Thursday, September 11 |
Andrew Busch, professor of government, associate dean of the faculty, CMC; author, The Constitution on the Campaign Trail: The Surprising Political Career of America's Founding Document (2007) and editor, The Future of America's Political Parties (2007); "The Codger versus the Whippersnapper: Prospects for the Election of 2008" |
Monday, September 15 |
Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to President George W. Bush (2000-2007); commentator, Fox News; "Politics and the Presidency" |
Tuesday, September 16 |
Tom Bevan, co-founder and executive editor,; "The Breakfast of Politicos: A New Way to Get the News" |
Wednesday, September 17 |
Claudia Martinez '00, Director of Operations and Development, Chicago Foundation for Education; author, The Smell of Old Lady Perfume (2008); "Literature YA! Engaging a New Generation of Readers" |
Thursday, September 18 |
Amos Oz, professor of literature, Ben-Gurion University, Israel; author, A Tale of Love and Darkness (2003 tr. 2004) and Panther in the Basement (1995 tr. 1997); "Israel and the Question of Global Anti-Semitism" |
Friday, September 19 |
Stephen Dale, professor of history, Ohio State University; author, Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600-1750 (2002) and Islamic Society on the South Asian Frontier: The Mappilas of Malubar, 1498-1922 (1981); "The Economy and Merchants of Safavid Iran: A View from the Khyber" (12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, September 22 |
Beth Burkhart '94, marketing manager, The Clorox Company; "A Personal Journey" |
Tuesday, September 23 |
Joseph Mendelson III, curator of herpetology, Zoo Atlanta; adjunct associate professor of biology, Utah State University; co-author, Systematics of the Bufo coccifer Complex of Mesoamerica (2005); "The Global Amphibian Crisis: The Scope and Scale of the Problem and the Response"(12:00 p.m.) |
Tuesday, September 23 |
James Fallows, national correspondent, The Atlantic Monthly; author, Blind into Baghdad: America's War in Iraq (2006) and Breaking the News: How the Media Undermines American Democracy (1997); "The 'Axis of Evil' and Beyond: U.S. Foreign Policy in a Complex and Dangerous World" |
Wednesday, September 24 |
Leonard Smith, Frederick B. Artz Professor of History, Oberlin College; William F. Podlich distinguished fellow, CMC; author, The Embattled Self: French Soldiers' Testimony of the Great War (2007) and co-author, France and the Great War, 1914-1918 (2003); "The Wilsonian Imagination in the Middle East: The King-Crane Commission Report of 1919" |
Thursday, September 25 |
Peter Henry, Konosuke Matsushita professor of economics, John and Cynthia Fry Gunn faculty scholar, associate director, Center for Global Business and the Economy, Stanford University; author, Do Stock Market Liberalizations Cause Investment Booms? (2007) and co-author, Domestic Capital Market Reform and Access to Global Finance: Making Markets Work (2007); "Great Expectations: The Stock Market, the Washington Consensus, and the Promise of Prosperity in the Developing World" |
Friday, September 26 |
David Mgrublian '82 P'11, CEO, IDS Real Estate Group; "Lunch with a Leader: The Real Estate Industry" (12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, September 29 |
Victor Cha, D.S. Song-Korea Foundation chair and director of Asian Studies, Georgetown University; Freeman Foundation visiting professor of Asian Affairs, CMC; author, forthcoming Beyond the Final Score: The Politics of Sport in Asia (2008) and co-author, Nuclear North Korea: A Debate on Engagement Strategies (2005); "The Future of America's Preeminence in Asia" |
Tuesday, September 30 |
Marc Weidenmier, William F. Podlich '66 professor of economics, associate professor of economics, George R. Roberts Fellow; director, Lowe Institute for Political Economy, CMC; co-author, forthcoming Competing with the NYSEM and Volatility in an Era of Reduced Uncertainty: Lessons from Pax Britanica (2006); "To Drill or Not to Drill? Lessons from Brazil for the U.S. Alternative Energy Debate" |
Thursday, October 2 |
Gregory Hess, vice president for academic affairs, Dean of Faculty, Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation, professor of economics, CMC; co-author, International Terrorism: Causes, Consequences, and Cures (2008) and All in the Family: Why Do Non-Democratic Leaders Have More Children than Democratic Ones? (2008); Marc Weidenmier, William F. Podlich '66 professor of economics, associate professor of economics, George R. Roberts Fellow; director, Lowe Institute for Political Economy, CMC; co-author, forthcoming Competing with the NYSE and Volatility in an Era of Reduced Uncertainty: Lessons from Pax Britanica (2006); Tom Willett, Horton professor of economics , CGU and CMC; Dean, School of Politics and Economics, CGU; Director, Claremont Institute for Economic Studies; co-editor, Neoliberalism: National and Regional Experiments with Global Ideas (2006) and The Dollarization Debate (2003); Fan Yu, associate professor of economics, CMC; co-author, Risk and Return in Fixed Income Arbitrage: Nickels in Front of a Steamroller? (2007) and author, Correlated Defaults in Intensity-Based Models (2007); Philip Flynn '79, vice chairmen, Union Bank of California; Alan Heuberger '96, investment analyst, Cascade Investment, LLC; S. Brock Blomberg, Peter K. Barker '70 professor of economics and George R. Roberts Fellow, co-author, How Much Does Violence Tax Trade (2006) and The Impacts of Terrorism on Urban Form (2007); moderator; "Financial Crisis Panel Discussion" (12:30 p.m.) |
