Types of Potential Incidents


There are several potential types of incidents that could occur on the CMC campus. The list above is not exhaustive, however CMC will prepare for these situations and others to the best of our ability.






This policy is to provide information to promote safety for employees and students when animals are brought onto or inside the facilities of CMC, and to provide guidance about animals which may pose a public health threat in a college setting. This policy is consistent with the Animals/Pets policy within the CMC Student Handbook, as well as the CMC Faculty and Staff Handbooks.

In California, rabies is most commonly found in bats (www.cdph.gov); however, any fur-bearing animal is susceptible to this very serious fatal disease and, if infected, can transmit it to humans. A single wild animal or unvaccinated pet carrying rabies has the potential to expose a large number of individuals.

Wild and domestic stray animals pose a risk for transmitting rabies as well as other zoonotic diseases (a disease which can be transmitted from animals to people) and, therefore, will not be allowed in the campus buildings or allowed to be handled by employees or students. These include, but are not limited to, bats, raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, foxes, bobcats, fisher cats, bears, deer and other wild animals (either live or dead). Please note that it is illegal to care for wild animals unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitation facility.


Wild or stray domestic animals are not allowed in campus buildings for their own safety and for the safety of occupants. Notify Campus Safety immediately if an animal is in a building, running loose on campus grounds, behaving strangely, aggressive and/or not leashed and under the control of the owner.

If you find an injured or displaced baby or adult mammal either wild or stray, do not attempt to give food or water and contact Campus Safety or the CMC Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager as soon as possible.

Signs a wild/stray animal is in need of help:
  • an adult animal that can be captured easily
  • seriously favoring a leg or wing
  • sitting on the road, not moving for traffic bleeding
  • having difficulty breathing or convulsing

If you notice a swarm of bees or other large insect/pest population that is unusual, contact the CMC Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager or FACS and keep out of the area.


To effectively protect the campus community, the entire campus community must follow this Animal Policy. All employees, students and visitors must adhere to this policy on a regular basis and know of its provisions. Campus Safety will enforce this policy.




This policy applies to responding to a threat or implementation of an intentional introduction of biological agent(s) into the environment.


  1. If it is mail that you have opened, set it down gently at the location where you first opened it, move to an area that will minimize your contact with others and call Campus Safety.
  2. If it is an item that you found, LEAVE IT ALONE and call Campus Safety; Campus Safety will contact the FACS to have the building’s ventilation be shut down;
  3. Remain calm;
  4. Try to keep the area secure until incident responders arrive;
  5. Do not pass the letter around for others to see;
  6. Do not shake the parcel or envelope;
  7. Do not ignore the potential threat; treat it as legitimate until proven otherwise.

Considerations for Biological Threat Using the Mail

Special attention should be afforded to mail reception including the following:

  • No return address
  • Excessive postage
  • Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
  • Misspelling of common words
  • Strange or unusual markings such as “Confidential”, “Personal”, etc.
  • Excessive weight and/or a feel of a powdery substance
  • Addressed to title only (no name) or incorrect title
  • Protruding wires
  • Lopsided or uneven
  • Rigid or bulky
  • Strange odor (casually noticeable, never sniff or taste any suspicious substance)
  • Oily stains, discoloration, crystallization on wrapper, excessive tapes or string
  • Shows a city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address
    • Overseas, unfamiliar postmark
    • Homemade envelopes, especially brown paper bag material


Campus Safety Dispatch will take the following actions:

  1. Attempt to obtain, to the extent possible, the following information:
    • The exact location and nature of the deployment
    • Building
    • Floor
    • Room number
    • Number of windows
    • Type of delivery (mail, US Postal or campus), etc.
    • Appearance of substance
  2. Call 911 Dispatch for Police and Fire personnel;
  3. Contact FACS to shut down ventilation system;
  4. Contact the Incident Manager (IM)
    • The IM will activate the Incident Operations Center (IOC), if necessary

The Fire Department will assume scene control upon arrival.




All bomb threats are to be taken seriously. The majority of bomb threats called into targets are made with the intent of disrupting normal business. However, every bomb threat must be considered real and investigated to ensure the safety of building occupants. Most times, the call will be brief, but if you get a call, attempt to keep the caller the phone. The following procedures are to be followed any time a bomb threat is received.


If a bomb threat is received:

  1. Do not search for an explosive device and do not touch any unusual or suspicious objects;
  2. If the call is phoned in, use the following Bomb Threat Call Checklist to gather as much information as possible.

If the bomb threat is a written delivery (intercampus mail or otherwise):

  1. Make as many “mental notes” as possible so you may recall information such as a description of the messenger, other suspicious persons in the area, etc…;
  2. Save all materials including the envelope or container;
  3. Once the material is recognized as a bomb threat, avoid handling the materials any further;
  4. Every effort must be made to protect such evidence as handwriting, typewriting, postmarks and paper.


The person who receives the threat will immediately report the call to Campus Safety.

Campus Safety will initiate a call to alert LA County 911 Dispatch. Dispatch, in turn, will notify fire, ambulance and law enforcement agencies. They will also notify any other response team appropriate for the situation.

CMC Public Safety staff will direct evacuation procedures and secure the area, as appropriate. However, once law enforcement and/or other incident personnel arrive, they will assume responsibility and otherwise control the scene, in consultation with the Incident Manager and members of the IOT and EPG.

General Responsibility Guidelines:

Building occupants, who have been evacuated, as well as the general public, are to remain in designated assembly areas until further notice by campus officials and/or local law enforcement. Follow the Building Safety Coordinator’s directions at the assigned assembly area, where attendance and headcounts will be taken.

Individuals should be kept away from windows, doors, and other potentially hazardous areas. Sidewalks and streets are to be clear and available to incident response personnel.

