Speakers, Spring 2012


January 23
Allan Meltzer, Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy, Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper Business School; distinguished visiting fellow, Hoover Institution; author, A History of the Federal Reserve, Vol. II, 1951-1986 (2010) and A History of the Federal Reserve, Vol. I, 1913-1951 (2002); "Why Capitalism?" (12:00 p.m.)
January 23
Steven A. Cook, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations; author, The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square (2011) and Ruling but Not Governing: The Military and Political Developments in Egypt, Algeria, and Turkey (2007); "The United States, Egypt, and The New ‘New Middle East’"
January 24
David Orr, Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics, Oberlin College; author, Hope Is an Imperative: The Essential David Orr (2010) and Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse (2009); "Resilience in a Black Swan World"
January 25
Norman Lebrecht, cultural commentator and award-winning novelist; author, Why Mahler?: How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed Our World (2010) and Maestros, Masterpieces, and Madness: The Secret Life and Shameful Death of the Classical Recording Industry (2007); "Why Mahler? and Other Cultural Brain-Benders"
January 26
Susan L. Taylor, editor in chief (1981-2000) and editorial director, Essence; founder, National CARES Mentoring Movement (2006); author, All about Love: Favorite Selections from In the Spirit on Living Fearlessly (2008) and In the Spirit: The Inspirational Writing of Susan L. Taylor (1993); "Achieving Your Dream: Bold Visionary Leadership from the Inside Out"
January 30
Joel Kotkin, Distinguished Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures, Roger C. Hobbs Institute, Chapman University; author, The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050 (2010) and The City: A Global History (2006); "Class in California"
February 1
Richard Newell Boyd, Susan Linn Page Professor of Philosophy, Cornell University; author, The Madisonian Paradox of Freedom of Association (2008) and co-editor, The Philosophy of Science (1991); "Is Evolutionary Psychology Misleading Us?"
February 2
Elizabeth Wydra '98, Chief Counsel, Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC); "The Constitutionality of Health Care Reform and the Supreme Court"
February 6
Ameena Mirza Qazi, staff attorney and executive deputy director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); "Islamophobia, Discrimination, and National Security"
February 7
R. Scott Hawley, American Cancer Society Research Professor, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO; co-author, Drosophilia: A Laboratory Handbook (2004) and Advanced Genetic Analysis: Finding Meaning in a Genome (2003);  "When Good Eggs Go Bad--Because Sometimes Even Chromosomes Aren’t Perfect"
February 8
Stephen D. Smith, executive director, Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education, USC; author, Making Memory: Creating Britain’s First Holocaust Centre (2002) and Forgotten Places: The Holocaust and the Remnants of Destruction (2001); "Never Again, Yet Again: Listening to the Voices of Genocide"
February 9
David Treuer, professor of English, USC; author, forthcoming Rez Life: An Indian's Journey Through Reservation Life (2012) and The Translation of Dr. Apelles (2006) and Native American Fiction: A User’s Manual (2006); "Reading Reservations: Writing (and Living) Rez Life"
February 10
Jennifer Waggoner '95, president, League of Women Voters of California; "Nobody Wants To Be a Leaderette" (12:00 p.m.)
February 13
Daniel Lurie, founder and CEO, Tipping Point Community; At the Tipping Point: The Future of Philanthropy" (12:00 p.m.)
February 13
John C. Williams, president and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; co-author, Simple and Robust Rules for Monetary Policy (2011) and Welfare-Maximizing Monetary Policy under Parameter Uncertainty (2010); "The Federal Reserve’s Mandate and Best Practice Monetary Policy"
February 14
Nick Bostrom, professor of philosophy; director, Future of Humanity Institute, St. Cross College, Oxford; editor, Global Catastrophic Risks (2011) and author, Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy (2010); "Superintelligence: The Machine Intelligence Revolution"
February 15
Barry Riley, visiting scholar, Center on Food Security and the Environment, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University; co-author, The Development Effectiveness of Food Aid- Does Tying Matter? (2006); "Whither Food Security—The Food Insecure Poor:  What Future Awaits Them?"
