DUO - Setup Tablet Device


DUO’s self-enrollment process makes it easy to register a device to approve your login requests.

DUO prompts you to enroll a new device when you log into a protected VPN, server, or web application using the Central Authentication Service(CAS) page. Install the DUO Mobile App on your tablet device to get started.

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 8 or later, and Opera.


1.    First, Install DUO Mobile for iOS/Android if you are adding your smartphone device.

Search for the DUO Mobile app on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and install the app.

Opening the app will prompt your phone to allow the use of your camera for the app. Tap Accept.

Duo Mobile iOS App Store Search Result with Duo Mobile app article displayed with “OPEN” button

2.    Login to the Central Authentication Service (CAS) on your computer.

Faculty and Staff:
Go to Workday to login through the CAS.

Sign into your E-Mail to login through the CAS.

Select Claremont McKenna College from the Institute drop down list, enter your CMC username and password, then click on Login.

The Claremont Colleges Central Authentication Service with example login prompt for CMC users “ASmith”

You will be greeted with a welcome message to setup DUO if this is your first time adding a device.

Click on the Start setup button.

CMC Duo “Protect your Claremont McKenna College Account” Screen with arrow pointing to Start Setup

3.    Add a new device.

To add a Tablet device (iOS or Android Device with No Cellular Data), Select Tablet and click on Continue.

CMC Duo “What Type of Device are you adding?” Page with choices Mobile Phone, Tablet, Landline, Security Key, with arrow pointing to Tablet and Continue

Select device type and click Continue

CMC Duo “What type of tablet are you adding” Page with red bandbox over iOS with other choices Android, arrow pointing to Continue

Then, click on I have DUO Mobile installed

CMC Duo “Install Duo Mobile for iOS” prompt with arrow pointing to “I have Duo Mobile Installed”

The Activate DUO Mobile and QR code are shown. 

CMC Duo “Activate Duo Mobile for IOS” with red bandbox over QR code

On your device, tap on the Add Account button (or click on the “+” sign on the top-right).  This will open up your device camera.

Duo Mobile app Interface: “Welcome to Duo Mobile” page with arrow pointing to + icon on top-right corner and arrow pointing to “New to Duo? Add Account”

Using your tablet, point the camera to the QR code.

Duo Mobile app interface: “Add Account” page with QR Code over area where camera is utilized by device to capture QR code

A green checkmark will appear over the QR code when complete. Click on Continue.

CMC Duo “Activate Duo Mobile for IOS” with green checkmark over QR code and arrow pointing to Continue

At the dropdown, keep the default selection, Ask me to choose an authentication method, and click on Saved.
Then click on Continue to Login to continue.

CMC Duo “My Settings & Devices” page with iOS Tablet device just recently added with it set as Default Device and “Ask Me to Choose an authentication method” with arrow pointing to “Continue to Login”