A Virtual Return to our Campus Community and Learning Remotely

A Virtual Return to our Campus Community and Learning Remotely
Claremont McKenna College, Dean of Students Office

We’ve put together some resources to help support you, and we plan on staying connected as often as we would if you were on campus. We see these resources as evolving, and it is our deepest hope that you will add and contribute to a growing body of resources we can all use to manage these challenging times. Please share your best practices and ideas with us by emailing slayden@cmc.edu.

Please keep in mind a few important things:

  • Your professors are your number one resource in this new learning environment; use this challenge as an opportunity to continue to develop strong relationships with our amazing faculty. Reaching out to faculty is your best, first step.
  • Remote learning is still learning: Some of the how has changed, but not the what or why of your education and learning. All the normal best learning practices still apply: engage with your professor, course materials, and class-mates; dedicate time to learning with your classmates; use your resources such as Success Consultants, the CWPD, the QCL, and peer tutoring; and reach out to the Academic Success staff in the DOS to schedule some academic coaching.
  • We’re all in this together. This means what becomes a glitch for you is likely a glitch for others. Reach out to others so that you can solve these problems.

You are at CMC because you belong at CMC—and CMC is more than the space it occupies in Claremont. CMC is you; CMC is all of us. Help one another. Be there for one another. And, remember, that we are here for you!

Your Space: What works for you?

  • Pick a space with a flat surface and a chair that allows you to sit up straight
  • Clear it of anything that is not relevant (placemats, coloring books, items from high school, etc.)
  • Choose a space that is the quietest or least used area in your environment
  • Consider facing a window or wall if that helps limit distractions
  • Talk to those in your household about your “work hours” and what level of noise you need to be successful
  • Set up your technology to ensure you have everything you need
  • Computer, printer, headphones, lamp, etc.
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection
  • Gather your necessary supplies
  • Textbooks, novels, binders, folders, academic planner, scratch paper, pens, post-its, calculator, etc.
  • Pick a couple items that bring you joy
  • Picture of family/friends, diffuser, crystals, meaningful token, etc.
  • Put everything in a small box/bin if you need to move your workspace each day

Your courses: Many students have found it helpful to use a chart or other organizer to track changes and updates for their courses. You can try this one—or design your own.

Major changes the professor
has made to course format
Links to bookmark        
Upcoming changes (as the course
progresses over next 8 weeks)
Professor’s preferred method
of communication
Virtual office hours        
Questions  I need to resolve        
Estimated hours per week        

Preparation and Expectations: Remember, your professors are the most valuable resources for your success. Make sure you are clear on their expectations before setting up a system to maintain motivation and accountability.

  • Treat your online course like an in-person course
  • Engage yourself in the material prior to the lecture/recording
  • Actively participate in discussions or forums
  • For a live class session, test your connection by joining the meeting 7-10 minutes prior
  • You can then mute the audio and disable the video
  • Take notes with pen and paper
  • This helps with staying focused and information retention
  • Take 5 minutes to write a summary of the lecture, highlighting 3-5 major takeaways
  • Make the most of your CMC network and ask for help!

Importance of Routines: Structured time works best. Work will become more manageable and less overwhelming when your mind is focused and attentive.

  • Plan out your week day-by-day
  • This includes times to be social with other CMCers online
  • Write a to-do list for each class/project
  • Set goals that are realistic and make sense with your workspace
  • Focus on one task at a time
  • Use distraction blockers that limit access to a website or app
  • Make time for regular breaks
  • Prioritize your work using a coded system
  • Red (immediate attention), yellow (on the radar), green (good shape)

Importance of Flexibility: Any new experience feels challenging at first. Everyone is adjusting, including your faculty members. Patience will be the key virtue during this time.

  • Expect a turnaround time of 24-48 hours for responses to your email(s)
  • Be prepared for possible delays in connectivity, communication, and the general pace of the semester
  • When things get overwhelming, don’t hesitate to email DOS
  • Email: deanofstudents@cmc.edu
  • Staff across the College are working remotely and can help

Well-Being Tips: Staying nourished—in all ways—should be a top priority!

  • Maintain a consistent and healthy sleeping schedule
  • Success Consultants would be more than happy to talk through a plan for you!
  • Listen to your body and give it what it needs (and more)
  • Drink a glass of water in between meals
  • Find ways to be engage and activate your body throughout the day
  • Take breaks away from the screen
  • Blue-light blocking glasses may help with eye strain, headaches, and getting to bed
  • Commit to a meditation practice—first thing in the morning or last thing at night

The Basics:

  • Check your CMC email account twice every day
  • Don’t miss important information by skimming your inbox
  • In addition to those from your faculty, prioritize emails from CMC officials and departments (Registrar, DOS, Financial Aid, etc.)
  • Stay informed on local and global news
  • Be mindful of what and how much news you consume; set a specific time of day to check for updates
  • Many updates are shared during the lunch hour

Community Matters: Remember, we are in this together. One of the greatest opportunities during this time is finding new avenues for maintaining social connections. Here’s how we can start thinking about creating and maintaining our CMC community in a virtual world:

  • The relationships you made with faculty, staff, mentors, coaches, classmates aren’t “stuck” in Claremont
  • Check if anyone in your circle would be up for “Ath Tea” if you hit a slump
  • Create your own virtual Poppa/Reading Room—group exercise classes can happen virtually, too
  • Set up standing meetings to make sure each person has carved out time in their calendar
  • Share your ideas with others, and be inclusive. Our community will be as strong and connected as we make it. Reach out. Add to your groups
  • Practice care for your fellow CMCers—how will you offer support and how will you feel better supported?
  • Make sure you have an open channel of communication with at least one other CMCer
  • This could even look like a “You’ve got this” or “How are you, for real?” daily text
  • We’ve designed a series of virtual gatherings to support your success—join us!
  • Monday Morning Meditations @ 8:15-8:45am PDT (starting March 30)
  • “Chill” Virtual Workshop Series @ 12:30-1:15pm PDT (starting April 6)
  • More information will be sent weekly by the Success Consultants
  • At CMC, social distancing only means physical distancing. What would you like to see us offer? Email deanofstudents@cmc.edu