Colin Wright, Ph.D.
Emeritus Norwood and Frances Berger Professor of Business & Society
Robert Day School of Economics and Finance
Areas of Expertise
Economic Justice
Economic Justice and Fairness
Politics and Economics
B.S., Brigham Young University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago
Research and Publications
"Some Aspects of Corrective Taxes for Controlling Air Pollution Emission," Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1969.
"Some Political Aspects of Pollution Control," Journal of Economic and Environmental Management, November, 1974.
"Spatial Adaptation to Urban Air Pollution," Journal of Urban Economics, 2, (212-222), 1975.
"Financing Public Goods and Residential Location," Urban Studies, May, 1976.
"The Control of Dynamic External Diseconomies," Journal of the Society for Manufacturing Engineers, 1980.
From Political Economy to Economics - and Back? (with Jim Nichols), (ICS, San Francisco), 1980.
"Economics and the Moral Dimension," forthcoming.
"Morality: In or Out of the Utility Function?" mss.