Monday, September 13 |
William Perry, former U.S. Secretary of Defense; author, Proliferation: Threat and Response (1996) and Report of the Secretary of Defense to the President and the Congress: February 1995 (1995); "Economic Competition and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific" (4:00 p.m. Pickford Auditorium) |
Monday, September 13 |
Richie Havens, folksinger and social activist; co-author, They Can't Hide Us Anymore (1999) and Woodstock Vision: The Spirit of a Generation (1994); "An Evening with Richie Havens" |
Tuesday, September 14 |
Esko Antola, Monnet professor of European Institutions, University of Turku, Finland; co-editor, Citizens and the Exercise of Power in the European Union: In Search of a New Order (1995) and author, Political Harmonization of Economic Integration: Competition Policy as an Indicator of Political Integration in the EEC in 1958-1972 (1980); "The Impact of EMU on Institutions and Decision-Making in the European Union: A Finnish Perspective" (12:15 p.m.) |
Tuesday, September 14 |
Paul Watson, founder of Greenpeace and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society; author, Sea Shepherd: My Fight for Whales and Seals (1981) and co-author, Ocean Warrior: My Battle to End the Illegal Slaughter on the High Seas (1996); "Environmental Activism and Direct Action" |
Wednesday, September 15 |
Alan Wolfe, professor of political science, Boston College; author, One Nation After All: What Americans Really Think About God, Country, Family, Racism, Welfare, Immigration, Homosexuality, Work, The Right, The Left and Each Other (1998) and Whose Keeper?: Social Science and Moral Obligation (1991); "Have Americans Lost Their Virtue?" |
Thursday, September 16 |
Janice Rogers Brown, Associate Justice, California Supreme Court; "Interpreting the Constitution" |
Monday, September 20 |
Billy Harper, saxophone; Mark Masters, conductor, American Jazz Institute orchestra; Greg Riley, bassoon; Jack Montrose, saxophone; Les Lovitt, trumpet; Dave Woodley, trombone; Stephanie Mijanovich, french horn; Bill Roper, tuba; Milcho Leviev, piano; Louis Spears, bass; Joe LaBarbera, drums; "American Jazz Institute Band: A Tribute to John Coltrane" |
Tuesday, September 21 |
Mark Danner, teaching fellow, graduate school of journalism, U.C. Berkeley; author, The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War (1994) and forthcoming Beyond the Mountain: The Legacy of Duvalier (2000); "The Crisis in Kosovo" |
Wednesday, September 22 |
Jeff Colyer, MD, International Medical Corps; "The Politics of Humanitarian Relief in War Zones" |
Thursday, September 23 |
Stephen O'Leary, associate professor, department of communication, USC; author, A Prescription for Millennium Fever (1998) and Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric (1994); "The Millennium and the Media" |
Monday, September 27 |
Barbara Ehrenreich, social critic; author, Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War (1997) and The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment (1983); "The State of Feminism at the New Millennium: Can Women Lead?" |
Tuesday, September 28 |
Martin Marty, Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service professor emeritus of the history of Modern Christianity, University of Chicago; author, Major American Religion: The Irony of it All, 1893-1919; The Noise of Conflict, 1919-1941; Under God Invisible, 1941-1960 (1986, 1991,1996) and A Cry of Absence (1984); "The Ends That Didn't Happen and the Happenings That Didn't End" |
Wednesday, September 29 |
Elaine Thornburgh, harpsichord; Elizabeth Blumenstock, violin; Judith Nelson, soprano; "The Jefferson Chamber Players: An Evening at Monticello" |
Thursday, September 30 |
Jonathan Petropoulos, associate professor of history, CMC; author, forthcoming The Faustian Bargain: The Art World of Nazi Germany (2000) and Art as Politics in the Third Reich (1996); "The History of Nazi Art Looting: Tracking Works Still Missing" |
Monday, October 4 |
Gary Biszantz '56, founder, Cobra Golf; "Entrepreneurship: Art or Science? The Cobra Golf Story" |
Tuesday, October 5 |
