Summer 2000
Roderic Ai Camp (Department of Government) completed a study entitled "Educational Influences in a Changing World: The Americanization of Mexico's Elite." The culmination of a project begun two decades ago, Professor Camp's study explores foreign influences on the formation of elite values in Mexico. "What might be called the 'Americanization' of Mexican leadership," Camp writes, "may well be the most significant influence on [the present] generation."
Lisa Forman Cody (Department of History) used her stipend to travel to Paris to complete necessary research for her book, Reproduction: Medicine, Culture, and Childbirth in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Her sojourn in Paris provided Professor Cody access to 18th-century records of the Hôtel Dieu, one of Europe's largest and oldest hospitals, to examine the experience of foreign women and men training in midwifery and obstetrics. Professor Cody writes: "Many of Britain's most prominent midwives and obstetricians had their vital educational experiences abroad, often in Paris. These Paris-trained practitioners had strikingly different attitudes about medical theory, professionalization, gender, and reproduction from their colleagues who trained only in Britain. Examining what Britons learned at the Hôtel Dieu, plus navigating their social lives within Paris's broader medical community, will help answer what shaped these intellectual differences."
Ward E. Y. Elliott (Department of Government) used his Gould Center grant to consolidate and submit for publication the 18 reports, articles, and papers produced by the Shakespeare Clinic, a computer study of the works more than 50 non-Stratfordian claimants to the authorship of those works long attributed to Shakespeare. The Clinic, which ran from 1987 to 1994, was something of a media sensation, having been covered by ABC, NBC, Voice of America, BBC, JBC (Japan), and KBC (Korea). Professor Elliott estimates that it was reported in one way or another to 75 million people.
P. Edward Haley (Department of Government) prepared the Gould Center Undergraduate Seminar, "Freedom, Power, and Persuasion: New Directions in Political Journalism in the 21st Century," and curated the accompanying Athenaeum speakers series.
Ann Meyer (Department of Literature) completed revisions on her forthcoming book, Poetry, Prayer, and Stone: Medieval Allegory and the Building of the New Jerusalem. Professor Meyer's analysis of medieval literature and culture focuses on 14th-century England, and specifically on the architectural aspects of the anonymous masterpiece, Pearl.
Salvador Velazco (Department of Modern Languages) worked on a project he calls "Representations of Democracy in Latin American Literature and Cinema." Professor Velazco's grant enabled him to assemble a corpus of primary works (films and texts) from Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Chile, and to participate in the International Conference on Hispanic Literatures and Cinematographies (Portland, Oregon, 2000), where he delivered a paper entitled "Political Allegory in the Cuban Film Guantanamera."
The project that Professor David Yoo (Department of History) undertook is entitled "Religion and the Politics of Independence: The Case of Korean America." "This study," Professor Yoo writes, "forms part of a larger book manuscript that combines disciplinary methods and approaches with more thematic works. As the editor of the manuscript, I have assembled authors who are attempting to understand the interplay of religion, politics, and community within Korean America."