Atlanta Poster Session 2004

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Date: September 2004

The 2005 Undergraduate Student Poster Session will take place on Friday January 7 in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Joint Annual Meeting of the AMS, MAA, and AWM.

Prof. Mario Martelli of Claremont McKenna College is the organizer. The MAA Committee on Undergraduate Students Activities and Chapters (CUSAC) sponsors the Session. Please apply early, since the space is limited! Posters are expected to present a new result, or a different proof of a known theorem, or an innovative solution of a Putnam problem etc. Purely expository posters cannot be accepted. Send items 1-6 below to Prof. Mario Martelli, Mathematics Department, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA 91711 or email to (PDF format, TeX, or Microsoft Word).

  1. Title of the project;
  2. abstract (not longer than 1/2 page);
  3. names and affiliation of all authors;
  4. name, email, and telephone of the student who will be in touch with Prof. Martelli regarding the logistics of the presentation;
  5. name(s) and affiliation(s) of advisor(s);
  6. source(s) of financial support.

Each poster will be evaluated by at least three judges. Prizes will be awarded to the best posters with money provided by the AMS, MAA, AWM, CUR, PME and by the Moore Foundation.

Prof. Diana Thomas ( is in charge of coordinating the accommodations of students participating in the Poster Session. Please get in touch with her if you are interested in this service.