Important: No one is to re-enter the affected building until it has been searched by appropriate incident personnel and declared safe for re-entry. Building Safety Coordinators will direct building occupants to alternative assembly areas, if necessary, or to re-enter the building upon the incident responder’s authorization.


Questions to ask: (exact wording)

  1. When is the bomb going to explode?
  2. Where is it right now?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What kind of bomb is it?
  5. What will cause it to explode?
  6. Did you place the bomb?
  7. Why?
  8. What is your name?
  • Sex of caller
  • Approximate age
  • Length of call

Caller's Voice (Circle the appropriate)

Calm Laughing Disguised Deep Breathing Stutter Cracking Voice
Angry Crying Accent Loud Nasal Slow
Excited Normal Deep Slurred Soft Distinct
Rapid Clearing Throat Familiar: If so, whom did it sound like?

Background Sounds

Street Noises House Noises Factory Machinery Local
Crockery Motor Animal Noises Long Distance
Voices Clear Office Machinery Booth
PA System Static Music Other

Threat Language

Well Spoken Foul Incoherent Message Read By
Educated Irrational Taped Righteous






To establish guidelines for departments when responding to carbon monoxide alarms/incidents.

General Information:

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas that is deadly. It is a by-product of a fuel burning process. Many appliances such as kilns, furnaces, kitchen stoves, hot water heaters, automobiles, etc., can produce carbon monoxide. When a faulty or unusual condition exists, carbon monoxide may be vented into areas where people are present.

Carbon monoxide poisoning may be difficult to diagnose. Its symptoms are similar to the flu, which may include headache, nausea, fatigue and dizzy spells, and potentially death.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has established a maximum safe working level for carbon monoxide at 35 parts per million (ppm) over an 8 hour period, in the general work-place. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established that residential levels are not to exceed 9 ppm over an 8 hour average. Levels of 1–3 ppm are considered normal.


  1. Provide 24-hour monitoring of CO levels, either by person or electronic devices where required by State or Federal Law and in high hazard areas such as mechanical rooms or garages.
    1. Operational system will ensure CO levels are below 9 ppm.
    2. All alarms, switches and incident response equipment will be labeled and response procedures and instructions will be clearly posted.
  2. FACS and/ or The IM will evaluate the CO levels when there are alarms either by staff or incident responders depending on the level of CO, provided, there have been no alarms or hazards.
  3. If CO levels exceed 9 ppm over an 8 hour day, FACS will be notified immediately either by person or telephone notification, avoid using electronic which may cause sparks such as computers or cell phones in the area.
  4. If CO levels exceed 200 ppm, the local alarm will annunciate to evacuate the room and the building and contact 911 or Campus Safety immediately. Campus Safety will notify the IM immediately. Campus Safety will also contact the LA County Fire Dept. for response.

If sensor denotes Carbon Monoxide levels exceeding 200 ppm:

  1. Evacuate the area immediately; do not enter the area without proper respiratory protection (supplied air/ SCBA equipment only).
  2. Call Campus Safety and notify FACS from a safe location. Do NOT use a cell phone in the area due to potential for ignition/sparking.
  3. Check any occupants for obvious symptoms of CO exposure, contact medical services as needed, once outside. If anyone is exhibiting symptoms of possible carbon monoxide poisoning evacuate to the outdoors immediately and notify Campus Safety and incident responders on scene. Notify Campus Safety or the Fire Dept. if there are victims still inside the building.
  4. The DDS system will automatically send a notification to the county incident 911 dispatch center. The Fire Department will respond with SCBA personal protective respiration devices and assist with manual shut off of the gas either at the main building line or local gas lines as necessary and also assist with returning the building air to normal/ safe levels.


FACS Staff response:

  • Test the air for CO prior to entering the contaminated area, at the threshold of the building and/ or the room/area.
  • Do not enter any area where the CO levels are exceeding 35 ppm.
  • Evacuate the area if levels are >35ppm.
  • Contact 911/ Campus Safety and FACS if not already notified.
  • Repair any faulty equipment after the area has been deemed safe to enter.
  • Shut down any ventilation or utilities to eliminate risks of ignition if safe to do so.

For readings above 9 ppm but less than 35 ppm:

  • Investigate cause of alarm.
  • Take necessary action to mitigate the situation/cause.

For readings greater than 35 ppm:

  • Investigate cause of alarm, if safe to do so.
  • Take necessary action to mitigate the situation/cause.
  • Once levels of CO have been reduce to a safe level (below 9 ppm) attempt reset the detector(s).

For readings greater than 200 ppm: Call Campus Safety

Incident Manager response:

  • Bring CO meter to the scene.
  • Ascertain validity of alarm checking for tampering.
  • Create an Accident/Incident/Near Miss Report.
  • Following the incident; verify CO meter operational.
  • Check detector to verify alarm and level reading.
  • Using meter verify level of carbon monoxide.
  • Survey building to determine CO levels are below 9 ppm.
  • Any reading above 9 ppm shall be considered above normal.
    • Inform occupants of the cause and actions taken.
    • Notify Building Safety Coordinators of the potential hazards of carbon monoxide and the signs and symptoms of exposure.

Campus Safety:

  • Assist in evacuation of building as necessary.
  • Contact 911, if necessary.
  • Assist with crowd control.
  • Assist anyone who may need medical attention and contact the appropriate medical responder.

These procedures act Only as a guideline to follow. If situations do not fit within these parameters then incident response personnel at the scene shall have the authority to deviate as necessary to deal with the situation as they see fit.

