Speakers, Fall 1990


September 13
Martin Chemers, Henry R. Kravis professor of leadership and organizational psychology, CMC; co-author, Improving Leadership Effectiveness: The Leader Match Concept (1976) and Culture and Environment (1984); "Effective Leadership"
September 17
Maryann Keller, managing director and automobile analyst, Furman Selz Dietz & Birney, Inc.; author, Rude Awakenings: The Rise, Fall, and Struggle for Recovery of General Motors (1989); "The U.S. Automobile Industry in the 1990s"
September 18
Linda Chavez, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research; "Diversity in America"
September 19
Donald McKenna, founding trustee, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Homer"
September 20
John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M. Warburg professor emeritus of economics, Harvard University; author, The Affluent Society (1976) and co-author, Capitalism, Communism and Coexistence: From the Bitter Past to a Better Prospect (1988) and "Economics in Perspective: A Critical History" (1987) (McKenna Auditorium)
September 24
John Kullberg, president, ASPCA; author, The Animal Rights Handbook, Everyday Ways to Save Animal Lives (1990); "Preventing Cruelty to Animals"
September 26
Warren Farrell, author, The Liberated Man (1974) and "Why Men Are The Way They Are" (1986)
September 27
Jean Kilbourne, visiting research scholar, Center for Women, Wellesley College; author, Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight The Addictive Power of Advertising (1990); "You've Come the Wrong Way, Baby: Women and Smoking"
October 1
Gerald Carmen, president, Federal Asset Disposition Association; "The Savings and Loan Mess"
October 2
Edward Gould '65, board of trustee member, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Prince"
October 3
Suzi Landolphi, AIDS activist; "Hot, Sexy, and Safer-Again: Sex in the 90s"
October 4
Frank Cede, Austrian consul general in Los Angeles; "The New European Structure"
October 8
Lynn Cutler, vice chair, Democratic National Committee (DNC); "A Democratic View of the November Election"
October 9
Peter Gourevitch, professor of political science, U.C. San Diego; co-editor, France and the Troubled World Economy (1982) and author, Politics in Hard Times: Comparative Responses to International Crisis (1986); "International Relations in the 1990s: A New System?"
October 10
Jeanie Austin, co-chairman, Republican National Committee (RNC); "A Republican View of the November Election"
October 11
Christopher Childs, environmental activist; "Greenpeace: Past, Present, and Future"
October 15
Michael Deane Lamkin, professor of music, Scripps College; director, Claremont Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir; "Reformation Cantata No. 80 by Johann Sebastian Bach"
October 16
Robert O'Neill, Chichele professor of history of war, Oxford University; author, The Strategic Nuclear Balance: An Australian Perspective (1974) and Doctrine, the Alliance, and Arms Control (1987); "Germany and the Destruction of Europe in 1940"
October 17
Helen Caldicott, founding member, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient, Nobel Peace Prize (1985); author, Nuclear Madness: What Can You Do (1990) and Missile Envy: The Arms Race and Nuclear War (1984); "Our Valuable Planet" (McKenna Auditorium)
October 25
Mike Lindeman '91; Rob Campbell '91; Bill Purdy '93; Andrew McClearn '91; "Musical Tea: Canteen" (3:00 p.m.)
October 25
Peter Bontadelli, director, California Fish & Game Department; "Can Government Manage the Environment?"
October 29
Don Henriksen, vice president for research, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Henry"
October 30
John Bunzel, senior research fellow, Hoover Institution; author, Anti-Politics in America: Reflections on the Anti-Political Temper and Its Distortions of the Democratic Process (1979) and Challenge to America's Schools: The Case for Standards and Values (1987); "Diversity in America"
November 1
Paul Schurke, environmentalist; author, The Bering Bridge Expedition- Connecting Cultures and Continents (1989); "Thawing the Ice Curtain: The Story of Bering Bridge, The Soviet American Expedition from Siberia to Alaska"
November 5
Jack Stark '57, president, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: The Grand Inquisitor"
November 6
Michael Deane Lamkin, professor of music, Scripps College; conductor, Claremont concert choir; Gwendolyn Lytle, soporano; professor of music, Pomona College; Paul Bishop, piano; Scripps College; "Election Night Americana Festival"
November 7
Galen Rowell, photographer/explorer; author, Mountain Light: In Search of the Dynamic Landscape (1985) and High and Wild (1979); "The Wilderness: Will It Last Forever?"
November 8
Theodore Angelis '94, "Musical Tea: Greek Dance" (3:00 p.m.)
November 8
Paul Shikhirev, senior researcher, Social Psychology Laboratory, Institute of Psychology; "Conflict in the USSR" (12:30 p.m.)
November 8
Ladislav Venys, Czechoslovakian politician; "Czechoslovakia in the 1990s"
November 12
Il Sakong, former Finance Minister of the Republic of Korea; author, Government, Business, and Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Korean Case (1980); "The Korean Economy: Challenges in the Future"
November 13
Richard Fiske, research geologist, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History; author, Krakatau 1883: The Volcanic Eruption and Its Effects (1983); "Volcanoes and Our Environment"
November 14
Abdlatif Al-Hamad '60 P'89, former minister of finance for Kuwait; "Crisis in the Gulf" (4:00 p.m. McKenna Auditorium)
November 14
Shelby Steele, professor of English, San Jose State University; author, The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America (1990); "Diversity in America"
November 15
Claude Steele, professor of psychology, University of Michigan; "The Psychology of Achievement"
November 29
Cornel West, professor of religion, Princeton University; author, Prophesy Deliverance!: An Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity (1990) and Prophetic Fragments: Illuminations of the Crisis in American Religion and Culture (1988); "Diversity in America"
December 10
Ray Drummond '68, bass; Bill Mays, piano; performers on album and song One to One (1990); "Coffeehouse Jazz"
December 11
Erwin Chemerinsky, Sydney M. Irmas professor of public interest law, legal ethics, and political science, USC; author, Federal Jurisdiction (1989) and Interpreting the Constitution (1987); Steve Combs, professor of speech and debate, CMC; Zack Ram, executive director, LPGA; Keene Skofield, speech and debate teacher, Harvard/Westlake prep school; Larry Solum, professor of law, Loyola Marymount University; Dennis Winston, partner, Rosen & Winston, LLP, Los Angeles; "Resolved: Pornography is an Intolerable Degradation of Women"

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