests: Executive leadership, board governance, charismatic leadership, leadership and organizational change, leadership development, talent management and succession, influence approaches and leadership, and the language of leadership.

Courses Taught: Leadership, Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures


Gabriel I. Cook
Assistant Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Prospective memory, source monitoring, the residual effects of valence on attention and memory, and theoretical issues in basic memory phenomena such as recognition and free recall.

Courses Taught: Cognitive Psychology, Statistics, Research Methods, Memory and Forgetting, Decision Making.


Mark A. Costanzo
Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Police interrogations and the causes of false confessions, the death penalty, jury decision-making, negotiation and dispute resolution, social influence, nonverbal communication, teaching techniques and active learning in higher education.

Courses Taught: Social Psychology, Research Methods, Psychology and Law, Mediation and Dispute Resolution, Advanced Psychology and Law.


Diane F. Halpern
Professor of Psychology and Roberts Fellow


Research Interests: Critical thinking, the intersection of work and family, sex differences in cognitive abilities, and the implications of research findings in cognitive psychology for education and public policy.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Critical Thinking, Work and Family.



Alison Harris


Research Interests: Cognitive neuroscience of valuation and decision-making, temporal dynamics of choice, neuroeconomics, self-control and regulation, neurophysiology.

Courses taught: Introduction to Psychologym, Sensation and Perception, Neuroeconomics


Wei-Chin Hwang
Associate Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Differences in the expression of distress, cross-cultural validity of diagnostic and assessment instruments, immigration and adaptation issues, effects of discrimination and racism on well-being, and the prevalence and etiology of psychopathology across ethnic populations.

Courses Taught: Cross-cultural Psychology, Research Methods, Asian-American Psychology.


Tomoe Kanaya
Assistant Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Impact of social and environmental influences on cognitive development, intelligence, longitudinal and advanced quantitative methodology, educational and social policy oriented research

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Research Methods, Children and Educational Policy.


Daniel Krauss
Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of the Psychology Department


Research Interests: The scientific expertise clinical psychology has to offer to the legal system on issues related to insanity, competency to stand trial, guardianship, child custody decision-making, and dangerous assessment, and the limitations of this expertise.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Advanced Psychology and Law.


Shana Levin
Associate Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Prejudice and discrimination, ideologies of group inequality, ethnic identification and social dominance orientation, intergroup attitudes in the United States, Israel, Northern Ireland, and Lebanon.

Courses Taught: Social Psychology, Statistics, Prejudice and Intergroup Relations, Psychology Senior Research Seminar.


Catherine L. Reed
Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Multimodal representations of the human body, the role of the body in spatial attention and cognition , influences of the body on emotion perception and communication, human movement, motor imagery & expertise, neural bases of tactile & visual object recognition, spatial processing, and functional neuroimaging.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neural Bases of Perception


Ronald Riggio
Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology


Research Interests: Prediction of leadership and managerial potential, charismatic and transformational leadership theory, nonverbal communication, communication processes in organizational settings, assessment center methodology for leader selection, and learning strategies in higher education.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Leadership.


Piercarlo Valdesolo
Assistant Professor of Psychology


Research Interests: Emotions and decision making, moral judgment and behavior, institutional corruption, synchrony and embodied cognition

Courses Taught: Social Psychology, Research Methods, Psychology of Morality



Visiting Faculty Research and Teaching Interests



Craig Bowman
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Research Interests: Deindividuation, perceived justice and persistence of attitude change, helping behavior, ingroup/outgroup effects.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Theories of Personality, Organizational Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology.

Kathleen Brown
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Research Interests: Various topics related to children, families, education, public policy issues, intelligence.

Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Seminar in Developmental Psychology (with Practicum).