Ellen R. Ketels, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of the Faculty for Curriculum; Associate Professor of Literature



Areas of Expertise

Medieval Literature


BA, Washington University; MA, University of York, England; MA, PhD, Columbia University

Awards and Affiliations

Roy P. Crocker Award for Merit, 2018

Claremont Faculty Leadership Fellow, 2018-19

NEH Summer Scholar, “The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts: Interpretation Through Production,” University of Iowa, 2015

Mayers Fellow, Huntington Library, Summer 2014

Gould Center for Humanistic Studies, Summer Research Grant, 2011

Research and Publications


Ellen Ketels Rentz, Imagining the Parish in Late Medieval England. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2015.

Edited Collections

E. Ketels Rentz, "Manuscript Materiality in the Classroom,” a special issue of Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 25.2 (Fall 2018): 7-121. [Co-edited with Michelle M. Sauer, University of North Dakota]


E. Ketels Rentz, "Thinking with the Font: Ritual and Drama." The Baptismal Font Canopy of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich: Interdisciplinary Studies of  Medieval Monument over Four Centuries, ed. Zachary Stewart and Amy Gillette. Leiden: Brill, 2023. Forthcoming.

E. Ketels Rentz, "What Christ Might Say: Adapting Last Judgment in the Prick of Conscience and De Dono Timoris. New Medieval Literatures 23 (2023): 44-65.

E. Ketels Rentz, “‘Holsum to haue in memory’: An Added Tale in an English Book of Hours.” Chaucer Review 54.2 (April 2019): 191-215.

E. Ketels Rentz, "Of Parchment and Pedagogy: An Introduction," Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 25.2 (Fall 2018): 7-16. [co-authored with Michelle M. Sauer] 

E. Ketels Rentz, “Castles for St. William: the Late Medieval Commemoration of York’s Local Saint.” Viator 43, no. 2 (Autumn 2012): 111-29.

E. Ketels Rentz, “Half-acre Bylaws: Harvest Sharing in Piers Plowman.” Yearbook of Langland Studies 25 (2011): 95-115.

E. Ketels Rentz, “Representing Devotional Economy: Agricultural and Liturgical Labor in the Luttrell Psalter.” Studies in Iconography 31 (2010): 69-97.

Thursday, 9-11 or by appointment