Commencement Celebration Weekend Dates Announced

April 8, 2021

Dear Class of 2020 Graduates and Families:

A few weeks ago, we announced a multi-day, in-person commencement event for the Class of 2020 to return to campus to celebrate with family and friends.

We look forward to welcoming you back for this long-awaited experience and invite you to mark your calendars for June 3-5, 2022! A special invitation box—containing your academic regalia, diploma cover, and preliminary information about the June event—will be mailed to you in the next few weeks.

Designed to help you experience missed opportunities from your shortened spring semester, the multi-day celebration will feature:

  • Staying in the residence halls on campus with your classmates;
  • Connecting with faculty, coaches, and staff;
  • Participating in senior activities and traditions; and
  • Celebrating your accomplishments with family, friends, and the entire CMC community during a traditional commencement ceremony.

Please note that based on L.A. County's recent move from the highest purple tier to the moderate orange tier, the College also has decided to hold a modified, student-only ceremony for the Class of 2021 on Saturday, May 15, 2021. This event will not include an on-campus stay or other campus activities. A modified ceremony for the Class of 2021 is feasible only because over 70% of our seniors are living in California this spring and can comply with the State’s current travel advisory. Also, based on survey results, the Class of 2020 (in contrast) overwhelmingly felt 2022 should be the exclusive focus of any graduation plans.

For all of us to make up for lost time, it is vital that we do everything possible to get everyone in your class back to campus next June. We are excited to begin working with your class in planning this special weekend. If you would like to be part of planning conversations beginning this summer, please let us know by sending a message to

To help encourage attendance and assist with financial obstacles for a campus return, the College also has reserved funding for those with demonstrated financial need. More details about this support will be provided when registration opens in January 2022.

We look forward to providing you with the opportunity to reconnect with your classmates over an engaging and memorable celebratory weekend in June 2022.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. We are excited to welcome you back to Claremont to honor the Class of 2020 in person.

Stay in close touch.

All very best,
