Reginald Anderson, Ph.D.
I received my PhD in mathematics from Kansas State University in May and study derived categories of toric DM stacks. My research areas include algebraic geometry, homological algebra, and category theory.
PhD - Kansas State University, May 2023
Masters of Science - Kansas State University, July 2019
Bachelors of Arts - Colorado College, May 2013
Awards and Affiliations
Lois Aileen Hostinksy Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in Academics Award, Kansas State University. $1500 from L. Aileen Hostinsky Memorial Scholarship Fund. 2019
Research and Publications
“The Hilbert Polynomial as an Embedded Subvariety” pre-print: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16238.69443. 23 September 2022.
Anderson, Reginald C. “What is an Infinitesimal?” AMS Graduate Student Blog, 28 August 2019. Web.
Anderson, R. and D. Havlick. “History and Values in Ecological Restoration Workshop.” Ecological Restoration 31.1 (2013): 7-10. Web.
Anderson, Reginald C. “Growing Up Between.” The Good Men Project - Ethics and Values. Ed. Wisdom Amouzou. The Good Men Project, 3 June 2016. Web.