Jay Conger, D.B.A.
Areas of Expertise
B.A., Dartmouth College; M.B.A., University of Virginia; D.B.A., Harvard Business School
Awards and Affiliations
2005 European Research Award on Leadership and Corporate Governance, the Association of Executive Search Consultants, for the Sloan Management Journal article "When CEOs Step Up to Fail"
Business Week, selected as fifth among the ‘Top Ten Worldwide Management Gurus.’
Business Week, selected as “Best in Class” Management Professor for executive education worldwide in the specialty of leadership.
Financial Times, World’s Top Educators
Sloan Programme Lecturer of the Year, London Business School
General Excellence in Teaching, London Business School
Center for Creative Leadership’s H. Smith Richardson Fellowship Award
Commerce (Canada), selected as one of the Ten Most Influential Individuals to the Business Community award
Research and Publications
Conger, J. A. and Church, A. H. (2018) The High Potential's Advantage. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
Church, A. H. and Conger, J. A. (2018) "So You Want to Be a High Potential? Five X-Factors for Realizing the High Potential’s Advantage", People + Strategy.
Conger, J. A. and Pillans, G. (2016) Rethinking Talent Management,The Corporate Research Forum, London.
Conger, J. A. (2016) "Boardroom Presence: The Most Important Capability that HR Executives Can Possess" Ziskin, I. (editor) The Human Resources Emerging Executive, Wiley: New York.
Conger, J. A. and Lawler, E. E. III (2015) Addressing the Human Resources Knowledge Gap in Corporate Boardrooms. HRPS People & Strategy Journal, vol. 38, 1.
Lawler, E. E. III and Conger, J. A. (2015) Sustainable Effectiveness Governance Model: Moving Corporations Beyond the Philanthropy Paradigm, Organizational Dynamics.
Conger, J. A. (2014) Addressing the Organizational Barriers to Developing Global Leadership Talent. Organizational Dynamics.
Conger, J.A. (2013) “Mind the Gap: The Structural Challenges Facing Leadership Education, Journal of Leadership Studies, vol. 6, no. 4.
Conger, J. A. And O’Neill, C. (2012) “Building the Bench for Global Leadership.” People and Strategy, vol. 35, issue 2.
Mhatre, K. and Conger, J. A. (2011) “Bridging the Gap Between Gen X and Gen Y: Lessons from Authentic Leadership.” Journal of Leadership Studies, vol. 5, no. 3.
Ready, D. A., Conger, J. A., and Hill, L. A. (2010) “Are You a High Potential?” Harvard Business Review, June.
Conger, J.A. (2009) (Editor), Boardroom Realities: Leveraging the Leadership Capability of Your Board. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Fulmer, R. M. and Conger, J. A. (2004), Growing Your Company’s Leaders: How Organizations Use Succession Management to Sustain Competitive Advantage. New York: AMACOM. (Bestselling Book at the Society for Human Resource Management Annual Conference)
Pearce, C. and Conger, J. A. (Eds.) (2002), Shared Leadership: Reframing the How’s and Why’s of Leading Others. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers
Conger, J. A., Lawler, E.E., and Finegold, D. (2001), Corporate Boards: New Strategies for Adding Value at the Top. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Conger, J. A. and Benjamin, B., (1999) Building Leaders: How Successful Companies Develop The Next Generation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Conger, J. A., Spreitzer, G., and Lawler, E. E. (Eds.) (1999) The Leader’s Change Handbook. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Conger, J. A. and Kanungo, R. N., (1998) Charismatic Leadership in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers. (Winner of the 1999 Choice Book Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Contribution to the Field of Management.
Conger, J. A., (1998) Winning ’Em Over: A New Model for Management in the Age of Persuasion. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Conger, J.A. (Ed.), (1994) Spirit at Work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Conger, J.A., (1992) Learning to Lead. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Conger, J.A., (1989) The Charismatic Leader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Conger, J.A. and Kanungo, R.N. (Eds.), (1988) Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizational Effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Conger, J. A. (2006) “Best Practies in Boardroom Leadership.” In Conger, J. A. and Riggio, R. (Editors) The Practice of Leadership. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
Conger, J. A. and Fulmer, R. M. (2005) “Achieving the Potential of Succession Management.” In Bolt, J. E. (Editor) The Future of Executive Development, San Francisco: Executive Development Associates
Conger, J. A. and Ready, D. A. (2004) “Rethinking Leadership Competencies.” Leader to Leader, Spring, no. 32.