Friday, October 3 |
Henry Kravis '67, founding partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company (KKR); "2008 Claremont Finance Conference/Lunch with a Leader: The Private Equity Industry and KKR" (12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, October 6 |
David Morgan, professor of history and religious studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison; author, The Mongols (1986) and Medieval Persia, 1040-1797 (1988); "How Mongol Was the Mongol Empire?" |
Tuesday, October 7 |
Ta-Nehisi Coates, blogger; author, The Beautuful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons, and an Unlikely Road to Manhood (2008); "Straight Talk: What Are the Presidential Candidates Really Trying to Say?" |
Wednesday, October 8 |
Eric Helland, Robert J. Lowe Professor of Economics and George R. Roberts Fellow, CMC; co-author, forthcoming The Impact of Liability on the Physician Labor Market and The Optimal Jury Size when Jury Deliberation Follows a Random Walk (2008); "Funding the Judiciary: The Neglected Branch" |
Thursday, October 9 |
Janet Judge, attorney and president, Sports Law Associates, LLC; "Hazing, Harassment, Alcohol, and the Internet" |
Friday, October 10 |
Robert Beyer, CEO, Trust Company of the West; "Lunch with a Leader: The Asset Management Industry" (12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, October 13 |
Michael Genovese, professor of political science, director, Institute for Leadership Studies, Loyola Marymount University; author, Memo to a New President: The Art and Science of Presidential Leadership (2007) and The Power of the American Presidency: 1789-2000 (2000); "Sisyphus and Leviathan Meet Goldilocks and the Three Bears: The Dilemmas of Presidential Leadership" |
Tuesday, October 14 |
Bassam Frangieh, professor of Arabic, CMC; translator of Love, Death, and Exile by Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati (tr. 1990) "An Evening of Arabic Poetry Reading and Recitation" |
Wednesday, October 15 |
Jean Baker, professor of history, Goucher College; author, Sisters: The Lives of America's Suffragists (2005) and James Buchanan (2004); "Repeated Injuries and Usurpations: Women's Struggles for Civil Rights from 1848-1970" |
Wednesday, October 22 |
Heather Coyne, senior program officer, Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, United States Institute for Peace, Washington, D.C.; "Amateur Hour in Iraq: A Worm's Eye View on the Failure of Nation Building" |
Thursday, October 23 |
Ed McClanahan, author, O the Clear Moment (2008) and Famous People I Have Known (1985); former Merry Prankster; "An Evening with the Author" |
Monday, October 27 |
Paul Muldoon, Howard G.B. Clark '21 university professor in the humanities and professor of creative writing and chair, Peter B. Lewis Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Princeton University; author, Horse Latitudes (2006) and Moy Sand and Gravel (2002); "A Poet Reads from His Work" (12:00 p.m.) |
Monday, October 27 |
Clifford Gaddy, senior fellow in foreign policy, global economy and development, The Brookings Institution; co-author, Russia's Addiction: The Political Economy of Resource Dependence (2008) and The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold (2003); "'Kremlin, Inc.': How Vladimir Putin Runs Russia" |
Wednesday, October 29 |
Matthew Yglesias, blogger;; senior editor, Center for American Progress; author, Heads in the Sand: How the Republicans Screw Up Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Screws Up Democrats (2008); "National Security and the 2008 Elections" |
Thursday, October 30 |
Alan Taylor, professor of economics, director, Center for the Evolution of the Global Economy, U.C. Davis; co-author, International Economics (2008) and Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis, and Growth (2003); "The Financial Crisis of 2008" |
Friday, October 31 |
James Quella P'08, senior managing director and senior operating director; The Blackstone Group; co-author, Profit Patterns: 30 Ways to Anticipate and Profit from the Strategic Forces Reshaping Your Business; "Lunch with a Leader: The Private Equity Industry"(12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, November 3 |
