
3/13/25 - 7:30PM: Claremont Police Department (CPD) and other assisting law enforcement agencies have now determined that there is no active threat on our campus. Shelter in place order has been lifted.

PSR Committees

Steering Committee Membership (Spring 2016):


Peter Uvin, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty
Nyree Gray, Vice President for Human Relations and Chief Diversity Officer


Felipe Afanador Beltran (open appointment)
Patrick Elliott ’19, ASCMC Diversity and Inclusion Chair
Sarah Gissinger ’17 (open appointment)
Kwali Liggons ’16, RA representative
Sebastian Luna ’18 (open appointment)
Will Su ’16, ASCMC President


Albert L. Park, Associate Professor of History and Co-Principal Investigator, EnviroLab Asia
Cameron Shelton, Assistant Professor of Economics
Jon A. Shields, Associate Professor of Government
Lee Skinner, Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Associate Dean of the Faculty
Tamara Venit-Shelton, Associate Professor of History

Staff Leadership:

Georgette DeVeres, Associate Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid
Dianna Graves ’98, Vice President of Student Affairs
Alia Kate, Associate Director of External Relations
Devon MacIver, Associate Dean of Students for Student Engagement

Senior Advisors:

David Hetz, Trustee
Rey Ramsey, Trustee
Linnea Roberts, Women’s Diversity Ambassador, Goldman Sachs
Rossi Russell, Trustee

Charge: High-risk drinking, alcohol abuse, and illegal drug use are unhealthy, unsafe, and undermine CMC’s mission. This Committee is charged with studying, assessing, and addressing the causes and consequences of such behavior, including the relationship between high-risk drinking and sexual assault. In particular, the Committee will investigate strategies for deepening our commitment to personal and social responsibility and developing programs and activities that are capable of reducing high-risk drinking, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, and related consequences for CMC students. The Committee will also consider the merits of policy and the need for any short and long-term changes. The Committee will have a critically important role in the prevention of harm, increasing compliance with College policies, and strengthening the community’s commitment to healthy, safe behavior. Accordingly, the Committee is further charged with ensuring that interventions—however great or small—are well-reasoned, clearly communicated, broadly socialized, and tracked for effectiveness.

Chair: Kristin Weyman, Associate Dean of Students
Faculty: Ellen Rentz, Associate Professor of Literature; Paul Settles, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Men’s Tennis Coach
Students: Kimaya De Silva ’17, Shane Griffee ’16, Christine Horne ’17, Max Jorgensen ’18, Shelby Lane ’16, Aurelio Puente ’16, Jack Segal ’18, Anthony Sidhom ’17, Will Su ’16, Edgar Warnholtz-Perez ‘19
Parent: Lotte de Silva P’18
Alumni/Staff: Dianna Graves ’98, Vice President of Student Affairs

Charge: Sexual assault and Title IX civil rights violations are devastating, demoralizing, and illegal. They are intolerable in a college dedicated to freedom, equality, and safety. CMC is committed sustaining a campus environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. This Committee is charged with studying, assessing, and addressing the causes and consequences of sexual assault and other acts of discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault that is related to high-risk drinking and drug abuse. In particular, the Committee will investigate strategies for deepening the commitment to personal and social responsibility and developing recommendations for preventing sexual assault. The Committee is also charged with studying and enhancing the effectiveness of CMC’s prevention, education and training, and care and support resources to reduce the incidence of sexual misconduct and gender harassment at the College. The Committee is further charged with ensuring that interventions—however great or small—are well-reasoned, communicated clearly, socialized broadly, and tracked for effectiveness.

Chair: Nyree Gray, Vice President for Human Relations and Chief Diversity Officer
Faculty: Patrick Ferree, Associate Professor of Biology; Betsy Hipple, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Head Softball Coach; Greg Lonzo, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Head Men’s and Women’s Water Polo Coach
Students: Charlotte Bailey ’16, Nicolas Blumm ’17, Marion Goldberg ’19, Cristina Lee ’18, Daniel Ludlum ’18, Shannon Miller ’16, Ben Turner ’16, Sarah Whitney ’18, Anna Zimmerman ‘17
Parent: Nancy Lee P’15
Staff: Dianna Graves ’98, Vice President of Student Affairs

Charge: As an institution of higher education, CMC must hold its students, faculty, and staff to high standards of integrity. This Committee is charged with promoting an academic community that values rigorous intellectual inquiry and strict adherence to honest and ethical practices. This Committee is charged with studying, assessing, and addressing the causes and consequences of academic dishonesty. In particular, the Committee will investigate strategies for deepening the commitment to personal and social responsibility and developing programs that are capable of preventing academic dishonesty. The Committee is charged with studying and enhancing the effectiveness of CMC’s current prevention and education efforts and related policies regarding academic integrity. The Committee is further charged with ensuring that interventions—however great or small—are well-reasoned, communicated clearly, socialized broadly, and tracked for effectiveness

Chair: Ananda Ganguly, Associate Professor of Accounting
Faculty: Jack Pitney, Professor of Government; Charlie Griffiths, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Head Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving Coach
Students: Manika Garg ’18, Kelsey Gohn ‘16, Michael Irvine ’16, Nayantara Mullick ’17, Ross Reggio ‘19
Parent: DeDe Brandt P’14
Staff: Dianna Graves, ’98, Vice President of Student Affairs, Mellissa Martinez, International Student Language Support Coordinator, Elizabeth Morgan, Registrar and Executive Director of Institutional Research
Alumni: Eleanor Taylor ’80
Trustee: James McElwee ’74, P’12

Charge: In direct support of its mission, CMC endorses the core values of diversity, identity, and free speech with a broad commitment of the growth of free exchange and community. This Committee is charged with facilitating the implementation of pending recommendations the development of new recommendations. Recommendations should address the challenges of campus climate while embracing diversity in all of its many forms. Committee work will help to grow the CMC identify at both an individual and community level, and to reinforce the value of free speech. The Committee is further charged with ensuring that interventions—however great or small—are well-reasoned, communicated clearly, socialized broadly, and tracked for effectiveness.

Chair: Peter Uvin, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty
Faculty: Chrissy Crockett, ’01, Associate Director of the Center for Writing and Public Discourse and Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature; Kristen Dowling, Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Head Women’s Basketball Coach
Students: Sofia Cullen ’16, Mylene Fotso ’16, Brian Landeros ’18, Cole Mora ’17, Indira Sanchez ’18, Thomas Schalke ’18, Jessica Winssinger ‘19
Staff: Dianna Graves ’98, Vice President of Student Affairs; Neela Rajendra, Director of KLI’s Entrepreneurial Initiatives
Parent: Gloria Luna P’17
Alumni: Colin Tudor ’05; Tiffany Williams ‘05