Matthew Magilke, Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise
Professor Magilke earned his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting in 1992 and his M.B.A. in 1998 from St. Cloud State University. He earned a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Wisconsin in 2004. He joined the faculty of Claremont McKenna College as an Associate Professor of Accounting in 2010 after working at the University of Utah from 2004 - 2010. Prior to receiving a Ph.D., Professor Magilke worked in the tax and audit fields for five years in public accounting followed by two years as a controller for a finance company. Professor Magilke's primary research focus is on the determinants of voluntary disclosure decisions as well as the impact of voluntary disclosure on market efficiency and analyst and investor behavior. He teaches financial accounting to undergraduates.
B.S., M.B.A., St. Cloud State University, MN; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison
Research and Publications
Decision Usefulness and Accelerated Filing Deadlines; with J. Doyle; Journal of Accounting Research, 2013.
The Timing of Earnings Announcements: An Examination of the Strategic-Disclosure Hypothesis; with J. Doyle. The Accounting Review, 2009.
Are Independent Audit Committee Members Unbiased? Experimental Evidence; with B. Mayhew and J. Pike. The Accounting Review, 2009.
An Examination of the Effects of Investor Sophistication on the Pricing of Accruals and Cash Flows; with G. Barone. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 2009.
Future Profitability, Operating Cash Flows, and Market Valuations Associated with Offshoring Arrangements of Technology Jobs; with K. Dunn and M. Kohlbeck. Journal of Information Systems, 2009.