Nicholas Buccola, Ph.D.

Professor of Government



Areas of Expertise

Political Philosophy


Ph.D., Political Science, University of Southern California

M.A., Political Science, University of Southern California

B.A., Philosophy, Santa Clara University

B.S., Political Science, Santa Clara University

Awards and Affiliations

Oregon Book Award (The Fire Is Upon Us) 


Finalist for Phi Beta Kappa's Ralph Waldo Emerson Award (The Fire Is Upon Us)


Finalist for Museum of African American History's Stone Book Award (The Fire Is Upon Us)


Finalist for Benjamin Hooks National Book Award (The Fire Is Upon Us)


Finalist for Oregon Book Award (The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass)


National Endowment of the Humanities Enduring Questions Award (What is Freedom?)


Research and Publications

The Fire Is Upon Us: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley Jr., and the Debate over Race in America (Princeton University Press, 2019)


The Essential Douglass: Selected Writings and Speeches, ed. (Hackett Publishing, 2016)


Abraham Lincoln and Liberal Democracy (University Press of Kansas, 2016)


The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass (New York University, 2012)

By Appointment
Thursday, 1:00-2:15pm
Tuesday, 1:00-2:15pm