


Imagination allows us to augment or even escape our mundane experiences of the actual world.  As children, we use the imagination to transform ordinary objects into forts and castles and ordinary people into alien creatures and monstrous animals. As adults, we turn to imaginative daydreams as administrators drone on in meetings. And at any age, our imaginings enable us to lose ourselves in fantastical stories. But it would be a mistake to regard imagination as completely divorced from worldly concerns, for imagination seems an essential ingredient in myriad ways of learning about the world.  It is by way of the imagination that we discover what could or must be.  Our views about rightness and wrongness are informed by our imaginings.  These imaginings also teach us about human nature and facilitates our understanding of, and empathy with, other creatures.  It illuminates new discoveries and augments our memories of the past.



But how can the same mental power that allows us to escape the world also tell us about what it is?  Hence the question that motivates this conference:  How can we have knowledge through imagination?  This conference aims to address this question by investigating the many different domains in which we come to know by imagining – including (among others) emotional knowledge, aesthetic knowledge, knowledge of other minds, and modal knowledge.

Conference Schedule


The conference will be held in the Kravis Center: The Thursday talk will be in Kravis LC62 and the Friday and Saturday talks will be in Kravis 102.



There is no registration fee, but due to limited space, attendees must reserve a place by Monday, April 9.



Reservations may be made by emailing


Conference lunches and dinners are open to attendees for a fee:

Single lunch (Friday, Saturday): $15 each
Lunch both days:       $25
Single dinner (Thursday, Friday, Saturday):

Meal reservations must also be made by Monday, April 9.

For further information contact
$40 each (includes wine)