[OSHA PEL] [29 CFR Table Z-1]
[ACGIH TLV] [ACGIH 1994, p. 15]
[EPA Final Rule] 40 CFR Parts 50, 53 and (59 FR 38906)




Most campus demonstrations such as marches, meetings, picketing, and rallies will be peaceful and non-obstructive. Please refer to the existing CMC Freedom of Expression/Assembly and Demonstrations on Campus Grounds and TCC Claremont Colleges Policy on Demonstrations for details regarding demonstrations.


Please refer to the CMC Student Handbook section on college policies, disciplinary and grievance procedures.


Immediate Action and Decision Maker(s)

If a non-peaceful gathering or situation creating an incident occurs on campus, TCCS Campus Safety and/or CMC Public Safety should be notified and will be responsible for contacting and informing the Vice President of Student Affairs who will notify the President and Incident Manager. Depending on the nature of the demonstration, the appropriate procedures listed below should be followed:

Peaceful, Non-Obstructive Protest

Generally, peaceful protests should not be interrupted. Protestors should not be obstructed or provoked and efforts should be made to conduct College business as normally as possible.

However, if demonstrators are asked, at the President’s or designee’s request, to leave based on safety concerns/ considerations and existing policies but refuse:

  • Arrangements will be made by the Vice President of Student Affairs and CMC Public Safety to monitor the situation, and/or
  • The determination will be made to treat the situation as a disruptive demonstration.

Non-Violent, Disruptive Protest

In the event that a demonstration blocks access to College facilities or interferes with the operation of the College:

The Vice President for Student Affairs or the CMC Pubic Safety Officer or his/her designee will go to the area and ask the protestors to leave or to discontinue the disruptive activities.

Violent, Disruptive Protests

In the event that a violent protest in which injury to persons or property occurs or appears imminent, the following will occur:

  • Campus Safety or CMC Public Safety (whoever is on scene or notified first) will investigate the disruption, take appropriate action, report and notify the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Incident Manager who will activate the IOT, EPG and IOC as necessary.
  • The President, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of CMC Public Safety will determine any further actions.

NOTE: If possible, an attempt should be made by CMC Public Safety or the VP of Student Affairs to communicate with the protestors to convince them to desist from engaging in violent activities in order to avoid further escalation of possible violent confrontation.

Subsequent Procedures/Information

As it becomes necessary, Campus Safety or CMC Public Safety or their designee will call for assistance from the Claremont City Police Department or other law enforcement agencies as needed if life and/or property are in imminent danger. If assistance is needed with mass transportation, the Incident Manager will work with local resources to provide off-site transportation.

Efforts should be made to secure positive identification of protestors in violation to facilitate later judicial processes or sanctions, including photographs if deemed advisable. Additionally, efforts should be made to video tape any police action for future reference.

Depending on the nature of the protest, the appropriate procedures of the CMC Demonstration Policy should be followed.




To establish a uniform notification and action procedure to prevent and/or limit a significant communicable disease outbreak at CMC.


A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is spread from person-to-person through casual contact or respiratory droplet exposure. A significant outbreak is the occurrence of three or more cases of one or more of the following communicable diseases:

  • Pandemic Influenza
  • Meningococcal meningitis
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella (Whooping Cough)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Bioterrorism Event – using a communicable agent

Other less serious infectious diseases, such as chicken pox, influenza, scabies and community acquired MRSA skin infections will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

The TCCS Director of Student Health Services will collaborate with the TCCS Medical Director or other local external health department representative if necessary to mitigate and response to the incident in an effort to contain the spread of the particular disease.


  • Determine who from CMC campus community are currently traveling/ working in infected areas/countries, and may be returning to campus.
  • Determine who is scheduled to go to affected areas.
  • Identify strategies to decrease exposure to well persons.
  • Individuals with suspected symptoms will be isolated and transported to nearest hospital promptly by ambulance, if necessary.
  • Masks as appropriate will be provided to the affect individual(s).
  • Determine contacts for suspected cases. Once assessed by a Student Health Services Provider or other medical professional, if student, faculty or staff member can go home by private car, they should.
  • Implement Counseling Services to students and employees as needed.


Depending on the disease entity and quantity of disease occurrences, the Director of Student Health Services or designee will collaborate with the LA County Department of Health to develop an action plan addressing currently ill persons on the CMC Campus as well as those not affected.

Initial incident notification of a potential occurrence may occur by various avenues:

  • Referrals to Student Health Services by TCC community members
  • Student Affairs representative, local hospital or health care provider or campus member.
  • Assessment by Student Health Services Staff
  • Notification by LA County Department of Health
  • Other CMC personnel or student who may receive information from an outside source.

Decisions regarding management of disease will follow current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines (www.cdc.gov). Clinician Information Line http://www.bt.cdc.gov/coca.




The purpose of this policy is to establish certain responsibilities concerning the notifications that need to be made to the various campus administrative and service departments in the event of the death of a member of the campus community and to coordinate such actions expeditiously and sensitively with regard to the feelings of the family, relatives, and friends of the deceased. Coordination of the immediate professional response actions of campus police, health care professionals, or other campus incident response personnel in the event of a campus death, or situations which may result in a death, is beyond the scope of this policy.


  • Campus Safety will be notified;
  • Campus Safety will immediately call 911;
    1. Campus Safety staff will contact the IM and, if student-related, the Vice President of Student Affairs;
  • The IM will:
    1. contact the EPG Liaison;
  • The EPG Liaison will:
    1. Notify the President;
    2. Notify the Dean of Students and other Residence Life staff as required.
  • If the incident involves a CMC employee work-related injury or death, Campus Safety will immediately contact the IM who will in turn notify Human Resources.


    CMC Public Safety/ Campus Safety

    • Secure the scene
    • Provides crowd control
    • Family notification will be made by law enforcement or a Senior Administrator as designated by the President

    Student Affairs/ Residence Life

    If incident involves a student death, Student Affairs leads the response.

