“The CMC students I met were deeply impressive: super-smart, serious of purpose, and intellectually sophisticated, but still fun- loving and great conversationalists. The quality of their comments and questions met or exceeded anything I would expect at my home institution. All this in a stunningly beautiful campus led by dynamic, creative scholars and teachers!”
— Noah Feldman, 2015 speaker Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Harvard Law School
“The Athenaeum is a definitive characteristic of intellectual life at CMC. It is a place to dive deeper into an idea from a class, enrich yourself with a completely new topic, and connect in a different way with peers, professors, and speakers. No other school has anything like it!”
— David Leathers, CMC ’15 Athenaeum Fellow 2012–2013
“This unique and intimate setting offers a powerful format for dialogue and engagement with inquisitive college students who are dedicated to intellectual growth and civic discourse.”
— Margaret Stock, 2015 speaker MacArthur foundation fellow 2013 Attorney, Cascadia-Cross Border Law