Martin Linsky, professor of public policy, Harvard University; author, Beyond the Hotline: How Crisis Control Can Prevent Nuclear War (1985) and co-author, "Impact: How the Press Affects Federal Policy Making" (1986) |
Wednesday, October 6 |
Brian Kennedy '86, director, Golden State Center for Policy Studies; "The Politics of a National Missile Defense" (12:15 p.m.) |
Wednesday, October 6 |
William Nabore, piano; "An Evening of Classical Piano" |
Thursday, October 7 |
Martin Linsky, professor of public policy, Harvard University; co-author, The New Corporate Activism: Harnessing the Power of Grassroots Tactics for Your Organization (1995) and Congress and the Media: The Ethical Connection (1985); "The Press and Election 2000: What Do We Want and What Do We Expect?" (12:15 p.m.) |
Thursday, October 7 |
Lawrence Uzzell, director, Keston Institute, Oxford University; author, Seeking the Sanctuary: The Battle Over the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Moscow, Russia (1995) and Harvard's Blackboard Revolutionaries (1986); "The Russian Freedom of Conscience Act: Orthodox, Protestants, Catholics, Neopagans, Corruption" (12:15 p.m.) |
Thursday, October 7 |
Richard Sheldon, director, Opera A La Carte; Nicole Begue, Craig Gilmore, Rollin Lofdahl, Tracy Van Fleet, Jim Brown, Rita Baker, performance artists, Opera A La Carte; "The Pirates of Penzance: A Performance Preview" |
Monday, October 11 |
Alan Segal, Ingeborg Rennert professor of Jewish Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University; author, Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity in the Roman World (1986) and Paul the Convert: The Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee (1990); "The Origins of Messianism: Social Perspectives" |
Tuesday, October 12 |
Nelson Polsby, Heller professor of political science, U.C. Berkeley; author, Community Power and Political Theory: A Further Look at Problems of Evidence and Inference (1980) and editor, Media and Momentum: The New Hampshire Primary and Nomination Politics (1987); "A Revolution in Congress" |
Wednesday, October 13 |
Nelson Polsby, Heller professor of political science, U.C. Berkeley; co-author, The Divided Democrats: Ideological Unity, Party Reform, and Presidential Elections (1996) and editor, The Modern Presidency (1981), "What Do We Know About Presidential Elections?" (12:15 p.m.) |
Wednesday, October 13 |
James Mann, foreign affairs columnist, Los Angeles Times, Washington D.C. bureau; author, About Face: A History of America's Curious Relationship with China from Nixon to Clinton (1999) and Beijing Trip: The Short, Unhappy Romance of American Business in China (1989); "The Politics of China's Nuclear Policy" |
Thursday, October 14 |
David Hayes-Bautista, professor of medicine and director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, UCLA; co-author, The Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Aging Society (1988) and No Longer a Minority: Latinos and Social Policy in California (1992); "Latino Health in California: Window on the Future" |
Wednesday, October 20 |
Josh Farley, director, Environmental Economics Institute, University of Maryland; author, The Impact of McC: Economic, Population, and Land Use Trends (1985) and co-author, R & D as an Economic Development Strategy: The Microelectric and Computer Technology Corporation Comes to Austin, No. 35 (1985); "The Limits of the Market Economy With Respect to Public Goods or Why Ecological Economics?" |
Thursday, October 21 |
Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1987); former president of Costa Rica; co-editor, Costa Rica: A Traveler's Literary Companion (1994) and El Camino de la Paz; "Moral Leadership in the Age of Globalization" (4:00 p.m. McKenna Auditorium) |
Monday, October 25 |
Orville Schell, dean, graduate school of journalism, U.C. Berkeley; co-editor, The China Reader: The Reform Era (1999) and Discos and Democracy: China in the Throes of Reform (1988); "China and Tibet: An Uneasy Relationship" |
Wednesday, October 27 |
Lois Gibbs, founder, executive director, Center for Health, Environment and Justice; author, Love Canal: My Story (1982) and co-author, Deeper Shades of Green: The Rise of Blue-collar and Minority Environmentalism in America (1994); "Lessons Learned From Love Canal Applied to the 21st Century" (12:15 p.m.) |