    • Provide for alternate housing for roommate, if necessary
    • Notify and meet with pertinent members of the SA staff to intervene ad respond to immediate and future needs of the students

    Assistant VP of Human Resources

    If incident involves an employee(s) death, Human Resources leads the response, in cooperation with VP of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty if the death is of a faculty member(s).

    • Notify risk management, insurance companies and workers compensation
    • Notify OSHA and other regulatory agencies
    • Work with IM to obtain any necessary resources or services
    • Provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) information to the affected individuals

    Director of Student Wellness Center

    • Provide for psychological assistance for students, if needed

    FACS Director

    • Provide alternative office space for other employees if necessary
    • Assign work orders as necessary for any repairs or damages
    • Secure outside vendors for repair, damages or maintenance as necessary

    VP of Public Affairs

    • Provide appropriate campus communication, press release/news conference, and media communications

    Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager

    • Isolate, mitigate and/or clean contaminated surfaces if necessary
    • Secure and supervise outside vendor for bloodborne pathogens clean up if necessary

    The death of a student, a member of the faculty or staff, active or emeriti, or visiting Scholar or Fellow of the College represents a loss for the campus community as well as for the family and friends of the deceased. On the human level, the campus response to such a death will vary based on the decedent’s public prominence and the circumstances of the death. At the administrative level, the College’s response will be based on the nature of the decedent’s affiliation with the College.

    In general, the required notifications depend on the nature of the College affiliation of the deceased and are intended to set in motion administrative actions needed to settle accounts and close the academic and/or personnel records of the deceased.

    Only the President of the College, or designee will communicate with the deceased’s family members once the authority has been granted by local law enforcement or coroner’s office.




    To establish a uniform notification and action procedure to respond to an explosion, downed aircraft (crash) on campus or similar incident on campus. If the incident involves chemicals, it may also be necessary to follow the procedures under Hazardous Materials/ Hazardous Waste Incident Response.


    • The appropriate incident action is for individuals to evacuate the building quickly and safely;
    • Contact Campus Safety or 911;


    Campus Safety will:

    1. Call LA County dispatch at 9-911;
    2. Assist outside agency with crowd control.
    All students, faculty, staff, and others visitors must be prepared to:
    • Take cover under tables, desks, and other objects, which will give protection against falling glass or debris;
    • Evacuate the building as quickly and calmly as possible;
    • Do not use elevators;
    • If there is a fire, stay low to the floor and exit the building as quickly as possible;
    • If you are trapped in debris, tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers may hear where you are;
    • Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for incident vehicles and crew.
    • Know your assembly points. Meet at your building’s assembly area and check in with your Building Safety Coordinator; if the primary location is compromised go to the alternative location and await further instructions;
    • Do not leave the designated assembly area until all persons are accounted for, unless conditions become dangerous or you are asked to relocate by CMC officials or other community responders;
    • Untrained persons should not attempt to rescue people who are inside a collapsed building. Wait for incident personnel to arrive.
    • The on-site external community responder (Incident Commander) unit will make decisions regarding the control and cleanup of the explosion incident;
    • Depending on the nature of the incident, other public response and law enforcement agencies may be involved in decisions or control of the scene, e.g., criminal actions;
    • Depending on the nature and degree of the explosion, other support agencies and College personnel may be brought in for services or assistance;
    • The external Incident Commander will decide when to turn control of the scene back over to the appropriate College official.

    Important: Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed by authorized personnel.




    The primary consideration in the event of a fire will be the life safety of the building occupants. Secondary considerations for the protection of property should be made prior to an incident situation. In the event of a fire incident, all College personnel, students and visitors are to completely evacuate the building(s) involved and take instructions from Campus Safety or other incident responders on the scene. Failure to obey Campus Safety officials at the scene of a fire incident is a violation of LA County Fire Code and this policy.



    • Leave the building if the alarm sounds, unless it is unsafe to do so.
    • Sound the alarm if conditions warrant.
    • Call 911 or Campus Safety at 909-607-2000 when in a safe location.
    • Close all windows within your area to prevent cross drafts, unless it is unsafe to do so.
    • Keep all interior and exterior fire doors closed; unless it is unsafe to do so.
    • If your door is closed, place your hand (outer, not palm side) against the door. If it is warm or if you smell smoke, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
    • Evacuate without unnecessary running. Avoid any action which might cause others to panic.
    • Do not use elevators for evacuation.
    • Familiarize yourself with the locations of all available exits, including fire escapes. If an exit is blocked by smoke or fire, go to the next available exit. Give assistance and direction to those following after you, particularly the handicapped.
    • Use caution when approaching stairwell entrances.
    • Travel downward on stairs, unless it is unsafe to do so.
    • After you have completely cleared your building, look back; someone may be signaling for assistance from a window.
    • Follow all instructions given by incident personnel.


    • If your door is closed and you suspect that a fire is located just outside, use any available material to seal any cracks or openings to prevent smoke from entering the room. If you find that you are trapped in an area while the door is open, use a coat, shirt, skirt, or similar material to close it, protecting your hand against possible burns form the heated door or doorknob. Next, seal the cracks and openings to prevent smoke from entering the room.
    • Partially open a window and stay near it, keeping low and breathing fresher air supplied from outside.
    • If no telephone is available, use a coat, shirt or similar item to signal your location by waving the item outside of the window. Those evacuating the building may see your signal and alert rescue teams.
    • Remain as calm as possible, breathing normally only the fresher air supplied by the open window. Once your location has been determined, rescue efforts will begin.


    In the event of a fire, your primary responsibility is to follow the evacuation procedures for your building. Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to use one or if by using the fire extinguisher is the only alternative option to exiting the building.

