Below are links to popular journals, blogs, databases, government agencies and other websites that will assist students in writing term papers and senior theses.
Honnold Library - Economic Resources
Economic Data On The Web
Government Agencies
Non-Profit Institutes
Working Paper Series
Central Banks
Federal Reserve Banks
Econ Bloggers
Honnold Library - Economic Resources
Economic Data On The Web
- ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
- NLSY - National Longitudinal Survey
- CPS - Current Population Survey
- FARS - Fatal Accident Reporting System
- UCR - Uniform Crime Reports
- Bureau of Census
- NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research (data)
- MEPS - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
- PSID - Panel Study of Income Dynamics
- BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics (wage data)
- ASM - Annual Survey of Manufactures
- FRED - Federal Reserve Economic Data
- NYSE - New York Stock Exchange
- Yale International Center for Finance
- PWT - Penn World Tables
Government Agencies
- OMB - Office of Management and Budget
- CBO - Congressional Budget Office
- GAO - Government Accountability Office
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Labor
- Department of Agriculture
- World Bank
- Dept of Homeland Security
Non-Profit Institutes
- Brookings
- Heritage Foundation
- CA Poly Institute
- Urban Institute
- Manhattan Institute
- Milken Institute
- Pacific Research Institute
Working Paper Series
- NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
- CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research
- IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor
- IMF - International Monetary Fund
- World Bank
Central Banks
Federal Reserve Banks
- Atlanta
- Boston
- Chicago
- Cleveland
- D.C. - Board of Governors
- Dallas
- Kansas City
- Minneapolis
- New York
- Philadelphia
- Richmond
- San Francisco
- St. Louis
Econ Bloggers