Summer 1999
In the first year of his interim directorship of the Gould Center, Professor Jay Martin chose to increase the number of faculty summer fellowship awards from four to nine. The names of the fellowship winners and the subjects of their projects follow:
Alfred Balitzer (Department of Government) prepared articles for publication on U.S. attitudes toward, and perceptions of, Asian values. He presented the results of his three public opinion surveys on these issues at a conference at the National University of Singapore, and conduct interviews and focus groups in Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.
Gary Gilbert (Department of Philosophy/Religious Studies) did a study of how Judaism reconstructed itself following the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the Roman army in 70 CE. Dr. Gilbert also led the Gould Center Seminar for Academic Year 1999-2000: "Messiahs and the Millennium."
Cynthia A. Humes (Department of Philosophy/Religious Studies) worked on several articles for publication in the journal, Religion, on methods of studying Asian religions in the United States.
Meg Jacobs (Department of History) worked on completing a book-length study of consumer politics and the rise of the mass market economy.
Frederick R. Lynch (Department of Government) did research for a book that addresses a number of issues dealing with the emerging needs (health care, et al) of "Baby Boomers" entering into the post-55 phase of life.
James H. Nichols (Department of Government) worked on a book on Alexandre Kojève for a new series on political philosophers of the 20th century.
John K. Roth (Department of Philosophy/Religious Studies) worked on a number of projects in Holocaust Studies (preparing book manuscripts and articles, and delivering lectures and papers at several U.S. and international conferences).
Steven A. Smith (Department of Philosophy/Religious Studies) began a study of the interpenetration of Asian and Western philosophies, and prepared for publication a book tentatively titled Eastern Light: Fresh Perspectives in Moral Philosophy.
Carolyn So (Modern Languages Department) completed the final research and organization for, and began the writing of, a book on Korean women writers of the Japanese Colonial Period (1910-1945). The book is tentatively titled Modern Korean Literature: Structure and Dynamic in Women Writers' Texts.