February 16
Sheri Berman, professor of political science, Barnard College; author, The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of  Europe's Twentieth Century (2006) and The Social Democratic Moment: Ideas and Politics in the Making of Interwar Europe  (1998); "Social Democracy and the Creation of Modern Europe"
February 17
Karl Schade '96, managing director, Presidio Financial Partners LLC; "2012 Claremont Finance Conference: Boom and Bust- A Discussion of Investing in a Dichotomous Market" (12:00 p.m.)
February 17
Les Waite '67, managing director,  Lombardia Capital Partners; "2012 Claremont Finance Conference: Boom and Bust- A Discussion of Investing in a Dichotomous Market"
February 20
Connie Duckworth P'12 P'14, founder and CEO, ARZU, Inc; partner and managing director, emeritus, Goldman Sachs & Co.; author, The Old Girls Network: Insider Advice for Women Building Businesses in a Man's World (2003); "A Conversation with a Leader"
February 21
Ken Ono, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Mathematics, Emory University; co-author, Number Theory and Modular Forms: Papers in Memory of Robert A. Rankin (2010) and author, The Web of Modularity: Arithmatic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and Q-series (2001); "Unearthing the Visions of a Master: The Story and Legacy of Ramanujan"
February 22
Meg Wolitzer, award-winning and best-selling author, The Uncoupling: A Novel (2011), The Ten-Year Nap (2008), The Position (2006), The Wife (2004), Surrender, Dorothy (2000); "An Evening with the Author"
February 23
Arne Flaten, associate professor of art history; chair, Department of Visual Arts, Thomas W. and Robin W. Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, Coastal Carolina University; author, Medals and Plaquettes: The Middledorf Collection (2011) and co-editor, The Medal, No. 56 (2010); "Computers and Cultural Conflict: Digital Humanities in Tumultuous Times"
February 25
Jay Conger, Henry Kravis Research Chair professor of leadership studies, CMC; editor, Boardroom Realities: Leveraging the Leadership Capability of Your Board (2009) and co-author,  Growing Your Company's Leaders: How Great Organizations Use Succession Management to Sustain Competitive Advantage (2004); "What the Science of Memory Can Teach Us about Leadership" (12:00 p.m.)
February 27
Aseema Sinha, Wagener Family Associate Professor of Comparative Politics and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; co-author, Democracy, History, and Economic Performance: A Case-Study Approach (2010) and author, The Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India: A Divided Leviathan (2005); "India: A Revolution of Rising Expectations"
February 28
Fran Lebowitz,  journalist, social commentator, and author,  forthcoming Exterior Signs of Wealth and The Fran Lebowitz Reader (1994); Eric Puchner, assistant professor of literature, CMC; author, Model Home: A Novel (2010) and Music through the Floor (2005);  "A Conversation with Fran Lebowitz"
February 29
Dan Savage, creator of the "It Gets Better" project and "Savage Love" column, author, It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living (2011) and Skipping Towards Gomorrah (2003); "It Gets Better"
March 1
Charles Bernstein, poet, theorist, literary scholar, Donald T. Regan Chair, professor of English, University of Pennsylvania; author, Attack of the Difficult Poems  (2011) and All the Whiskey in Heaven (2010); “The Politics of Poetic Form”
March 5
Michael Bordo, professor of economics, director, Center for Monetary and Financial History, Rutgers University; co-author, Credibility and the International Monetary Regime: A Historical Perspective (2012) and Theories of International Trade (2006); "Whither the Euro: Some Reflections from the History of Fiscal and Monetary Unions"  (12:00 p.m.)
March 5
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University; author, The Idea That Is America: Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World (2007) and A New World Order (2005); “The Big Picture: Beyond Hot Spots & Crises in Our Interconnected World”
March 6
Esra'a Al Shafei, founder of MideastYouth.com, CrowdVoice.org, and mideastunes.com; "Creating New Visions of the Middle East" (12:00 p.m.)