    If it is necessary to put out a fire, the following information clarifies use:

    • Pressurized water extinguisher is used for wood, paper, textiles, and ordinary combustible materials. NEVER USE WATER ON ELECTRICAL FIRES.
    • Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used for flammable liquids, electrical wire or equipment.
    • ABC dry chemical may be used for any of the above; most of the extinguishers on campus are ABC types.

    Misuse of fire extinguisher and other fire safety equipment is a violation of College policy as well as California State law. Individuals who misuse fire safety equipment are subject to College judicial/ legal action.


    • When the local Fire Department arrives they will have primary responsibility, and CMC Public Safety as well as, Campus Safety will assist them with crowd control and limiting access, as required.
    • Every member of the College community should do their part to prevent fires from starting and to be prepared to take appropriate action in the event that a fire does occur.
    • Always know where the closest stairwell and exit is located and have a back-up plan in case that path is blocked.
    • Familiarize yourself with the evacuation assembly areas for each building you may enter. This information can be found on the CMC Emergency web page.
    • All alarms are real and must be treated that way. Get out of the building when you hear the alarm sound. Do not re-enter the building until incident personnel or College Official has given permission to do so.
    • All building occupants are expected to leave any building immediately when its fire alarm sounds. Student Violators will face CMC student judicial action and/or civil prosecution. Employee violators will face disciplinary action as per the College’s Employee Contract.




    To protect CMC personnel and property from water danger or damage where possible.


    Floods may be caused by domestic water systems or by storm water run-off and/or streams overflowing their banks. For floods caused by a campus water system failure:

    1. Call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000. During normal business hours, Campus Safety will notify the Director of FACS who will dispatch the appropriate maintenance crew.
    2. After normal business hours, Campus Safety will contact the on-call FACS representative to assess situation and, if necessary, will contact the Director of FACS who will dispatch appropriate maintenance crew or other campus responders.


    For Floods Caused by natural disaster:

    • FACS personnel will remove the water and perform building repairs.
    • The Director of FACS will manage protective measures when flood damage is present;
    • Director of FACS will keep the Incident Manager informed of the area that is affected, regarding the water level;
    • If there is enough time, occupants will be asked to move their property for its protection; ensure personal safety first, and personal items last;
    • FACS personnel will assist in moving property, if needed;
    • Occupants should be prepared to evacuate if advised to do so.
    • The Director of FACS, in consultation with the EPG and IOT, will make decisions regarding control and access to buildings/areas affected by floods and the decision for safe building/area re-entry.
    • Notify the IM to monitor potential contamination of facilities to and from flood waters.
    • In extreme cases of flooding, it may be necessary to request assistance from local, state or federal agencies.




    A hazardous materials incident may be a spill or release of chemicals, radioactive materials or biological materials inside a building or to the environment. College employees are responsible for clean-up of routine incidental spills that occur during routine use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials within their place of work. A routine incidental spill is a spill where there is no increase in hazard to the worker or the surrounding individuals.


    Immediately upon discovering that a large or uncontrolled spill has occurred or has the potential to occur, employees and students will notify Campus Safety or the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager of the situation. The employee reporting the incident should provide as much information as possible regarding the type, nature and location of the spill, such as:

    1. Employee name;
    2. Location (room and building);
    3. Phone number you are using;
    4. Material spilled; and
    5. Were there any injuries sustained?
    6. In the event of a fire where hazardous materials are involved or may become involved, the employee must do the following:
      1. Immediately evacuate the room/area;
      2. Close the door/windows behind him/her, whenever possible;
      3. Activate the nearest fire alarm; and
      4. Go to the nearest building or incident phone and notify Campus Safety at 909-607-2000.


    Campus Safety

    Upon receiving a call regarding a chemical spill at CMC, Campus Safety will inform the IM. If the IM determines that the spill should be characterized as a potential incident, the IM will ask the Campus Safety Dispatcher to notify the on-call spill clean-up vendor as necessary.

    Incident Coordinator

    The IM, with the assistance of trained hazardous material spill clean-up personnel, quickly determine whether and how they can safely and effectively mitigate the incident. The IM, in conjunction with the CMC Emergency Response Team, will immediately evaluate the incident by assessing the following:

    • Nature and scope of problem.
    • Steps necessary to protect life, health, environment, and facility operations.
    • Whether outside incident responders are needed.

    The IM will immediately determine the need for and extent of evacuation (if not already accomplished) by consulting with the Campus Safety Officer and other members of the Incident Operations Team. If necessary, the IM will request assistance from outside incident responders.

    Outside Incident Response Contractors

    Outside hazardous materials response teams will operate under their own incident response plan and use their own personal protective equipment when called to provide incident assistance at CMC.

    When the Fire Department and/or outside incident response contractors report to the site of the incident, one of the outside supervisors will assume the role of the IC and coordinate the response efforts between the various response parties. The IM and IOT will assist the external response teams and community officials, as necessary.


    Hazardous Substance Reportable Quantities

    If a material which contains a hazardous substance is released to the ground, water or air, the IM or their designee will determine if the release exceeds a Reportable Quantity (RQ) listed in Release Reporting Requirements Matrix, Appendix O. If the release exceeds an RQ, then telephone reports will be made immediately and follow-up written reports will be submitted as required by regulatory agencies.


    The IM will facilitate proper clean-up after a hazardous material spill has been contained and all threats to human life or the environment have been eliminated. The IM will ensure all clean-up and disposal activities whether accomplished by CMC employees or an outside vendor, are protective of human health, safety, and the environment, and comply with all applicable environmental laws.


    The IM or outside response vendor called on to respond to an incident will be responsible for decontamination of the incident area. Decontamination waste, such as gloves, protective clothing and absorbent material will be classified as either non-hazardous or hazardous waste, and will be stored and disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.