Wednesday, October 27 |
William Crouch '63, former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Army, Europe; "A NATO Commander's Perspective on the Balkans" |
Thursday, October 28 |
William Kristol, editor and publisher, The Weekly Standard; co-editor, forthcoming Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy (2000) and editor, Neoconservative Imagination: Essays in Honor of Irving Kristol (1995); "Liberalism, Conservatism and the 2000 Election" (12:15 p.m.) |
Thursday, October 28 |
Liah Greenfeld, professor of political science and sociology, Boston University; author, Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (1992) and Different Worlds: A Sociological Study of Taste, Choice and Success in Art (1989); "The Nature of Nationalism in the Modern World" |
Monday, November 1 |
Richard Landes, associate professor of history, Boston University; editor, forthcoming Encyclopedia of Millennnialism and Millennial Movements (2000) and author, Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes, 989-1034 (1995); "The Apocalyptic Curve: Anatomy of a Millennial Moment" |
Tuesday, November 2 |
Victor Davis Hanson, professor of classics, CSU Fresno; author, The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Days, Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny (1999) and Who Killed Homer: The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom (1998); "The Countryside and Civilization, Ancient and Modern" |
Wednesday, November 3 |
Tim Judah, British journalist; author, forthcoming Kosovo: War and Revenge (2000) and "The Serbs: History, Myth, and the Destruction of Yugoslavia " (1997) |
Thursday, November 4 |
Deborah Buck, violin; Eric Charnosky, piano; "Violin Recital" |
Monday, November 8 |
Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, co-director, National Marriage Project, Rutgers University; author, The Divorce Culture: Rethinking Our Commitments to Marriage and Family (1997) and co-author, Goodbye to Girlhood: What's Troubling Girls and What Can We Do About It (1999); "Marriage and Children: Looking at the Data" |
Tuesday, November 9 |
Loren Finkelstein, program director, Free The Planet!; "Are We Headed For a Green Millennium?" |
Wednesday, November 10 |
Thomas Ehrlich, senior scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; co-author, The Courage to Inquire: Ideals and Realities in Higher Education (1995) and author, forthcoming "Civic Responsibility and Higher Education" (2000) |
Thursday, November 11 |
Ron Lehman II '68, director, Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; "Science Cooperation, International Security, and Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Former Soviet Union" |
Friday, November 12 |
Michael Scriven, professor of psychology, Claremont Graduate University; author, Reasoning (1977) and Theory and Practice of Evaluation (1987); "Making the Grade" (12:15 p.m.) |
Monday, November 15 |
Mort Sahl, political satirist; author, Heartland (1976) and Mort Sahl's America (1997); "Humor in American Politics: It's Not Funny Anymore...Is It?" |
Tuesday, November 16 |
Ruben Martinez, associate editor, Pacific News Service; author, The Other Side: Fault Lines, Guerrilla Saints, and the True Heart of Rock'N'Roll (1992) and The Other Side: Notes from the New L.A., Mexico City, and Beyond (1993); "Border Ballad" |
Wednesday, November 17 |
John Froines, professor of toxicology and director, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, UCLA; "Current Environmental Issues in Public Health" |
Thursday, November 18 |
Walter Zelman, president and CEO, California Association of Health Plans; co-author, The Managed Care Blues and How to Cure Them (1998) and author, The Changing Health Care Marketplace: Private Ventures, Public Interests (1996); "Managed Care Reform in California: What Happened and Why?" |
Monday, November 22 |
Michael Goldstein, professor of public health and sociology, UCLA; author, The Health Movement: Promoting Fitness in America (1992) and Alternative Health Care: Medicine, Miracle, or Mirage? (1999); "The Future of Alternative Health Care" (12:15 p.m.) |