March 6
Sean McQueen '13, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Technological Future- When Humans Become God"; Jennifer Ringoen '12, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: A New Era for CMC Athletics"; Max Zipperman '14, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Why Eating Bugs Can Save the World- The Case for Entomophagy"; Nadeem Farooqi '15, "CMC Forum Idea Night at the Ath: Fly Me to the Moon (and Beyond)"
March 7
Gigi Birchfield '82 P'12, attorney,  managing partner, and co-Global Practice Leader; Major, Lindsey & Major LLC, Los Angeles ; John Doyle P'11 P'13, California Superior Court Judge, Los Angeles County; Carolyn Kuhl P'11, California Superior Court Judge, Los Angeles County; Margaret Nagle P'10 P'12,  Federal Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Central District of California; Suzanne Segal '82, Chief Magistrate Judge, Unites States District Court for the Central District of California  (moderator); "A Career in Law: Can You Achieve Work/Life Satisfaction?" (12:00 p.m.)
March 7
Ray Kurzweil, inventor, futurist; author, forthcoming How the Mind Works and How to Build One and New York Times best seller The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (2005); "The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology"
March 8
Ian Frazier, staff writer, The New Yorker; author, Travels in Siberia (2010) and On the Rez (2000); "An Evening with the Author"
March 19
Elliott Abrams, Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy (2005-2009); Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations; co-author, Democracy: How Direct? Views from the Founding Era and the Polling Era (2002) and The Influence of Faith (2001); “Arab Spring and Arab Winter: The Fate of Democracy in the Middle East”
March 20
Sheldon Pollock, William B. Ransford Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Columbia University; author, Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia: Explorations in the Intellectual History of India and Tibet, 1500–1800 (2011) and The Language of the Gods in the World of Men: Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India (2009); “Does the Past have a Future? On the Fate of Classical Cultures”
March 21
Soraya Salti,  2012 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership co-recipient; executive director, INJAZ Al-Arab and senior vice president, Middle East/North Africa for Junior Achievement Worldwide; Gene Falk,  co-founder and CEO, mothers2mothers, 2012 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership co-recipient; Robin Smalley, International director, mothers2mothers, 2012 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership co-recipient; Divya Vishwanath '11,  alumni moderator; Nicholas Egger-Bovet '12, student moderator; "Transforming the World Through Leadership and Social Innovation" (12:00 p.m.)
March 21
Soraya Salti, 2012 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership co-recipient; executive director, INJAZ Al-Arab; senior vice president, Middle East/North Africa for Junior Achievement Worldwide; Gene Falk, co-founder and CEO, mothers2mothers, 2012 Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership co-recipient; "Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership Award Ceremony"
March 22
Carl Schramm, CEO and president, Ewing Marion Kaufman Foundation (2002-2011); co-author, Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism (2007), and author, The Entrepreneurial Imperative (2006); "The Entrepreneurial Imperative" (12:00 p.m.)
March 22
Oran Hesterman, president and CEO, Fair Food Network; author, Fair Food: Growing a Healthy Sustainable Food System for All (2011); "Fair Food for All:  Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All"
March 26
Cindy Shea, trumpet, founding director; Gina Duran, trumpet; Ariana Mejia, flute, vocals; Sandie Castaneda, congas, percussion; Daniela Gutierrez, guitarron; Wendy Alarcon, vihuela;  Melinda Salcido, guitar, vocals; Karina Zurita, guitar, vocals; Angel Garcia, violin, vocals; Cathy Baeza, violin; Diana Benitez, violin; Stephanie Martinez, violin, vocals; Valerie Carlos, guitar, vocals; Ruby Torres, violin; "Mariachi Divas: A Musical Celebration in Honor of Cesar Chavez"
March 27
Allison Melangton, CEO and president, 2012 Super Bowl Host Committee; "Super Bowl XLVI: Financial Success and Community Building"
April 2
David Rodin, moral philosopher,  co-director of the Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict,  Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford; senior fellow, Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs; author, War and Self-Defense (2005) and co-author, The Ethics Of War: Shared Problems In Different Traditions (2006); "After Just War Theory"
April 3
Erica Grieder, southwest correspondent, The Economist; Eric Helland, Robert J. Lowe Professor of Economics and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; co-author, forthcoming The Impact of Liability on the Physician Labor Market and The Optimal Jury Size when Jury Deliberation Follows a Random Walk (2008); Chuck Devore '85, Visiting Senior Scholar for Fiscal Policy, Texas Public Policy Foundation; "As Texas Goes…How California Lost Its Edge"
April 4
Robert Gates, 22nd United States Secretary of Defense (2006-2011) and Director of the CIA (1991-1993) and president of Texas A&M University (2002-2006); author, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War (1996); "Remarks by Robert Gates"
April 5
Roderick Camp, Philip M. McKenna Professor of the Pacific Rim, CMC; author, Mexico: Everything You Need to Know (2011) and  The Metamorphosis of Leadership in a Democratic Mexico (2010); "Mexico's Presidential Election, What it Means for the Future"
April 6
Javier Leon '88, managing director, Andell Sports Group; "Lunch with a Leader: Sports Management" (12:00 p.m.)
