
Scott Torrey ’91 P’23 P’26

Dear Alumni:

What an amazing year in Claremont McKenna College history! As alumni, this was truly a time to be proud of! It is also an opportunity to reflect on the College’s achievements in our nearly 78-year history. We broke ground on the Robert Day Sciences Center, saw the vision of Roberts Campus come to life, and completed the historic Campaign for CMC: Responsible Leadership that raised nearly $1.1 billion. The Alumni Association should be particularly proud of this accomplishment, as more than 12,200 alumni made a gift to the campaign. Your overwhelming dedication was tremendous.

And there is so much more to look forward to! I am particularly grateful for the amazing work that the CMCAA Board has accomplished by creating wonderful programs in our local chapters—in addition to virtual and campus events. The vast array of programs is a fantastic opportunity to connect, network, and stay current on what is happening at CMC and in the world. I hope each of you will make it a point to get involved this year—whether it is attending an event, connecting with a longtime friend, helping a student, or participating in one of our many virtual educational programs.

A special highlight this year—that I hope you will consider—is our first Worldmeet in Asia. We would love for you to join us in Singapore from June 12 to 16.

Another wonderful event is Alumni Weekend 2024, which runs from May 30 to June 2. From faculty lectures to dining under the stars and family-friendly fun at Stag-a-Palooza, Alumni Weekend is packed with programs that you won’t want to miss. Reconnect with your favorite professors and catch up with classmates while enjoying the relaxing Alumni Club, and try your luck at Monte Carlo Night—a cherished tradition at CMC. And, of course, you can stay on campus in a residence hall of your choice. Alumni Weekend is for all alumni, but we are paying close attention to classes ending in 4 and 9.

Speaking of alumni connections, an area of focus that I am particularly proud of is our new Engage platform at We now have more than 3,000 alumni registered with Engage, serving as a tremendous way for you to stay connected and learn about what is happening at CMC, in addition to serving as our alumni directory. I would encourage each of you to complete your profile and customize your experience with CMC. This will be your place to find information about upcoming activities, networking opportunities, mentoring needs, and the latest on what is happening in your local CMC networks. In addition, the Engage directory has search features you cannot find anywhere else. You can refine your results by class year, major, location, and even residence hall. Register today to connect with CMC alumni, classmates, and students.

With gratitude, Crescit cum commercio civitas!

Scott Torrey ’91 P’23 P’26

CMC Alumni Association



Spring 2024

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