Speakers, Fall 1991


September 16
John Densmore, founding member of The Doors, author, Riders on the Storm: My Life with Jim Morrison and The Doors (1990); "Riding on the Storm: The Doors, The Sixties, and Now" (McKenna Auditorium)
September 17
Peter Boyle, professor of American studies, Nottingham University (UK), author, forthcoming American-Soviet Relations: From the Bolshevik Revolution to the Present (1993) and The Churchill-Eisenhower Correspondence, 1953-1955 (1990); "American Policy Towards the Soviet Union"
September 18
George C.S. Benson P'61, founding president, CMC; author, Business Ethics in America (1982) and Political Corruption in America (1978); "Aristotle and the Habit of Virtue"
September 19
Theresa Crenshaw P'94, president and founder, Ehrenborg Foundation; sex therapist; author, Bedside Manners: Your Guide to Better Sex (1983); "Dating and Mating"
September 23
Olga Zatsepina, professor of English in chemistry department, Moscow State University; "Female Leadership in the USSR" (4:00 p.m.)
September 23
Elena Sverdlova, assistant professor of biophysics, Moscow State University; Tatiana Zabelina, professor of history, USSR Academy of Sciences; "Women as Leaders in the USSR"
September 24
Valentin Berezhkov, senior researcher, Institute for Study of the USA and Canada; author, History in the Making: Memoirs of World War II Diplomacy (1983); "Road to Potsdam and After"
September 25
Kevin Starr, professor of urban and regional planning, USC; author, Material Dreams: Southern California Through the 1920's (1990) and Inventing the Dream: California Through the Progressive Era (1985); "Southern California: The Beginning of the End?"
September 26
Shelby Coffey III, editor, Los Angeles Times; "Classics in the News"
September 30
Craig St. Clair, company historian, Los Angeles Times; "Luring the Colonist: The Los Angeles Times Boosts Southern California, 1881-1962"
October 1
Steve Hallgrimson '64, partner, Hallgrimson, McNichols, McCann & Inderbritzen, San Jose; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Dante"
October 2
Theresa Crenshaw P'94, president and founder, Ehrenborg Foundation; sex therapist; author, Bedside Manners: You Guide to Better Sex (1983); "Dealing with Commitment"
October 3
Bee Canterbury Lavery, chief of protocol, City of Los Angeles; "Southern California: Its International Aspects"
October 7
William Quandt, senior fellow, Brookings Institution; author, Saudi Arabia in the 1980's: Foreign Policy, Security, and Oil (1981) and The United States and Egypt: An Essay on Policy for the 1990's (1990); "Desert Storm-Desert Peace: An Overview"
October 8
Fred Smith, Jr., founder and president, Competitive Enterprise Institute; "The Image of the Scientist/Entrepreneur in Literature: A Comparison of Prometheus, Dr. Frankenstein's Monster and Ibsen's Enemy of the People"
October 9
Kathleen Brown, California State Treasurer; "Southern California: Invest Now or Pay Later"
October 10
Gregory Monahan, associate professor of history, Eastern Oregon State College; "The High Admiral Christopher Columbus"
October 14
Steven Spiegel, professor of political science, UCLA; author, The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America's Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan (1986) and co-editor, At Issue: Politics in the World Arena (1980); "Desert Storm-Desert Peace: The Israeli View"
October 15
Michael Novak, director of social and political studies, American Enterprise Institute; author, The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethics (1972) and This Hemisphere of Liberty: A Philosophy of the Americas (1990); "The End of American Exceptionalism?"
October 16
Kirkpatrick Sale, author, Human Scale (1982) and "The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy" (1991)
October 17
Michael Hudson, Seif Ghobash professor of international relations and government, Georgetown University; author, The Arab Future: Critical Issues (1979) and The American Media and the Arabs (1980); "Desert Storm-Desert Peace: The Arab View"
October 23
Michael Deane Lamkin, professor of music, Scripps College; Karen Manfield '94; Adam Hiller '93; "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Concert Preview"
October 28
Elizabeth Marlies '91, vocals; Andrew Lisoski '93, vocals; Gabriela Teodorescu '94, piano; "Musical Tea: Broadway Musical Duets" (3:15 p.m.)
October 28
Alvin Sanoff, senior editor, U.S. News and World Report; "The Press, Politicians, and Privacy"
October 29
Michael Barone, co-editor, The Almanac of American Politics since 1972; author, Our Country: The Shaping of America: From Roosevelt to Reagan (1990); "Our Country: After the Fall of the Evil Empire"
October 30
George Kiriyama, Manzanar internee; principal, Gardena Community Adult School; "Southern California in World War II: The Manzanar Experience"
October 31
Leo Kostka, seance performer; "Night of the Macabre"
November 4
David Shaw, media critic, Los Angeles Times; author, Press Watch: A Provocative Look at How Newspapers Report the News (1984) and WILT: Just Another 7-foot Black Millionaire Who Lives Next Door (1973); "Desert Storm-Desert Peace: The Journalist's View"
November 6
Jack Stark '57, president, CMC; Ward Elliott, professor of government, CMC; author, Rise of Guardian Democracy: The Supreme Court's Role in Voting Rights Disputes, 1845-1969 (1974); "CMC Growth Debate: Should We Grow or Should We Stay?"
November 7
Edward Uhl-Tessier, disability activist; director, Designs for Independence; "The Most Successful Social Revolution No One Ever Heard Of"
November 11
Martin Gilbert, fellow, Merton College, Oxford; author, Churchill: A Life (1991) and Auschwitz and the Allies (1982); "Churchill Reconsidered"
November 12
Gregory Boyle, pastor, Dolores Mission Church; "Southern California: Gang Warfare"
November 13
Tim O'Brien, author, Going After Cacciato (1978) and "The Things They Carried" (1990)
November 14
Gordon Crovitz, editorial editor, The Wall Street Journal; author, Europe's Siberian Gas Line: Economic Lessons and Strategic Implications (1990) and co-editor, The Fettered Presidency: Legal Constraints on the Executive Branch (1989); "Legal Questions Facing Us Now"
November 18
Ida Guillory, Zydeco band leader; "Queen Ida and the Bon Temps Zydeco Band"
November 20
Marc Reisner, author, Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water (1986) and co-author, Overtapped Oasis: Reform or Revolution for Western Water (1989); "Southern California: Will It Dry Up?"
November 25
Dinesh D'Souza, research fellow, American Enterprise Institute; author, Falwell: Before the Millennium (1984) and "Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus" (1991)

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