Claude Alexandre, director, board of directors, Fonkoze USA; "Microfinance, NGO's, and the Emergency in Haiti" |
Tuesday, November 4 |
Andrew Busch, professor of government, associate dean of the faculty, CMC; author, The Constitution on the Campaign Trail: The Surprising Political Career of America's Founding Document (2007) and editor, The Future of America's Political Parties (2007); Ken Miller, assistant professor of government, CMC; co-author, The Populist Legacy: Initiatives and the Undermining of Representative Government (2001) and author, Constraining Populism: The Real Agenda of Initiative Reform (2001); "Election Night at the Athenaeum" |
Wednesday, November 5 |
Claudia Stevens, producing artistic director, PIANOPLY; visiting scholar in music, College of William and Mary; creator, "An Evening with Madame F" (1990) |
Thursday, November 6 |
David Grossman, author, Writing in the Dark: Essays on Literature and Politics (2008) and Death as a Way of Life: Israel Ten Years after Oslo (2003); "Israel at 60: Nation, Identity, and Literature" |
Friday, November 7 |
Jeffrey Klein '75 P'08 P'11, non-executive chairman of the board, 1105 Media, Inc.; "Lunch with a Leader: The Media Industry" (12:30 p.m.) |
Monday, November 10 |
Zev Garber, professor emeritus of Jewish Studies, Los Angeles Valley College; author, Mel Gibson's Passion: The Film, the Controversy, and Its Implications (2006) and The Impact of the Shoah in America and in Jewish American Life (2008); "Kristallnacht: Memory and Legacies" |
Tuesday, November 11 |
Andrew Bacevich, professor of international relations and U.S. history, Boston University; author, The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War (2005) and editor, The Long War: A New History of U.S. National Security Policy since World War II (2007); "The Limits of American Power" |
Wednesday, November 12 |
Lori Damrosch, Henry L. Moses professor of international law and organization, Columbia University; author, Enforcing International Law through Non-forcible Measures (1997) and co-editor, Beyond Confrontation: International Law for the Post-Cold War Era (1995); "International Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court: Who Has the Final Word" (12:00 p.m.) |
Wednesday, November 12 |
Michael Chertoff, United States Secretary of Homeland Security; co-author, USA Patriot Act (2001); "Conversation with the Secretary of Homeland Security" |
Thursday, November 13 |
Wendy Doniger, Mircea Eliade distinguished service professor of the history of religions, University of Chicago; author, The Woman Who Pretended to Be Who She Was: Myths of Self-Imitation (2004) and The Bedtrick: Tales of Sex and Masquerade (2000); "The Woman Who Pretended to Be Who She Was" |
Monday, November 17 |
Maureen Dowd, Op-Ed columnist, New York Times; author, Are Men Necessary?: When Sexes Collide (2005) and Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk (2005); "Fit to Print: Writing on Washington" |
Tuesday, November 18 |
Roy Mottahedeh, Gurney professor of Islamic history, director, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program, Harvard University; co-author, Globalization and the Muslim World: Culture, Religion, and Modernity (2004) and author, The Mantle of the Prophet: Learning and Power in Modern Iran (1985); "The Strange and Wonderful in Medieval Persian and Arabic Literature and Art" |
Wednesday, November 19 |
Narendra Mishra, sitar; Abhiman Kaushal, tabla; adjunct assistant professor of music, UCLA; Nandini Majumdar '10, tanpura; "Peace and Excitement: A Sitar Concert" |
Friday, November 21 |
Wacira Gethaiga, professor emeritus of Afro-ethnic studies, C.S. Fullerton; "Going Global with Leadership: Developing Sustainable Economies in Africa"(12:15 p.m.) |
Monday, November 24 |
John Nagl, lieutenant colonel, U.S. Army, retired; fellow, Center for a New American Security; author, Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife (2002) and co-author, The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual (2007); "Global War on Terror: A New American Security" |
Tuesday, December 2 |
Claremont Chamber Choir, Charles Kamm, conductor; assistant professor of music, Scripps College; "A Winter Holiday Concert" |
Tuesday, December 9 |
Minxin Pei, senior associate in the China Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; author, China's Trapped Transition: The Limits of Developmental Autocracy (2006) and From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union (1994); "Why Has Economic Development Not Led to Democratization in China?" (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room) |
Wednesday, December 10 |
Quansheng Zhao, professor of international relations, director, Center for Asian Studies, American University; co-editor, Managing the China Challenge: Perspectives from the Globe(2008) and Globalization and East Asia (2007); "The Role of Intellectuals and Think-Tanks in Chinese Foreign Policy Making" (12:00 p.m. Parents Dining Room) |