2019 CMC-Yonsei University Summer Program

Planning for the Summer 2019 Program is in process and will be advertised later this academic year.  In the meantime, please see the below flyer from the previous program for general information regarding the program.

The Political Economy of Development: Korea, Asia, and Beyond

to learn with and from each other. 

CMC Professors Dr. Julio Garin (RDS) and Dr. Jenny Taw (IR)
co-teach this 1.5 credit program with Yonsei School of Business faculty member(s).

Together, Claremont and Yonsei students will explore the political economy and culture of South Korea and other Asian countries, live and study together, and participate on academic and experiential excursions in South Korea and Hong Kong or Singapore (destination to be determined) including extensive networking opportunities. 
2019 Program Fee: $3,300 includes tuition for 1.5 CMC credits, on-campus residence hall, on-site orientation, some meals, academic and extracurricular events, excursions, and receptions, networking and support services, and International emergency health insurance.

Program Cost: $3,300 includes:
  • Tuition for 1.5 credits 
  • In South Korea:  On-campus residence hall, on-site orientation, some meals, academic and extracurricular events, excursions, receptions, networking, support services, and outside-of-class access to CMC and Yonsei faculty.
  • Excursion – Hong Kong or Singapore (to be determined): Round-trip airfare from Seoul, hotel, local transportation, on-site orientation, some meals, academic and extracurricular events, excursions, receptions, networking, support services, and outside-of-class access to CMC and Yonsei faculty.
  • International Emergency Health Insurance
Additional Estimated Expenses:
  • Airfare, RT to Seoul (estimated at $1,500)
  • Personal expenses (estimated $750— $1,000)
  • Meals (estimated at $800)
NEW THIS SUMMER: Sponsorship Funds may be available for CMC students on financial aid.
Eligibility Requirements: 
  • 8.5 GPA
  • CMC Econ 50 or equivalent
  • Open to 5c students of all majors
          (Priority acceptance for CMC students)

To apply: https://globaleducation.cmc.edu

For additional information please email: studyabroad@cmc.edu
CMC Center for Global Education, Bauer Center North, 2nd Floor, Rm. 220, (909) 621-8267

 Informational purposes only:  CMC may be obliged to alter or eliminate the program or facets of the program including dates, academic topic(s), excursion, and/or estimated expenses without prior notice.