Network Services

ITS networking services provides wired network access to CMC faculty, students and staff. Networking systems at CMC can involve many different things. Generally speaking, it can be anything from getting your computer physically on the network, providing a unique network address so that it can get to the Internet (DHCP), to giving the webserver a unique name on the Internet (DNS).

CINE - Wireless Network

CINE is the wireless network technology at The Claremont Colleges. CINE allows students, faculty, staff and guests to connect to the internet.
Note: CINE is NOT encrypted. Information sent or received can be intercepted by anyone connected to this wireless network.

CMC-WPA - Secure Wireless Network

CMC-WPA uses WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) to provide encrypted wireless service to faculty, staff and students.


Eduroam allows any user from an eduroam participating site to get network access at any institution connected to eduroam. Depending on local policies at the visited institutions, eduroam participants may also have additional resources at their disposal.

Network Drive Access (VPN)

The VPN service provides access to the CMC network from off campus. This can be accessed with Cisco AnyConnect.