    Occasionally, incident situations require that the College be closed or classes/events cancelled. In such instances the following protocol and procedures apply:

    All decisions related to closing College offices and/or classes will be made by the President; The President will notify the VP of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, and the IM, who along with the VP of Public Affairs will send out a mass e-mail message and/or a text message to the campus community as needed.

    Supervisors are not authorized to close offices except at the explicit instruction of the President.


    When it is determined that the College must be closed entirely (both offices, classes and events), with only essential staff being asked to report, the decision will be conveyed using various media. They include the following:

    Mass Communications System messages via phone, text, and email will be sent to students, faculty and staff. Such communication will appear as priority mail when one initially logs on to the system. Mass Messages will be created by the VP of Public Affairs, as directed by the EPG and IOT, to the campus community as needed. Templates will be used to assist in speedy delivery of messages. All communications will be timely and regular updates will be provided, even if no progress is being made, until the situation is resolved.

    Radio/ TV announcements will be conveyed to local stations. Such announcements will normally occur several times between approximately 6:00 and 9:00 a.m.

    Total Closing Prior to Beginning of Workday - Offices and Classes

    All such closings become effective for the duration of the calendar day in which they are announced.

    Partial Closing Prior to Beginning of Workday - Offices Only, Classes Continue

    When it is determined that the College will be partially closed due to a weather-related incident, (only offices close), faculty report and classes continue, radio announcements will not normally occur. A mass notification will be delivered.

    Closing during a Workday

    All such closings become effective at the designated time and continue throughout the remainder of the calendar day in which they are announced by the President or his/ her designee.


    Should the President find it necessary to close offices during the workday (with only essential staff being asked to report or stay), he will inform the VP of Public Affairs, (as well as the General Counsel and IM) who in turn will notify the Associate Director of IT to assist with the mass communication delivery. They will then send priority voice, text and e-mail messages as described earlier. In addition, the IM will notify the other IOT members.

    In weather-related incident closings, FACS personnel should report as usual. For all other types of closings, FACS personnel are asked to communicate with their supervisor for further instruction. Communication plans and systems must be shared with essential and non-essential personnel via their supervisor and other official methods such as email or written notifications.

    When students are in residence, other offices may need to remain open and operable. With advisement from Human Resources, supervisors should pre-determine those positions which will be required to report during an incident, please note, not all situations are the same, and therefore, reporting to work may or may not be required.




    This policy is created to prevent infrastructure problems such as electricity, computer, steam, water, or telephone failures that could render the work site unsafe or uninhabitable.


    • If a critical incident is experienced relating to water, electricity, or steam during work hours, call the FACS Office at 909-607-8112. After work hours, call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000.
    • If a critical incident is experienced relating to telephone systems during work hours, send an e-mail message to IT at: help@cmc.edu. After business hours, go to the Campus Safety office.
    • If a critical incident is experienced relating to computer systems, call IT at 909-607-0911. After work hours, call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000.


    • After normal work hours, Campus Safety will call the on-call FACS representative. The FACS rep will then contact the IM for immediate assistance and notify the appropriate department head of affected area.
    • The first responders, either FACS, IT, or IM, will determine whether a critical incident exits.


    On-Site Generators and Alternative Housing During Power Outage:

    In most EDISON power outages, TCC generators can provide power to all the colleges.

    Exception: during hot weather TCC generators can fall short of available capacity unless all colleges reduce their air conditioning load.

    If there is a full TCC power outage and if CMC has no electrical power coming in at all:

    Campus buildings able to maintain both heat/air conditioning and lighting with on-site generators:

    • Collins (assuming natural gas is still available)
    • Kravis (assuming natural gas is still available)
    • CMC Apartments (651, 661, 671, 681) (no gas needed)
    • Bistzantz Team Room (no gas needed)

    Campus buildings not able to maintain heat/ air conditioning; incident lights limited to 2-3 hours:

    • The rest of buildings have either generators or inverters to provide limited power for egress lighting.


    In the event of a power outage, FACS personnel may need to assist persons trapped in elevators, located in the following buildings:

    Location Phone Extension Elevator Emergency Phone Special Notes
    400 Claremont Blvd. North 50030 X
    400 Claremont Blvd. South 50031 X Takes 1 minute to reset
    400 Claremont Blvd. Elevator 70086 X Takes 1 minute to reset
    6th & Mills Lot -6th & Mills Lot South 71965 X Takes 1 minute to reset. Light does not work/flash
    6th & Mills Lot North 71911 X
    6th St. Parking Lot -Bizantz Parking Lot East 50036 X East Side Bizants Parking Lot
    6th St. Parking Lot -Bizantz Parking Lost West 50037 X West Side Bizants Parking Lot
    Adams Elevator 74674 X Takes 1 minute to reset. Dispatch has difficulty hearing the person in the elevator. West side exterior of Bldg.
    Appleby Pod 79657 X Takes 1 minute to reset
    Auen Elevator 54, 55 OVERLAP 77872 X
    Auen Exterior 73607 X
    Axelrood Pool N/W 71197 X North West Wall Inside Pool
    Bauer Lot --Bauer East Lot 71934 X Light does not work/flash
    Bauer North Elevator 71167 X
    Bauer South Elevator 71166 X Takes 1 minute to reset. Automated message plays over line inhibiting dialog.
    Beckett N.E. Entrance 73826 X
    Benson West Entry 73082 X
    Berger N. Entrance 73821 X
    Bizants Tennis Ct. CMC 6th St. 78726 X East Side of the South Bldg.
    Bizants Tennis Ct. CMC 6th St. Elevator 78719 X Interior of Tower Center Court Area
    Boswell Pod 79637 X
    Center Court East 77324 X
    Center Court West 77321 X
    Collins Kitchen Wall 78253 X Unlabled black phone on west wall by office. Have to dial 7200 instead of automatic dialing.
    Fawcett Elevator--71 OVERLAP 73199 X Keeps disconnecting, have to hold the button for several seconds.
    Fawcett Entrance 78414 X
    Green Pod 79648 X
    Heggblade Elevator 71178 X
    Keck JS East Elevator--74, 79, 80 OVERLAP 70059 X
    Keck JS Handicap Basement 71994
    Keck JS Handicap Sub-basement 71993
    Keck JS N.E 1st Floor--77, 78 OVERLAP 71998 X
    Keck JS N/E Base. Stairwell 71995 X Unlabled red phone on staircase basement wall
    Keck JS S.E. 1st Floor 71997 X
    Keck JS S/E Base. Stairwell 71996 X
    Keck JS West Elevator 71636 X No elevator key on, no key ring, have to access from inside Bldg.
    Kramer Walkway 71180 X Light does not work/flash
    Marks Entrance N/W 72866 X
    Parking Gate, CMC Apts 78688 X
    Phillips N. Entrance 73818 X
    Robert North Elevator 71469 X
    Roberts South Elevator 71468 X
    Stark Elevator--88, 89 OVERLAP 74012 X "Push to Call' button does not work, have to use phone in the compartment
    Stark Entrance 74044 X
    Wohlford Pod 79583 X