Conger, J. A. and Nadler, D. (2004) “When CEOs Step to Fail,” MIT Sloan Management Journal, Spring, vol. 45, no. 3.
Conger, J.A. and Fulmer, R. (2003) “Developing Your Leadership Pipeline.” Harvard Business Review, December.
Ready, D. and Conger, J. A. (2003) “Why Leadership Development Efforts Fail,” Sloan Management Review.
Toegel, G. and Conger, J. A. (2003) “360-Degree Feedback: Time for Reinvention,” Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal
Conger, J. A. (2003) “Transforming Non-profit Boardrooms: Lessons from the World of Corporate Governance” in Riggio, R. and Orr, S. (Eds.), Improving Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Conger, J.A. and Troeval, G. (2003) “Action Learning and Multi-rater Feedback: Pathways to Leadership Development?” in Murphy, S. and Riggio, R. (Eds.), The Future of Leadership Development. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Finegold, D., Lawler, E. E., and Conger, J. A. (2002) “Building a Better Board,’ Journal of Business Strategy.
Lawler, E. E., Finegold, D., Benson, G., and Conger, J. A. (2002) “Corporate Boards: Keys to Effectiveness,” Organizational Dynamics.
Lawler, E.E., Finegold, D., Benson, G., and Conger, J.A. (2002) “Adding Value in the Boardroom,” MIT Sloan Journal of Management.
Conger, J. A. and Lawler, E. E. (2001) “From Meek to Mighty: Reforming the Boardroom,” Strategy & Business, 25.
Finegold, D. L., Lawler, E. E., and Conger, J. A., (2001) “To Whom Are Boards Accountable?” The Corporate Board, vol. xxii, no. 129.
Conger, J. A. and Lawler, E. E. (2001) “Building a High Performing Board: How to Choose the Right Members,” Business Strategy Review, vol. 12, number 3.
Conger, J. A., Kanungo, R. N., & Menon, S. T. (2001) “Charismatic Leadership and Follower Effects,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 21.
Conger, J. A. & Xin, K. (2000) “Voices from the Field: Trends in Executive Education Among Global Corporations,” Journal of Management Education, vol. 24, no. 1.
Hunt, J.G. & Conger, J.A. (1999) “Charismatic and Transformational Leadership: Taking Stock of the Present and Future (Part II),” Leadership Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 3.
Hunt, J.G. & Conger, J.A. (1999) “From Where We Sit: An Assessment of Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Research,” Leadership Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 3.
Conger, J.A. & Hunt, J.G. (1999) “Charismatic and Transformational Leadership: Taking Stock of the Present and Future (Part I),” Leadership Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2.
Conger, J. A. (1999) “Charismatic and Transformational Leadership in Organizations: An Insider’s Perspective on these Developing Streams of Research,” The Leadership Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2.
Conger, J. A., (1998) “Education for Leaders: Current Practices, New Directions,” The Journal of Management Systems, 10, 2.
Conger, J. A., Finegold, D., & Lawler, E. E., (1998) “CEO Appraisals: Holding Corporate Leadership Accountable,” Organizational Dynamics, 27, 1.
Conger, J. A., Finegold, D., Lawler, E. E., (1998) “Evaluating Individual Directors,” Boards & Directors, 22, 2.
Conger, J. A. (2011) “Socializing Leadership Talent: Ensuring Successful Transitions to Senior Management Roles” in Wanbert, C. (editor) The Oxford Handbook of Socialization. Oxford, UK: Oxford Press.
Conger, J. A. (2014) Addressing the Organizational Barriers to Developing Global Leadership Talent. Organizational Dynamics.
Conger, J. A., (1998) “Qualitative Research as the Cornerstone Methodology for Understanding Leadership,” Leadership Quarterly , 9, 1.
Conger, J. A, (1998) “The Necessary Art of Persuasion: The Language of Leadership is Misunderstood, Underutilized - and More Essential than Ever.” Harvard Business Review, May-June, 76, 3.