Canvas at CMC - Faculty

Canvas logo horizontal

Claremont McKenna College is thrilled to introduce Canvas as our new Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas provides a dynamic course management and collaborative learning platform designed to enhance faculty teaching and students' learning experiences. 

Canvas is a course management and collaborative learning tool that allows you to:

  • Post your syllabus and other resources online

  • Use discussion boards for ongoing discussions with students

  • Manage your classroom with handy tools like Grades, Calendar, and Assignments

  • Create online exams and quizzes and provide students with immediate feedback

  • Use surveys and statistics to gain valuable information about your students


Getting Started

Go to the CMC Canvas login URL, enter your CMC username and password, then click "Login" to continue. You will be prompted by Claremont DUO to choose an authentication method.

Canvas Login Page

Navigating the User Interface


Canvas Dashboard with navigation details

Canvas Support & Additional Resources

CMC provides a Canvas course site to introduce faculty to its features and functionalities. This helps ensure that online student experiences are consistent, engaging, and equitable.

"Welcome to Canvas at CMC" course site


On the Canvas global navigation menu, the Help link provides guides and a community forum for initial troubleshooting and FAQs. Additionally, CMC Canvas offers 24/7 support directly from Instructure via live chat or telephone, making it an excellent resource for addressing questions outside of regular work hours, weekends, and holidays.

For additional support, the ITS Help Desk provides IT assistance to all members of the CMC community. Please feel free to call (909) 607-0911, email, or visit our office in person if you need further assistance with Canvas.