Silicon Valley Program

SVP Spring 2023 interns

Meet the Silicon Valley Program Academic Interns

Silicon Valley companies are as much about entrepreneurship as they are about technology, and individuals with a liberal arts education help to drive innovative cultures in this global hotspot. The mission of the Silicon Valley Program (SVP) is to provide students of the Claremont Colleges with an off-campus study alternative that marries the liberal arts to exciting challenges facing technology firms in Silicon Valley.





Fall 2024 Application

Applications for Fall 2024 are still open! Email SVP staff at for additional information.


Fall 2024 Internship Updates

The Silicon Valley Program is based in the Northern California Bay Area and prioritizes in-office and hybrid internship experiences. Remote internships may be allowed with approval. 

Our incoming Academic Interns will spend their summer break expanding their networks and applying for a wide range of internships—covering marketing, finance, customer success, data science, business development, venture capital, software engineering, and other areas that feature opportunities in innovation and technology. If you know of in-person (or potentially remote) full-time opportunities for the fall, or would like to host one of them yourself, please reach out to us so that we can help facilitate.