The CMC Distinguished Writing Prize

The CMC Distinguished Writing Prize is awarded to students whose writing demonstrates intellectual distinction and with special attention to the quality of the writing. Any form of single-authored creative or expository writing will be eligible, including assignments completed for a course, poetry, and essays written for a general audience; among the latter, for example, we would welcome works of humor, political or social commentary, or attempts to explain the importance of technical subjects to nonspecialists. Last year’s winners addressed topics in Economics, History, and Literature. 


Axel Ahdritz, “The Memory Function,” which he describes as “an attempt to restore the place of public memory in the ontology of Literature.”

Sarah Ceja, “The Black Prozac: Mental Health and Hip Hop,” which she describes as “an essay that examines the topic of mental health as it appears in both classic and modern hip hop texts.”

Isabelle Jia, “The Stench of Youth,” which she describes as “"A series of poems that embody the themes of painful adolescence, loss, fleeting feelings and the fear of love, one's continuous search for identity, and inevitable growth. Written for and by my past self."

Victoria Johnson, “Online Targeted Advertising: A Critique of Google’s 2019 Proposal Addressing Privacy Policy and Public Concern.”