Welcome to Sakai at The Claremont Colleges - a course management and collaborative learning tool. This system serves faculty, staff and students of all seven Claremont Colleges and the Claremont University Consortium.
Sakai is a free and open source product that is built and maintained by the Sakai community. The following are just some of the current tools that Sakai offers for your various teaching and learning needs:
Announcements: For posting current, time-critical information
Assignments: For posting, submitting and grading assignment(s) online
Calendar: For posting and viewing deadlines, events, etc.
Chat Room: For real-time conversations in written form
Drop Box: For private file sharing between instructor and student
Forums: Display forums and topics of a particular site
Gradebook: The next generation gradebook tool for the Sakai CLE
Help: Searchable database with helpful step-by-step guides for various tools and options within Sakai
Lessons: For creating content modules and sequences; can be organized by week or unit
Polls: For anonymous polls or voting
Resources: For posting documents, URLs to other websites, etc.
Roster: For viewing the site participants list
Site Info: For showing worksite information and site participants
Syllabus: For posting a summary outline and/or requirements for a site
Tests & Quizzes: For creating and taking online tests, surveys, and quizzes
To get started with Sakai or for more information and resources, please click on the link below: