Speakers, Spring 2013


January 23
Jonathan Franzen, National Book Award winner; author, Freedom: A Novel (2011) and The Corrections: A Novel (2001); “An Evening with the Author”
January 28
Ray Ryan, Senior Commissioning Editor for English and American Literature, Cambridge University Press; author, The Good of the Novel (Faber 2011) and Ireland and Scotland: Literature and Culture, State and Nation, 1966-2000 (2002); "Publishing Academic Research in the Humanities" (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
January 28
Jaime Ayala P'16, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur; Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2012, Philippines; founder and CEO; Hybrid Social Solutions Inc.; "Can Social Business Save the World?"
January 30
C. Anthony Bush '76, drums; author/composer, The Battle Hymn of a Freedman: African-American Soldiers in the Civil War (2011) and artist on CD, Answered Prayer/The Vision of H.R.A. Wells (2009); Samuel Reece '74, (narrator); David Murray, tenor saxophone; artist on CD, Answered Prayer/The Vision of H.R.A. Wells (2009); Sissel Bakken, mezzo-soprano; Gregory Cook; actor; Yartumo Gborkorquellie; Thorton Hudson, Jr., piano; Bobbie Kyles-Cole; Andrew Robinson; “Battle Hymn of a Freedman: African-American Soldiers in the Civil War”
January 31
John Agnew, Distinguished Professor of Geography and professor of Italian, UCLA; author, Globalization and Sovereignty (2009) and co-editor, The SAGE Handbook of Geographical Knowledge (2010); "Citizenship and Nationality: How Immigration Rules Relate to Different Conceptions of Nationality around the World"
February 1
John Agnew, Distinguished Professor of Geography and professor of Italian, UCLA; author, Berlusconi's Italy (2008) and co-editor, Politics: Critical Essays in Human Geography (2008); "Rethinking the World Water Problem" (12:00 p.m.)
February 4
Joyce Carol Oates, Roger S. Berlind '52 Professor in the Humanities and Professor in Creative Writing, Princeton University; author, Black Dahlia & White Rose: Stories (2012) and Mudwoman: A Novel (2012); “An Evening with Joyce Carol Oates”
February 6
Jon E. Lendon, professor of history, University of Virginia; author, Songs of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins (2010) and Soldiers and Ghosts: A History of the Battle in Classical Antiquities (2005); “The Strangeness of Greco-Roman Thinking about Foreign Affairs-A Guide to the Eccentric Behavior of Modern States?”
February 7
Murray Dry, Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College; co-editor, The Anti-Federalist: An Abridgment of The Complete Anti-Federalist (2006) and author, Civil Peace and the Quest for Truth: The First Amendment Freedoms in Political Philosophy and American Constitutionalism (2004); “Same Sex Marriage and the Constitution” (12:00 p.m.)
February 7
Bruce Cumings, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of History and the College, University of Chicago; author, The Korean War: A Modern History (2010) and Dominion from Sea to Sea: Pacific Ascendancy and American Power (2009); "America in the Pacific, From Polk's War to Obama's 'Pivot'"
February 11
Steve Mariotti, founder, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) (1987); co-author, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (2011) and Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business (2006) "Using Entrepreneurial Education as an Educational Strategy for Low-income Youth" (12:00 p.m.)
February 11
Sharon Olds, Erich Maria Remarque Professor of English, New York University; poet; National Book Critics Circle Award; New York State Poet Laureate for 1998-2000; author, One Secret Thing (2008) and Strike Sparks: Selected Poems 1980-2002 (2004); “A Reading”
February 12
Philip Zimbardo, professor of psychology emeritus, Stanford University; PBS series "Discovering Psychology"; Stanford Prison Experiment (1971); author, The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That Will Change Your Life (2008) and The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (2007); "My Journey from Evil to Heroism"
February 13
Sandra Fluke, social justice advocate; Public Interest Law Scholar, Georgetown University Law Center; former member, Manhattan Borough Presidents Taskforce on Domestic Violence; co-founder, New York Statewide Coalition for Fair Access to Family Court; "Making Our Voices Heard"
February 14
Robert Caro, winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, two National Book Critics Circle Awards, the National Book Award, and the Francis Parkman Prize; author, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Passage of Power (2012), Master of the Senate (2002), Means of Ascent (1990), The Path to Power (1982) and The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974); "An Evening with Robert Caro"
February 15
Hinh Dinh P'14, Lead Economist, Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank, Washington DC; author, Light Manufacturing in Africa: Targeted Policies to Enhance Private Investment and Create Jobs (2012) and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Africa: An Empirical Analysis ( 2012); “Lunch with a Leader: Industrial Development in Africa” (12:00 p.m.)
February 18
Avy Stein P'14, co-founder, managing partner, Willis Stein and Partners, LLC; former managing director, Continental Illinois Venture Corporation; "Preparing America and Yourself for the 21st Century Workforce"
February 19
Ilai Saltzman, Schusterman-AICE visiting Israeli Assistant professor of government, CMC; author, Securitizing Balance of Power Theory: A Polymorphic Reconceptualization (Lexington Books, 2012); “Israel’s 2013 Elections and the Future of U.S.-Israel Special Relations" (12:00 p.m.)
February 19
Herman Tull, lecturer in Classics, Princeton University; author, The Vedic Origins of Karma: Cosmos as Man in Ancient Indian Myth and Ritual (1989) and co-editor, Comity and Grace of Method: Essays in Honor of Edmund Perry (2003); “Whence Sanskrit? (kutah samskrtamiti): The Rise (and Fall) of Sanskrit in the West”
February 20
Tareq Azim, co-founder, Hope of Mother, Afghanistan (2004); founder, Women’s Boxing Federation, Afghanistan (2007); "Make a Purpose of Your Ability" (12:00 p.m.)
February 20
Jaclyn Friedman, writer, performer, and activist; author, What You Really Really Want: The Smart Girl’s Shame-Free Guide to Sex & Safety (2011) and Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power & a World Without Rape (2008) and "Drinking and Rape: Let’s Wise Up About It", Women’s eNews, February 2007; “What You Really Want”
February 21
Cristanne Miller, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Chair of the English Department, SUNY Buffalo; author, Emily Dickinson: A Poet's Grammar (1989); Marianne Moore: Questions of Authority (1995); and Reading in Time: Emily Dickinson in the Nineteenth Century (2012); “'The Ear is the Last Face': Reading Dickinson in Lyrical Time” (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
February 21
Tim Conlan, professor of government and politics, George Mason University; co-author, American Federalism in the 21st Century (2010) and co-editor, Intergovernmental Management for the 21st Century (2008) "The Development of Federalism in the Obama Administration"(12:00 p.m.)
February 21
Athanasios Orphanides, senior lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management; co-editor, forthcoming The Great Inflation; "Politics, Economics, and the Euro Area Crisis"
February 22
Jennifer Mattson, journalist; GlobalPost Breaking News; TheAtlantic.com; USA TODAY; The Boston Globe; The Women's Review of Books; and CNN.com; "On Deadline: Writing and Reporting in the 21st Century" (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
February 22
Mushfiq Mobarak, associate professor of economics, Yale University School of Management; co-chair, Urban Services Initiative, Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) at MIT; director, Bangladesh Research Program for the 'International Growth Centre (IGC)' at LSE and Oxford; author, The Transforming Power of Democracy: Regime Type and the Distribution of Electricity (2009); "Why is the Demand for Welfare-Improving Technologies and Behaviors Low in Developing Countries? Lessons from Field Experiments in Asia and Africa" (12:00 p.m.)
February 23
Douglas Peterson '80 P'14 P'15, Chief Operating Officer, Citibank; president, Standard & Poor's; "2013 Claremont Finance Conference: Risk, Regulation & Return – The New State of the Financial Services Industry" (6:15 p.m.)
February 25
Michael Berube, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature and Director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University; author, Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child (Pantheon, 1996; paper, Vintage, 1998); and What's Liberal About the Liberal Arts? Classroom Politics and “ Bias” in Higher Education (W. W. Norton, 2006); “Bioethics: Too Important to Be Left to Bioethicists"
February 26
Rachel Lloyd, founder and Chief Executive Officer, Girls Educational & Mentoring Service (GEMS); author, Girls Like Us (2011) and co-executive documentary producer, Very Young Girls (2007); "Girls Like Us : The Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Girls in the U.S."
February 27
Andrew Schroeder, assistant professor of philosophy, CMC; author, Incidence, Prevalence, and Hybrid Approaches to Calculating Disability-adjusted Life Years (2012) and You Don't Have to Do What's Best! (2011); “Good and Bad Ways to Allocate Scarce Medical Resources"
February 28
Ting Wu, director, Personal Genetics Education Project; professor of Genetics, Harvard University Medical School; “Personal Genetics: Miracles and Technologies, Promises and Challenges” (12:00 p.m.)
February 28
Naomi Nye, poet, writer, anthologist; author, 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East (2002); A Maze Me: Poems for Girls (2005); There Is No Long Distance Now (2011); and Transfer (2011); “A Reading”
March 1
Joel Appel '87, CEO, Launch Pad, LLC.; co-founder and former president, Orange Glo, International; "Lunch with a Leader: The Orange Glo Story, from Benson to Bentonville" (12:00 p.m.)
March 4
David Teece P'16, author, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and Growth (2011) and Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions (2002); "Profiting from Innovation: Building Firm Level and National Competitiveness" (12:00 p.m.)
March 4
Victor Masayesva, Jr., author, Gila (2012); photographer, Husk of Time: The Photographs of Victor Masayesva (2006); Hopi experimental filmmaker, "Ritual Clowns" (1988); "But Seriously: Clowning and Humor in Traditional Storytelling"
March 5
Ju Hui Judy Han, assistant professor of geography, University of Toronto, Scarborough; "Reaching for the World: Korean/American Missionary Aspirations and Evangelical Encounters"
March 6
Shana Levin, Crown Professor of Psychology and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; co-author, forthcoming Testing a Dual Process Model of Prejudice: Assessment of Group Threat Perceptions and Emotions and Social Dominance Orientation: Revisiting the Structure and Function of a Variable Predicting Social and Political Attitudes (2012); "Universal and Culture-specific Predictors of Group Prejudice" (12:00 p.m.)
March 6
Linda Fayne Levinson, independent director, The Western Union Co.; Ingram Micro, Inc.; NCR Corp.; Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.; "What is Effective Corporate Governance? An Insider’s View of the Boardroom Experience"
March 7
Bruce Hoffman, professor at Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service; director, Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University; author, Inside Terrorism (1998) and The Victims of Terrorism: An Assessment of Their Influence and Growing Role in Policy, Legislation, and the Private Sector (2007); "Al Qaeda and the Future of Terrorism"
March 11
Razia Jan, Founder, Zabuli Education Center, Afghanistan; program director, ARZU, Inc.; "Leadership Lessons from Afghan Girls School Founder, Razia Jan, 2012 Top 10 CNN Hero" (12:00 p.m.)
March 11
Farah Godrej, associate professor of political science, U.C. Riverside; author, Cosmopolitan Political Thought: Method, Practice, Discipline (2011); "Ascetics, Warriors, and a Gandhian Ecological Citizenship: Thinking through M.K. Gandhi" (6:45 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
March 11
Ezekiel Emanuel, Diane and Robert Levy University Professor, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania; author, Global Justice and Bioethics (2012) and Healthcare, Guaranteed (2008); "Health Care Reform and the Future of American Medicine"
March 12
Francisco Varela, Jr. '93, Global Director of Platform Partnerships, YouTube; “Making You Famous: Reaching 6 Billion People on YouTube”
March 13
Alexandria Dionne, production manager and co-producer, The Documentary Group, 10X10, LLC.; "Girl Rising" (6:45 p.m. Parents Dining Room) (3:00 p.m. “Girl Rising” film viewing, Mary Pickford Auditorium)
March 13
Jennifer Pozner, media critic; founder and executive director, Women in Media & News (WIMN); author, Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth about Guilty Pleasure TV (2010); "Reality Bites Back"
March 25
Dina Buchbinder Auron, founder and director, Desport-es para Compartir (Sports to Share); Ashoka Fellow; "Sports for Sharing: Waking Up Children’s Inner Agent of Change Through Sports and Games" (12:00 p.m.)
March 25
Cindy Shea, trumpet, founding director; Beto Jimenez, musical director; Ballet Folklorico Ollin; Sabrina Rodgers, trumpet; Dilly Alarcon, trumpet; Ariana Mejia, flute, vocals; Melena Frances, congas, percussion; Vaneza Calderon, guitarron; Mayra Martinez, vihuela; Melinda Salcido, guitar, vocals; Karina Zurita, guitar, vocals; Maria Lupita Lopez, violin, vocals; Cathy Baeza, violin; Jillian Kardell, violin; Stephanie Martinez, violin, vocals; "Mariachi Divas: A Musical Celebration in Honor of Cesar Chavez"
March 26
David Bjerk, Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation; associate professor of economics, CMC; author, Re-examining the Longer-term Impact of Dropping Out on Criminal and Labor Market Outcomes (2012) and Thieves, Thugs, and Neighborhood Poverty (2010); "Hmm, That Doesn't Sound Like Economics: An Economist’s Perspective on Sentencing Laws, Discrimination, and Willful Ignorance"
March 27
Stanley McChrystal, general, U.S. Army, retired; Commander, International Security Assistance Force; Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan (2009-2010); author, My Share of the Task: A Memoir (2012) and co-author, Behavioral Conflict: Why Understanding People and Their Motives Will Prove Decisive in Future Conflict (2011); "The State of International Affairs and the Security Challenges Facing America"
March 28
Jonathan Zimmerman, professor of history of education, New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; author, Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory (2009) and Innocent Abroad: American Teachers in the American Century (2006); "You Can't Say That: Teachers and the Limits of Freedom in American Schools" (12:00 p.m.)
March 28
Alison Davis O'Keefe '00, photojournalist; author, One Goal (2012); "Across America in the Century's First Decade: The Odyssey of a Photojournalist"
April 1
Doron Weber, vice president of programs, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; author, Immortal Bird: A Family Memoir (2013) and Safe Blood: Purifying the Nation's Blood Supply in the Age of AIDS (1990); "Lunch with the Author" (12:00 p.m.)
April 1
Tim Storer '15, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Don't Have Kids"; Nadeem Farooqi '15, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: I'm On a Boat"; Manav Kohli '16, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Fish are Catching On to Fishing"; Alexandria Brill '16, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Sex DRIVE"
April 2
Lenny Fukshansky, associate professor and chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences, CMC; Mark Huber, Fletcher Jones Foundation Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; Deanna Needell, assistant professor of mathematics, CMC; Sam Nelson, associate professor of mathematics; “A Challenge for the Millennium: The Million Dollar Problems in Mathematics”
April 3
Rebecca Skloot, author, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2010); "An Evening with Rebecca Skloot"
April 4
Joshua Walker, International Affairs Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations; co-author, The Shifting Tectonics of Japan One Year After March 11, 2011 (2012) and Turkey and Its Neighbors (2011); "Partnerships for the Middle East and North Africa in 21st Century American Statecraft" (12:00 p.m.)
April 4
Daniel Mendelsohn, Charles Ranlett Flint Professor of Humanities, Bard College; author, Waiting for the Barbarians: Essays from the Classics to Pop Culture (2012) and The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million (2006); ""Lost" Between Memory and History: Writing the Holocaust for the Next Generation"
April 8
Dinner Theater; "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie (1939) (6:00 p.m.)
April 9
Moises Naim, senior associate, International Economics program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; author, The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States: Why Being in Charge Isn't What It Used to Be (2013) and How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy (2006); "The End of Power" (6:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
April 9
Dinner Theater; "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie (1939) (6:00 p.m.)
April 10
Dinner Theater; "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie (1939) (6:00 p.m.)
April 12
Peter Balakian, Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of Humanities, Colgate University; author, Ziggurat (2010) and The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (2003); "The Transmission of Trauma across Generations: Writing a Memoir about the Armenian Genocide and Growing up in Suburbia" (12:00 p.m.)
April 15
Guy Sorman, contributing editor, City Journal; author, Economics Does Not Lie: A Defense of the Free Market in a Time of Crisis (2009) and The Empire of Lies: The Truth about China in the Twenty-First Century (2008); "The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe and the Future of the Euro"(12:00 p.m.)
April 15
Joseph W. Esherick, professor emeritus of history, U.C. San Diego; author, Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey Through Chinese History (U. California Press: 2011); "China: From Sick Man of Asia to Emerging Superpower"
April 16
Daniel Markert ’91, operations advisor, Afghan National Security Forces in Regional Command East; chief of current operations, California National Guard; "Influence of CMC on a Combat Advisor to the Afghan National Army" (12:00 p.m.)
April 16
Pico Iyer, travel writer; author, The Man Within My Head (2012) and The Open Road: The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (2008); "Our New Global Culture: Visions and Divisions"
April 17
Kenneth Fields, professor of English and creative writing, Stanford University; author, Classic Rough News (2005); "Yvor Winters’ Wild West: Adventures in Poetry (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
April 17
Francine Prose, visiting professor of literature, Bard College; author, My New American Life (2011) and Ann Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife (2009); "The Literary Genius of Anne Frank"
April 18
Johann Olav Koss, 2013 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership recipient; founder, Right to Play; Olympic speedskating medalist; "2013 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership Recipient" (12:00 p.m.)
April 19
Hilary Hoynes, professor of economics, U.C. Davis; co-editor, American Economic Review; "The Health Impacts of the Non-Health Safety Net" (12:00 p.m.)
April 22
John Abizaid, former commander of United States Central Command, U.S. Army; Distinguished Chair, Combating Terrorism Center, West Point; "A Conversation with a Leader" (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room)
April 22
Norman Finkelstein, American political scientist, activist; author, Knowing too Much: Why American Jewish Romance with Israel is Coming to an End (2012) and What Ghandi Says about Nonviolence, Resistance, and Courage (2012); “How to Solve the Israel-Palestine Conflict” (12:00 p.m.)
April 22
Nannerl O. Keohane, Laurance S. Rockefeller Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Affairs, Princeton University; president, Wellesley College (1981-1993), president, Duke University (1993-2004); author, Thinking about Leadership (2010) and Higher Ground: Ethics and Leadership in the Modern University (2006) “Leadership Out Front and Behind the Scenes”
April 23
John-Clark Levin ’12; journalist; co-author, forthcoming Private Anti-Piracy Navies (2013); John J. Pitney, Jr., Roy P. Crocker Professor of American History and Politics, CMC; co-author, American Government: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship (2011) and co-author, forthcoming Private Anti-Piracy Navies (2013); "Private Anti-Piracy Navies: How Warships for Hire will Change Maritime Security" (12:00 p.m.)
April 23
Diane Halpern, McElwee Family Professor of Psychology and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; author, Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the Discipline (2010) and co-author, Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family (2008); "The Psychological Science Behind Hyperpartisanship and What to Do About It"
April 24
Clark Lee '04, political director, Los Angeles County Democratic Party; Seema Mehta, political reporter, Los Angeles Times; Ray Remy '59, past president, L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce; "The Race for Los Angeles Mayor" (12:00 p.m.)
April 24
David Charters, professor of military history, Senior Fellow, Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society , University of New Brunswick; “Counterinsurgency on the Double Double: The Canadian Campaign in Kandahar”
April 25
Corey Brettschneider, professor of political science, Brown University; author, When the State Speaks, What Should It Say? How Democracies Can Protect Expression and Promote Equality (2012) and Democratic Rights: The Substance of Self Government (2007); "When the State Speaks, What Should It Say? How Democracies Can Protect Expression and Promote Equality" (12:00 p.m.)
April 25
Carla Garapedian, documentary filmmaker of Children of the Secret State (2000), Dying for the President (2000), Lifting the Veil (2003), Iran Undercover: Inside the Hidden Revolution (2005), My Friend the Mercenary (2005), Screamers (2007); "Politics, History, and Truth: The Armenian Genocide"
May 6
Kevin Murphy, Kenneth L. Trefftzs Chair in Finance, Professor of Economics, Professor of Business and Law, USC; co-author, The Executive Compensation Controversy: A Transatlantic Analysis (2012) and The Politics of Pay: A Legislative History of Executive Compensation (2012); "Explaining CEO Pay"

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