April 9
Dinner Theater, "Finnegan's Farewell" by Kevin Alexander (1999)  (5:30 p.m. Pickford Auditorium/6:00 p.m. M.M.C. Athenaeum)
April 10
Dinner Theater, "Finnegan's Farewell" by Kevin Alexander (1999)  (5:30 p.m. Pickford Auditorium/6:00 p.m. M.M.C. Athenaeum)
April 11
Dinner Theater, "Finnegan's Farewell" by Kevin Alexander (1999)  (5:30 p.m. Pickford Auditorium/6:00 p.m. M.M.C. Athenaeum)
April 12
Kevin McCarthy, California Congressman (R-22nd district); Majority Whip, United States House of Representatives; "Leadership in Government: Remarks from Congressman Kevin McCarthy" (12:00 p.m.)
April 16
Tony Kushner, award-winning  playwright and screen writer; author, Munich (2005) and  forthcoming The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism & Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures (2012) and Tiny Kushner: Five One-Act Plays (2012); James Morrison, associate professor of literature and film studies, CMC; author, Hollywood Reborn: Movie Stars of the 1970s (2010) and Roman Polanski (2007); "A Conversation"
April 17
Yehuda Bauer, Professor of Holocaust Studies, Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; author, The Death of the Shtetl  (2010) and Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945  (2009); "Genocide and the Holocaust" (12:00 p.m.)
April 17
Naval Krishna, historian and scholar of Indian Arts & Traditions; author, The Ananda-Vana of Indian Art (2004); "How We are in Indian Arts and How Indian Arts and Traditions are in Us"
April 18
Jaime Serra P'14, chairman, SAI Law and Economics and founder, Aklara, CAM (Arbitration Center of Mexico); "Lunch with a Leader: Can North America Compete with China?" (12:00 p.m.)
April 18
Uma Chowdhry, Chief Science and Technology Officer emeritus of DuPont; “Transforming an American Industry”
April 19
Ian Frazier, staff writer, The New Yorker; author, Travels in Siberia (2010) and On the Rez (2000); Jamaica Kincaid, Josephine Olp Weeks Chair and professor of literature, CMC; author, Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalayas (2005)  and Mr. Potter (2002); "Friendship, Literature, and Life"
April 20
Peter Desberg, professor emeritus of graduate education, C.S.U. Dominguez Hills; co-author, Show Me the Funny!: At the Writers' Table with Hollywood's Top Comedy Writers (2010) and Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results (2009); Jeffrey Davis, co-author, Show Me the Funny!: At the Writers' Table with Hollywood's Top Comedy Writers (2010) and author,  Speed Dating 101 (2008); "I Wrote, I Worried, I Pitched: Pitching Comedy Scripts" (12:00 p.m.)
April 24
Abdlatif Al-Hamad '60 P'89, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; "Honorary Degree Presentation and Remarks" (12:00 p.m.)
April 26
Linnea Conrad Roberts, partner and managing director of Investment banking, Goldman Sachs & Co.; "Lunch with a Leader: Investment Banking" (12:00 p.m.)
April 30
John List, Homer J. Livingston Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, author, Using Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics (2007) and co-author, Recent Advances in Environmental Economics (2003); "Tackling Economic Problems Using Field Experiments"

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum

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