    This policy provides guidance for critical medical care, including transportation and supportive first aid at the scene, for CMC students, employees, and visitors, as needed.

    LA County Department staffs trained certified Paramedics. They will respond to serious medical or mental health emergencies on campus. Any injury occurring as a result of an existing hazardous condition should also be reported to Campus Safety, IM and Human Resources.



    Only students are eligible for care at the Student Health Center.

    1. Treatment for students with critical injuries or serious medical illnesses may be obtained by calling Campus Safety, 911, or use the Incident Call Box and report incident to Campus Safety. If there are life threatening conditions such as not breathing, heart attack, seizure, or profuse bleeding call for help as quickly as possible, if it is safe to do so. The ambulance will respond and arrange for transportation if required. Ambulance services will be billed to the individual, not the College.
    2. Do not move the patient unless safety dictates.
    3. If you are properly trained, the scene is safe and you have time:
      1. Use first aid procedures to assist with minor injuries such as using pressure to stop bleeding, applying cold packs or bandages.
      2. Provide basic (non-incident) care as needed. Illnesses or injuries may be referred to the Student Health Center. If on campus, transportation assistance may be obtained by calling Campus Safety or Residence Life staff.
      3. Provide CPR or other life-saving skills.

    An Accident Form must be completed for all incidents of illness and injury. Please submit all Accident Forms to Human Resources or your supervisor and notify the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager within 48 hours of the accident.


    Treatment for a job-related critical injury or serious medical illness may be obtained by calling Campus Safety, 911 or CMC Public Safety. The Ambulance will respond and arrange for transportation if required. Ambulance services will be billed to the individual, not the College, unless it is a work-related situation, in which case, Worker’s Compensation may play a role in medical expenses.

    An Accident Form must be completed for all incidents of job-related illness and injury. Please submit all Accident Forms to Human Resources and the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager within 48 hours of the accident.

    For life-threatening or death related situations, notify Campus Safety immediately. Human Resources and the IM must contact the appropriate regulatory agencies, such as OSHA, within eight (8) hours.


    Request medical assistance by calling 911 or Campus Safety.

    FIRST AID IS FIRST AID ONLY . . . DO NOT JEOPARDIZE YOUR HEALTH OR THE HEALTH OF THE PATIENT. WAIT FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP IF YOU ARE NOT TRAINED AND/OR ABLE TO PROVIDE FIRST AID SAFELY. Call 911 if ever in doubt! Do not drive an injured person in your personal vehicle. Wait for professional help.


    To obtain prompt professional incident medical treatment, call 911 to request the local ambulance. The following is a brief summary of the procedures for requesting an ambulance:

    1. Call Campus Safety or 911, who will contact the LA County Dispatch 911 Center.
    2. Provide:
      • Victims name, your name and telephone number.
      • Location of the incident (Building and Room Number).
      • The extent of the accident/injury and number of people involved.
      • Location where someone will meet the ambulance for directing personnel to the injured.
    3. Notify the supervisor in the area as soon as possible.
    4. The individual making the call should continue to stay on the phone with the dispatcher and answer as many questions as possible regarding the condition of the injured person so that information can be forwarded to the responding incident personnel.

    LA County Fire maintains State-certified Paramedics. Under no circumstances should injured personnel or students who are experiencing a medical incident be transported in personal or College vehicles. Emergency Medical Services are on call 24 hours a day. Although it is not advised when accidents or injuries occur, adult individuals have the right to refuse medical assistance if coherent and competent. Most Emergency Medical Service providers operate on the principle of informed consent. This precludes parties who are intoxicated or otherwise incapable of making an informed decision.




    This protocol defines and coordinates the efforts of various campus departments in order to provide an educational and effective institutional response to the student whose strange, unusual, or inappropriate behavior indicates s/he may be experiencing a psychological problem and/or a mental health crisis. In addition, this protocol addresses institutional responses to the other individuals who may be affected by the strange, unusual, or inappropriate behavior of a student. Such definition and coordination is intended to make the institutional response “more than the sum of its parts” for the benefit of the student and the community at large.


    Management of Acute Behavioral Deterioration

    The following are types of situations that may require management beyond the typical counseling relationship.

    1. A client comes to the Counseling Center in an acutely deteriorated mental state.
    2. A call is received at Dean of Students from a residence hall, Campus Safety, or professor, etc., identifying an acute problem situation.
    3. A client is off-campus and a report of disruptive behavior comes to campus (i.e., call from apartment manager, the police, concerned citizen, or off-campus counselor or minister).

