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Date: August 11-14, 2004
Adam Cox, Benjamin Hoste, Christopher Jones, and Allison Westfahl, CMC math majors, participated in the 2004 Summer Research Program offered by the Mathematics Department. Adam, Chris, and Allison extended some recent results of Annalisa Crannell, Jack Stewart (a math major), and Junpei Sekino on the area between two parallel curves and the length of one of them expressed as function of the length of the other curve and the thickness of the strip separating the curves. Adam presented the results obtained by the three students at MathFest, the Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, in Providence, Rhode Island, on August 11-14, 2004. The three students will present their findings at the AMUC (Arizona Mathematics Undergraduate Conference) on November 12 in Tempe. Moreover, Allison and Chris will present a poster at the Undergraduate Student Poster Session in Atlanta, GA, during the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Association for Women in Mathematics.
Ben Hoste did a research project in knot theory in collaboration with Jim Hoste, Professor of Mathematics at Pitzer College. Also Ben will present his results at the Undergraduate Student Poster Session mentioned above.
All four participants are working on a paper to be submitted for publication in a professional math journal. A booklet with both projects will be available upon request after September 1, 2004.
Pamela Gann, President of Claremont McKenna College, provided the financial support for this initiative.