Thursday, September 13 |
Martin Chemers, Henry R. Kravis professor of leadership and organizational psychology, CMC; co-author, Improving Leadership Effectiveness: The Leader Match Concept (1976) and Culture and Environment (1984); "Effective Leadership" |
Monday, September 17 |
Maryann Keller, managing director and automobile analyst, Furman Selz Dietz & Birney, Inc.; author, Rude Awakenings: The Rise, Fall, and Struggle for Recovery of General Motors (1989); "The U.S. Automobile Industry in the 1990s" |
Tuesday, September 18 |
Linda Chavez, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research; "Diversity in America" |
Wednesday, September 19 |
Donald McKenna, founding trustee, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Homer" |
Thursday, September 20 |
John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M. Warburg professor emeritus of economics, Harvard University; author, The Affluent Society (1976) and co-author, Capitalism, Communism and Coexistence: From the Bitter Past to a Better Prospect (1988) and "Economics in Perspective: A Critical History" (1987) (McKenna Auditorium) |
Monday, September 24 |
John Kullberg, president, ASPCA; author, The Animal Rights Handbook, Everyday Ways to Save Animal Lives (1990); "Preventing Cruelty to Animals" |
Wednesday, September 26 |
Warren Farrell, author, The Liberated Man (1974) and "Why Men Are The Way They Are" (1986) |
Thursday, September 27 |
Jean Kilbourne, visiting research scholar, Center for Women, Wellesley College; author, Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight The Addictive Power of Advertising (1990); "You've Come the Wrong Way, Baby: Women and Smoking" |
Monday, October 1 |
Gerald Carmen, president, Federal Asset Disposition Association; "The Savings and Loan Mess" |
Tuesday, October 2 |
Edward Gould '65, board of trustee member, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Prince" |
Wednesday, October 3 |
Suzi Landolphi, AIDS activist; "Hot, Sexy, and Safer-Again: Sex in the 90s" |
Thursday, October 4 |
Frank Cede, Austrian consul general in Los Angeles; "The New European Structure" |
Monday, October 8 |
Lynn Cutler, vice chair, Democratic National Committee (DNC); "A Democratic View of the November Election" |
Tuesday, October 9 |
Peter Gourevitch, professor of political science, U.C. San Diego; co-editor, France and the Troubled World Economy (1982) and author, Politics in Hard Times: Comparative Responses to International Crisis (1986); "International Relations in the 1990s: A New System?" |
Wednesday, October 10 |
Jeanie Austin, co-chairman, Republican National Committee (RNC); "A Republican View of the November Election" |
Thursday, October 11 |
Christopher Childs, environmental activist; "Greenpeace: Past, Present, and Future" |
Monday, October 15 |
Michael Deane Lamkin, professor of music, Scripps College; director, Claremont Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir; "Reformation Cantata No. 80 by Johann Sebastian Bach" |
Tuesday, October 16 |
Robert O'Neill, Chichele professor of history of war, Oxford University; author, The Strategic Nuclear Balance: An Australian Perspective (1974) and Doctrine, the Alliance, and Arms Control (1987); "Germany and the Destruction of Europe in 1940" |
Wednesday, October 17 |
Helen Caldicott, founding member, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient, Nobel Peace Prize (1985); author, Nuclear Madness: What Can You Do (1990) and Missile Envy: The Arms Race and Nuclear War (1984); "Our Valuable Planet" (McKenna Auditorium) |
Thursday, October 25 |
Mike Lindeman '91; Rob Campbell '91; Bill Purdy '93; Andrew McClearn '91; "Musical Tea: Canteen" (3:00 p.m.) |
Thursday, October 25 |
Peter Bontadelli, director, California Fish & Game Department; "Can Government Manage the Environment?" |
Monday, October 29 |
Don Henriksen, vice president for research, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: My Henry" |
Tuesday, October 30 |
John Bunzel, senior research fellow, Hoover Institution; author, Anti-Politics in America: Reflections on the Anti-Political Temper and Its Distortions of the Democratic Process (1979) and Challenge to America's Schools: The Case for Standards and Values (1987); "Diversity in America" |
Thursday, November 1 |
Paul Schurke, environmentalist; author, The Bering Bridge Expedition- Connecting Cultures and Continents (1989); "Thawing the Ice Curtain: The Story of Bering Bridge, The Soviet American Expedition from Siberia to Alaska" |
Monday, November 5 |
Jack Stark '57, president, CMC; "Public Figures and the Humanities: The Grand Inquisitor" |
Tuesday, November 6 |
Michael Deane Lamkin, professor of music, Scripps College; conductor, Claremont concert choir; Gwendolyn Lytle, soporano; professor of music, Pomona College; Paul Bishop, piano; Scripps College; "Election Night Americana Festival" |
Wednesday, November 7 |
Galen Rowell, photographer/explorer; author, Mountain Light: In Search of the Dynamic Landscape (1985) and High and Wild (1979); "The Wilderness: Will It Last Forever?" |
Thursday, November 8 |
Theodore Angelis '94, "Musical Tea: Greek Dance" (3:00 p.m.) |
Thursday, November 8 |
Paul Shikhirev, senior researcher, Social Psychology Laboratory, Institute of Psychology; "Conflict in the USSR" (12:30 p.m.) |
Thursday, November 8 |
Ladislav Venys, Czechoslovakian politician; "Czechoslovakia in the 1990s" |
Monday, November 12 |
Il Sakong, former Finance Minister of the Republic of Korea; author, Government, Business, and Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Korean Case (1980); "The Korean Economy: Challenges in the Future" |
Tuesday, November 13 |
Richard Fiske, research geologist, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History; author, Krakatau 1883: The Volcanic Eruption and Its Effects (1983); "Volcanoes and Our Environment" |
Wednesday, November 14 |
Abdlatif Al-Hamad '60 P'89, former minister of finance for Kuwait; "Crisis in the Gulf" (4:00 p.m. McKenna Auditorium) |
Wednesday, November 14 |
Shelby Steele, professor of English, San Jose State University; author, The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America (1990); "Diversity in America" |
Thursday, November 15 |
Claude Steele, professor of psychology, University of Michigan; "The Psychology of Achievement" |
Thursday, November 29 |
Cornel West, professor of religion, Princeton University; author, Prophesy Deliverance!: An Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity (1990) and Prophetic Fragments: Illuminations of the Crisis in American Religion and Culture (1988); "Diversity in America" |
Monday, December 10 |
Ray Drummond '68, bass; Bill Mays, piano; performers on album and song One to One (1990); "Coffeehouse Jazz" |
Tuesday, December 11 |
Erwin Chemerinsky, Sydney M. Irmas professor of public interest law, legal ethics, and political science, USC; author, Federal Jurisdiction (1989) and Interpreting the Constitution (1987); Steve Combs, professor of speech and debate, CMC; Zack Ram, executive director, LPGA; Keene Skofield, speech and debate teacher, Harvard/Westlake prep school; Larry Solum, professor of law, Loyola Marymount University; Dennis Winston, partner, Rosen & Winston, LLP, Los Angeles; "Resolved: Pornography is an Intolerable Degradation of Women" |