    In these above situations, the procedure detailed below is utilized:

    1. If safety concerns are negated and it is during normal business hours, have the student transported to Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS).
    2. If the student appears truly unmanageable, contact Campus Safety to facilitate the transport to the emergency room at a local hospital by ambulance.
    3. Campus Safety should contact the Dean of Students and the IM of the incident to facilitate transportation.
    4. The IM should assist the Dean of Students with arrangements for transport and contact the local hospital emergency room to inform them of the incoming student.
    5. The Dean of Students shall activate their internal response and inform the MCAPS of the situation.
    6. A member of the MCAPS staff should arrange to accompany the police and/or Campus Safety whenever such assistance may be requested or may appear particularly helpful in attenuating extreme anxiety, etc.
    7. When arrangements have been made with the local hospital, a member of the MCAPS staff should remain with the student during the admission procedure and transport to the psychiatric unit, if necessary.


    The following procedures clarify the lines of communication to be utilized in crisis management:

    • After hours, clients should contact their assigned counselor. If the counselor is unavailable, the student may contact the next available staff member. Non-clients in an after-hours crisis should contact the counselor on call or Campus Safety.
    • The information is provided on the MCAPS answering machine and posted on their front entrance, as well as on their web page.
    • The Director should immediately inform the Dean of Students of situations that may necessitate contact with families or involvement of local agencies and media.

    Summer Hours:

    MCAPS will be closed during the summer break. If students are in crisis and need to speak with a counselor by phone during the summer break, they may call the main MCAPS phone number (909) 621-8202 and dial “1” to be connected to an on-call therapist.




    To prevent natural gas leaks that may be caused by activities such as building renovations and new building construction or during normal operational activities.


    For gas leaks on campus, call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000 or 911.


    Campus Safety Dispatcher will:

    • Identify the caller;
    • Call 911 to dispatch the Fire Dept.;
    • Dispatch Campus Safety to the site
    • Ensure evacuation from the site/building
    • Radio for medical assistance, if necessary
    • Alert the IM or FACS on-call staff and;

    Director of FACS will:

    • Notify Campus Safety and IM, if FACS was contacted first;
    • Notify SoCal Gas;
    • Secure utilities, as necessary; assess any structural damage;
    • Arrange for heating, ventilation, as necessary;
    • Reset alarms as needed;
    • Secure facility, if necessary (maintenance); and

    Incident Operations Team will advise the EPG of the following:

    • Situation assessments and updates as they become available;
    • Relocation or cancellation of classes, if necessary; and
    • Relocation or closing of staff offices, if necessary.

    Incident Manager will:

    • Provide hazardous materials information;
    • Report all injuries to HR or DOS as appropriate; and handle any reporting to regulatory agencies as necessary.



    Also identified as: ACTIVE ASSAILANT


    During a campus violent/hostile incident, it may be necessary to shelter in place or remain in a location where there is less risk of becoming a victim of violence. Whenever possible, identify a sheltering in place location nearby your work area/classroom where you and your fellow occupants should remain during an incident.


    If you are notified that an incident is in progress and you receive the direction to “shelter in place,” please proceed as follows and wait for further instructions.

    Hostile Intruder(s) in a CMC Building

    Notification of a hostile person on a campus may come from a pre-recorded message on the campus phones, a text message, by runner, or by e-mail. These guidelines apply to any building on or near campus, including residence halls, academic buildings, administrative buildings, etc.

    • Faculty/Staff should immediately close the doors to their classroom/office. Lock them if possible. If locks are unavailable, barricade doors unless there is an imminent need to be silent. Attempt to cover any door or classroom windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into the hallway.
    • If communication is available, call 911 or 909-607-2000.
    • Do not sound the fire alarm. A fire alarm would signal the occupants to evacuate the building and thus place them in potential harm as they attempted to exit.
    • Lock the windows.
    • Stay away from the exterior and interior windows, if possible.
    • Turn off all audio equipment.
    • Try to remain as calm as possible.
    • Keep everyone together.
    • Keep classrooms locked, insist that occupants remain until police arrive and give you directions.
    • If you are in an open area such as a hallway or vestibule, try to get to a classroom or an office and then follow above procedures. Do not go outside, unless you feel comfortable that you can make it without harm.
    • Stay out of open areas and be as quiet as possible.

    If for some reason you are caught in an open area such as a hallway or lounge, you have several options:

    • You can try to hide, but make sure it is a well-hidden space or you may be found by the intruder as the intruder moves through the building looking for victims.
    • If you think you can safely make it out of the building by running, then do so. If you decide to run, do not run in a straight line. Attempt to keep objects such as, desks, cabinets, fixtures, etc. between you and the hostile subject. When away from the immediate area of danger, summon help in any way you can and warn others.
    • If the person(s) is/are causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide, you may choose to play dead, if other victims are around you.
    • Your last option, if you are caught in an open area in a building, may be to fight back. This is dangerous but, depending on your situation, this could be your last option.
    • If you are caught by the intruder and are not going to fight back, obey all commands and don’t look the intruder in the eyes.
    • Once the police arrive, do not run toward them. Obey all police or incident officer’s commands. This may involve your being handcuffed, or keeping your hands in the air. This is done for safety reasons. Once the police evaluate circumstances, they will give you further directions to follow.


    • Call Campus Safety or 911 as quickly and quietly as possible if you suspect a violent or hostile intruder.
    • Campus Safety in cooperation with Local or State law enforcement will assume command of the scene.
    • All students and employees will be asked to shelter in place via text or email communications.
    • Do not use phones during this event unless it is truly a life-threatening situation, as the incident lines for the area may be overrun with calls during an event of this type.