Juliana Fillies, Ph.D.
Areas of Expertise
Juliana Fillies was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has a binational Ph.D. in Romance Philology from the University of Cologne, Germany, and the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Additionally, she holds a second PhD in Spanish Literature conferred by Arizona State University. She has published several articles on Latin American Literature, Afro-Latin American history, and politics of representation. Her research centers on Afro-Latin American literature, visual culture (photography), and history. She has published essays on related topics in Chasqui, Afro-Hispanic Review, and Hispanófila. Her current research focuses on the representation of Afro-Latin Americans in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century photography.
Ph.D. in Spanish - Arizona State University
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature - University of Cologne (Germany) and State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Awards and Affiliations
Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, 2022-2023, $6000
Research and Publications
“Humor y violencia en ‘Escomponte Perinola’ de Carmen Lyra”, Hispanófila, nr. 196, fall 2022, pp. 55-68
“¿Dónde están los negros? Una mirada crítica sobre el archivo fotográfico Mambises de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí.” Afro-Hispanic Review, vol. 39, nr.2, fall 2020, pp. 31-48. (actually published in 2022) (published in 2022)
“La (im)perfecta amistad entre Don Quijote y Sancho: Honor de Cavelleria (2006) de Albert Serra.” Laberinto Journal, vol. 15, 2022, pp. 31-46.
“Símbolos da masculinidade na obra de Flávio de Barros. Uma leitura das fotografias de Canudos sob a ótica do gênero.” Chasqui. Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, vol. 50 nr.2, nov. 2021, pp. 285-304.
“Repensando la independencia de Cuba a partir de la Biografía de un Cimarrón de Miguel Barnet.” Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe. vol. 18, nr.1, 2021, pp. 1-19.
Translated to English as requested by the journal: “Rethinking the Independence of Cuba from Miguel Barnet´s Biography of a Runaway Slave.”
“A representação do negro na literatura oitocentista brasileira à luz do pós-colonialismo.” Brasil/Brazil. vol. 32, nr. 59, 2019, pp. 89-102.
“Miedo blanco y amenaza negra: ejemplos de resistencia afrocubana en Cecilia Valdés.”Confluenze, Bologna, vol. 10, nr. 2, 2018, pp. 291-303.