Aseema Sinha, Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Aseema Sinha is the Wagener Chair of South Asian Politics and George R. Roberts Fellow at Claremont McKenna College in California, USA. She previously taught at University of Wisconsin-Madison and was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center in DC. Her research interests relate to political economy of India, India-China comparisons, International Organizations, and the rise of India as an emerging power. She teaches courses on South Asia, Social Movements, Globalization and Developing Countries, and on Comparative Politics. She also teaches in the Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE) major at CMC. She has authored a book, The Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India: A Divided Leviathan (Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2005), which received the Joseph Elder Book Prize in the Indian Social Sciences. She is also an author of journal articles on trade policy, federalism, subnational comparisons in India, India and China, business collective action in India, and public expenditure across Indian states. Her articles have appeared in the British Journal of Political Science, World Development, Polity, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Business and Politics, Journal of Democracy, Studies in Indian Politics, and India Review. Her latest book titled, Globalizing India: How Global Rules and Markets are Shaping India's Rise to Power was published by Cambridge University Press (2016). She has recently published, “A Theory of Reform Consolidation in India: From Crisis-Induced Reforms to Strategic Internationalization,” India Review, 18 (1): 54-87, “India’s Porous State: Blurred Boundaries and the Evolving Business-State Relationship in India,” In Christophe Jaffrelot, Atul Kohli, and Kanta Murali eds., Business and Politics in India and Aseema Sinha, and Andrew Wyatt, “The Spectral Presence of Business in India’s 2019 Election,” Studies in Indian Politics, Special Issue on Indian 2019 Elections, Volume 7, Issue 2: 247-261. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2321023019874914
B.A. Lady Shri Ram College (New Delhi, India), M.A. JNU (New Delhi, India), M.Phil. JNU, (New Delhi, India); Ph.D Cornell University, USA.
Research and Publications
BOOK. Globalizing India: How Global Rules and Markets Are Shaping India’s Rise To Power. Cambridge University Press, 2016. Refereed.
Find at: https://www.amazon.com/Globalizing-India-Markets-Shaping-Business/dp/1107137233/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Aseema+Sinha&qid=1582747628&sr=8-1
2019. JOURNAL ARTICLE. Aseema Sinha, and Andrew Wyatt, “The Spectral Presence of Business in India’s 2019 Election,” Studies in Indian Politics, Special Issue on Indian 2019 Elections, Volume 7, Issue 2. Refereed.
2019. JOURNAL ARTICLE. Aseema Sinha. “A Theory of Reform Consolidation in India: From Crisis-Induced Reforms to Strategic Internationalization,” India Review, 18 (1): 54-87. Refereed.
2019. BOOK CHAPTER. Aseema Sinha, “India’s Porous State: Blurred Boundaries and the Evolving Business-State Relationship in India,” In Christophe Jaffrelot, Atul Kohli, and Kanta Murali eds., Business and Politics in India, Modern South Asia Series, (New York: Oxford University Press). Refereed. https://www.amazon.com/Business-Politics-India-Modern-South/dp/0190912472/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=atul+kohli+business&qid=1582747553&sr=8-1
2018. JOURNAL ARTICLE. Aseema Sinha. “Building a Theory of Change in International Relations: Pathways of Disruptive and Incremental Change in World Politics.” International Studies Review, 20 (2), June 2018. E version: https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viy031. Refereed.
JOURNAL ARTICLE. Aseema Sinha, “Why Has “Development” Become a Political Issue in Indian Politics?” Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. XXIII (1), (15 pages), Fall-Winter 2016.