(From Left) Back: Christopher Jones'11, Solon Christensen-Szalanski '10, Henry Lyford '11, Jeremy Merrill '12, Kevin Burke '11, Grant Parker '11, Elliot Godzich '12, Daniel Black '11, Andrew Hess '10, Miles Bird '12, Francesca Ioffreda '10. Front: Luella (Jill) Fu '11, Tammy Phan '11, Kathryn Punsly '12, Karynna Asao '10, Kayla Loadvine '10, Michelle Kim '12, Natalia Klishina '10
To see more photos, visit ITAB on Facebook.
Applied Materials
Hosted by George Davis '80, Senior V.P. and CFO
Electronic Arts, Inc.
Hosted by Nancy Smith P-13, President, SIMS Division
Google, Inc.
Hosted by Jonathan Rosenberg '83, Senior V.P. Product Management
Lockheed-Martin Space Systems
Hosted by Mark Elson '82, Manager, and Steven B. Olson '86, Director of Special Programs
Hosted by Scott Mauvais '90, Senior Consultant, MS Consulting Services
Dinner Monday Evening
Hosted by Jan Soderstrom P'09, V.P. Sun Power, and Michael Moone P'09, CEO Wireless Glue
Dinner with CMC entrepreneurs Arjun Lall '07 NTSV'07, Andrew Lee '07 NTSV'07, and Ryan Wilson '09 NTSV'08
Thank you, Bart!